Started posting earlier but it 404'd... if anyone cares
>Be me , 28 >Move to Truckee CA for job >Seasonal firefighter, work 6 months, go home >Good gig, okay pay >I love cats, like I really like them >no friends, because I'm an antisocial alcoholic >Get on Tinder >decide it would be funny to make a novelty profile of me wearing nothing but cat shirts >I'm not terrible looking either >Swiping right right right >Get a bunch of matches, they all live in fucking Reno >No numbers except two >First girl, hammy >Next girl, looks good in her pictures, likes animals, funny, great >She works from home, says she is busy tonight with work and can't hang out >I tell her, well too bad, I work tomorrow, and won't be home for a week probably >Figure I'll never fuck her, so I'm at home, drinking, cooking food >Ding.mp3 >It's her >"Come over user, lets have dinner" >Sure why not >Drive to her place, chick lives in the ghetto >Text her i'm here >She opens the door, nearly get attacked by her dog >it's a fucking pitbull from her photos >She gets the dog off of me, he likes me >Super awkward, i'm super awkward >We get down to drinking, she likes IPA, so do I >Puts on music, and we just eat and talk, I don't even know about what >she asks me to put something on, I show her Colleen Green (I like her music) >make a move >bowchickawowwow.mpeg >She pulls me off to her room , clothes off >Decent body, could lose about 15lbs , but amazing tits, literally perfect tits, big, but normal skinny girl perfect nipples >We fuck for like 2 hours, 69, doggy, missionary, anal, all of it, and she cums like 4 times >I'm down for girls using a vibrator to get off while we fuck, Its cool with me >We lay there for a while, i tell her i have to go home >few days later i come over, same thing happens >this is the best sex I've ever had >we start hanging out more often, not to fuck, but just hang out, walk her dog, stuff like that >cont
>We hang out almost all of my days off >She likes to go to Sonic (the hamburger place) >We go there every week and get Cherry Limeades, mozzarella sticks, and corndogs >We also hang out, and cook, she is an amazing cook >I cook alright too, and she loves it >but it's fun, I went from having nobody to having a best friend >Her dog loves me >I come over one morning, her dog is outside pooping or eating, doesn't see me >She feeds him raw food, like chicken quarters and apples >entertaining to watch him eat >chompchomp.mpeg >I go into her room, look out her bedroom window, make eye contact with the dog >Dog loses his shit, comes in and just loves me >He loves me, every time he sees me it's like I'm his best friend >Three of us lay on the couch, all day, watch Twin Peaks, drink beer >It's literally perfect >We go to SF a few times, we do fun stuff >November comes around >I'm about to get laid off for the winter and move back to LA >She knows, she knew from the night we met >She's sad about it >I am like, okay I need to get this girl out of my life >I should mention that I got severely broken after a bad long relationship 2 years ago >Literally want nothing to do with any kind of romantic thing because I know I'll fuck it up >"I love you user" she says
Jayden Cox
>I was drunk, we were drunk, I didn’t know what to say >She compliments me about everything >”user, you’re so fucking sexy, your arms, your shoulders, your legs, you’re so fucking cute” >I hate it, because I know Im not >”I love you too femanon” >We do our thing, we throw a Jimmy Eat World mix on Spotify >Firestarter.mp3 >passionate love, like nothing I’ve experienced before >everything is so good, I’m happy for once, but I still can’t get over that someone would love me
Hudson Sullivan
>2 weeks later >We fought because I didn’t want to have sex >she gave me the clap >seriously, not kidding >I went to the doctor, got it fixed >We still hang out, take the dog for walks almost every day >I love her dog
Our last night together >I come over, and we made shrimp burgers >They were epic >We sit on the couch with the dog >drink IPA’s and watch more Twin Peaks >have sex >feelsgoodman.bmp >Time to say our goodbyes
Gabriel Cooper
I don't think anyone cares about this pointless feels thread.
Hudson Kelly
ya, no...
Ethan Scott
I'm gonna continue because this is hitting me in the feels tonight
Matthew Smith
Feels time for me >I tell her it’s time for me to leave >We go outside, and hug >arms on each others shoulders >most sad moment I’ve ever had >I’m crying >actually crying >I knew this was coming, and i didn’t want a relationship >but I’m still crying >wtfman.jpg >She’s crying >”Will i ever see you again user?” >”I hope so” >Get in my car and leave >She stands there >I get home , she calls me, crying >I just say it will be okay and I’m sorry >Next day I leave and drive home to LA
We talk every day, she still sends me pictures of her and the dog. I love her, I love the dog. I don’t know how to deal with this. It fucks me up. Like I threw something perfect away. She said I could live with her, and I wouldn’t have to pay rent or anything.
She was the first person that really, really loved me, and i’m heartbroken, sitting alone in my bed at my parents house.
Thanks for reading anons.
Angel Rogers
I live in reno. I'm interested to see if I know this person...
Brayden Rodriguez
Maybe. I doubt it. Her initials are BM
Josiah Rodriguez
Ian Rivera
she was a few ears older than me. She's an artist, and an interior designer.
James Phillips
What is stopping you? Fear? Imagine that excuse when you are 70, thinking of all of the things that could be.
Mason Sullivan
Matthew Gutierrez
i'd just go back and live with her man
you'd rather live with your parents?
don't fuck this up
Ayden Adams
You're right, I don't. I agree with the other user, you'll look back and regret it.
Elijah Wright
i'm going to move back there next march, but she said we was going to move away to another state in the midwest. She said this before all the love stuff came up.
Ugh. It's just so stupid. But I love her, I really do. She even tells me every night she loves me. But I'm here, and she;s there.
What the fuck am I supposed to do? Nothing. Because I feel like I'm stuck here. I can't tell my friends and family that Im moving away for a girl, especially when I don't have a job until March or so.
Michael Fisher
You're a loser.
Plain and simple.
Cry forever because unhappiness is all you know.
Fucking retard.
Nicholas Perez
I'm just hearing excuses. It's not your parents life, it's yours. I learned that the hard way, living in my parents shadow. It held me back from a lot and I resent them a lot because of it...
Jayden Taylor
go on, its just late, few people are lurking
Isaiah Diaz
you better go after her. I did the exact same thing that you are going to do.
Now I have a kid with another girl, but I cant stop thinking about the other one.
Go after her user, dont waste that chance..
Dylan Hall
No, that's it. That's all there is.
I'm going to find the feels thread. See ya.
Connor Green
You know what you need to do. Go do it before you can't.
Juan Rodriguez
Why did you have to go home user?
Brayden Rivera
But I can't get the image out of my head
>Standing there in the rain, for 10 minutes >Like a shitty Nicholas Sparks book >Literally not getting go >It was like magnets >I couldn't let go no matter how hard I tried >Because I didn't want to >But eventually, I had to
Eli Ross
Because I work as a seasonal employee, and I wanted to go home to see my friends and family.
Now Im here, unemployed until March or May, and I feel obligated to be here, even though I'm doing nothing.
Evan Murphy
Well, you can either stay there and let it all fade away, or you can go and get what's yours.
I know what I would do. What about you, Sup Forumsro?
Hudson Lewis
I know what I want to do, but I feel trapped here. And it's stupid.
I'm an adult, I have money, I should, but i won't because 'm a pussy.
Jack Williams
I've literally lurked for 10 years without posting.
Do it faggot.
Sebastian Robinson
Faggot who likes JIMMY EAT WORLD
Jace Turner
Have you fucked while listening to Bleed American Deluxe Edition?
This is the song I remember the most wile we fucked the first night.
Colleen Green - Wild One
Brody Flores
so uh OP, got pics of femnon? crop out the face, i just wnna see what that body looks like
Jack Sullivan
Imagine Angela White, but add 15-20lbs
Grayson Allen
Holy shit, why have i never heard of this woman? Fuck you OP, I can't fap right now. but i gotta remember her.
Mason Hughes
don't be a faggot, go
Jonathan Diaz
I can't.
I just can't
Ethan Powell
No i dont listen to music while fucking because im not 17
Jeremiah Howard
Noah Ward
dude, wtf even if i didn t love the girl, id much rather live rentfree with her than my parents... WTF
Easton Morales
I k \n\\ow
Luke King
maybe OP is really gay and wants to go back to it while he still can or maybe he likes being sad and browsing r9k
Camden Garcia
Good night anons. Thanks for the support.
>Love you
Jason Taylor
Write back from truckee tomorrow faggot
Parker Campbell
>i’m heartbroken, sitting alone in my bed at my parents house. Well she isn't. That bitch was fucking someone else. How do you think she gave hou clap, tard.