Posted this before but want opinions.My gf has been hinting at getting implants. What do you guys think? I'm kind of for cause Id like to fuck pornstar tits, but also against it cause she does it she can't really go back and I'm honestly ok with them now.. Pic related, her tits. She's Asian if that's relevant. Also I wouldn't' trade be paying for the implants. Do u guys think I should say yes do it or convince her not to.
Posted this before but want opinions.My gf has been hinting at getting implants. What do you guys think...
Older less flattering pic of them. Size changes depending on period.
why the fuck would you get implants? those things have a great size and shape right now
Apparently a lot of her friends are doing it and she's insecure.
For me it's just would I want bigger tits on my gf? Maybe get some that look like this? Maybe I'll like it for a week then regret it.
well maybe if you want hardcore pornstar tits but I think adding anything to them will make them look worse.
to each their own tho
No way.
Those tits are already perfect.
Wife this chick and after she gets old and babbys ruin her tittys she can get implants to fix them.
they look fine
Fucking this. OP, stop being a Faggot and accept your wonderful girl as she is.
Perfect. Don't change a thing.
dafuq? when did non porn star asians start putting plastic on their tits?
this is a terrible trend
Those are perfect. Don't ruin them with implants.
It should be in proper proportion with her ass.
Can u post some ass pics, OP?
That pic isn't my gf...its fake ones that she could get. The first two are.
I prefer them as they are now. I'd save implants for when she hits 40 and they sag to shit.
if you're not going to be with her that long then you're making decisions for the guy who will which is a dick move.
Serously.. proportion is everything.
It looks like she needs an augmentation, and yeah making them bigger and more symmetrical might be nice, I say do it, they feel really nice when they have implants. Something firm to grab a hold of and titfuck. Let her do it.
don't implant them asians in generally have really sensitive breasts and you fuck with that when getting the implants.
Ass is big. Not gigantic but big.
Holy fcking shit nice fucking ass, this is pro implant trump guy, I say let her get some perfect fake tits to match that perfect real ass.
Handbra makes them seem bigger
Yeah she should do it, atleast then they'll be somewhat symmetrical
MMMM they seem so nice, I can't say now, she seems so fit. Bone the shit out of her, fuck and cum all over and in her tits, make her confident in them. You love em?
Id tell her no. She has perfectly fine tits and they are big, esp for an asian. Maybe consider it when they start to droop when shes older. Also post more ass
im gonna have to see a pussy pic to make sure they will be in proper proportion
9/10 would bury my dick in there
> ops pics are of blatant implants
> virgins dont know
Lol you are a virgin if you think these are implants. She's laying down u
These are Implants
If you keep posting this forced meme faggot niggers face im going to hack your IP and send you to the police
Lol kek
Dude adding more weight in the front of her body will sure make her plastic surgeon and her physio richer!
Dude her tits are literally perfect what the fuck are you thinking
Her ass is great too
Of she suggests might be fun to play with perfect fake tits. Like those
Dude WTF?
Fake Tits feel like shit.
I heard some of the more expensive and new procedures are fine.
Any one here actually know anything about breast augmentation? I feel like the procedure has advanced a lot since the old ballons in 70s pornos. A lot of girls have good and natural looking implants. Is it because they had actual boobs before?
Honestly, you have a much bigger problem if she is insecure about herself when she already looks that good. Seriously, that type of mindset can lead to all kinds of problems. Do not support that, you will regret it later for more than one reason. She will physically end up screwed up as others have pointed out thanks to weight on her spine.
That's a bad type of positive reinforcement mentally. This type of thing doesn't usually help with insecurity it tends to make it worse because one now sees every "flaw" as outwardly fixable rather than something they should be comfortable with. It can lead to all kinds of crazy.
It's a slippery slope my friend, and this is your chance to help her avoid peer pressure and help her be confident in herself. You both will be happier in the long run.
Disclaimer : not everyone goes off the deep end, but if you ask me... Its not worth the risk, because most do come out worse. Good luck
Just my advise - I study psychology and this is one of my favorite topics (plastic surgery, body modification and what it means psychologically)
They're perfect as they are, leave em.
i'm very much in favor of comically big tits like Mia Khalifa.
however, you girlfriend's tits are perfect the way they are.
I think most girls just know not to get them too big so they can claim natural. Some virgins believe them (aka people who think Jessica Nigeria bolt Ons are natural) and they put the implant under muscle. Your gf might opt for small implants since she already has pretty big tits, and not a huge frame, so they'll boost her by a cup to two cups but feel mostly like real breasts.
op here. That's what I'm struggling with
What is this? In the same paragraph you are saying she wants to get them done and that she had them done, and posting a pic of someone who clearly already had implants.
You are kinda right because she is Kind of insecure. But I'm just curious what's the difference between her working out to improve her ass and getting implants psychologically? Does going to the gym also get her in the same mentality?
No she hasn't had implants. She's considering it.
also I didn't say she had them done? I said if she does get it done she can't really just go back to having the same tits she has now.
there is no need to risk fucking them up
also, depending on where you live, most doctors are pretty scrupulous about asking why she would want implants from what i've heard. with tits like those only if she wants to do porn would a doctor consider making them bigger.
I dont give a fuck what you say. The tits in your op have implants.
??? Ur kidding me right
These are the best tits I ever saw. Any face pics?
For u fags that think she already has implants it's just the way she's laying and taking the pic. Her boobs are just shaped that way when she leans that way. Heres standing up.
that is a glorious ass
man stop that madness. Her tits are already big and perfect. They couldn't look better
dude, you need to post a pic without hands in front.
also, bonus pussy?
if the other anons are right in them tits being implants, maybe OP's girl asked about implants because of the following:
(a) to receive validation that her breasts look good, as she may have...
(b) an obsession with her breasts (insecure)
(c) she wants to know if OP is cool with implants to reveal later that she had already undergone the surgery
/b always wins. I can't anymore. I'm getting advice from people who can't even tell the difference between real and fake tits...
you're asking for advice about your girlfriend's tits on Sup Forums. where's the self awareness
>I can't anymore.
fag confirmed
Op 8 the b8
Damn it op post more pics