I hate this species

I hate this species

>I can't get girls to have sex with me

Reminder that if you have to have women in the OP of your thread the thread is probably not worth posting



more of right

Aww cute little piggies

she poops on a daily basis, so you wouldn't want to have sex with her.


what the fuck is up with the stupid "1 bent leg, 1 locked leg" pose? and the stupid arched back doesnt make their ass look big, it makes them look like they have a skeletal problem. is it the new duckface? I want to knock these women out cold.

Really? That's fucking disgusting.

I don't hate it.

That's uncalled for
Being a human is pretty cool sometimes

No it's them saying " look at me aren't I fuckable"
Women do this all the time with different poses
Its the equivalent of a slut in a short skirt intentionally dropping her purse in the ground, saying oops! in a high pitched manner, and bending all the way over with her ass pointed right at you
Just another peacock spreading it's feathers type thing

I get what you're saying, but I'm definitely not against that either.

my gf does that all the time. it doesn't mean anything, stop reading into shit that isn't there

Seconded. Sup Forums is just /randomporn/ now. Fucking teenagers ruin everything.

so you gonna tell us which one is her?

Post Trump-Voting Glow ?

pink/red top


lol i have some bad news for you ....