Sup Forums why the fuck am I so anxious about something like this? I had a guy come to my door about having a quote on new windows for my house. It was around thanksgiving and I crack under light pressured situations so I gave in and got a free quote. I later figure out I already have windows and getting a quote would be a waste of time. But my brain can't seem to muster up the courage or reason to tell them to fuck off. All I did was reschedule the meeting until a couple days later but I can't seem to bring myself to cancelling it. I feel like I have some sort of emotional devotion to get this even though I don't fucking want it or need it.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Gavin Williams
You sound weak, cleanse yourself from the gene pool
Luis Collins
sure, but I gotta cancel this meeting first
Christopher Richardson
Cancel the appointment, then do one thing that scares you everyday
Elijah Davis
I kid you not the only thing I really fear is letting someone down
Which ties in to most other fears
Jaxon Rogers
you're not letting them down by telling them you don't need free windows. the workers will be relieved that they don't have to waste their time coming to your house when they already know you're not going to buy any goddamn windows.
Logan Rodriguez
you sir need to "let go"
Evan Hughes
It sort of runs in my mind that they'll be fucking whipped because they finally got someone to get some windows but now they cancel.
I'll fully capable of knowing I don't want them and telling them to fuck off but when it comes to crunch time my brain just goes full fucked
Benjamin Powell
You're just a pussy
Liam James
Probably but I don't give a shit
Christian Peterson
so you get a straight and factual answer to your problems and "you don't give a shit'
and on top of that tell this genius to blow it out his ass? wtf OP you're a faggot
Carson Campbell
I wasn't looking for an asnwer I already know
Wyatt Howard
Nah I'm kinda the same dude. I don't think I'm much of a pushover all the time, but I also feel the feeling that I'm letting someone down by rejecting them on the most menial trivial requests. I'm in Russia right now and I somehow got coaxed into teaching English and I fucking hate it but just feel bad that they'll not have anyone else to do the job so I am stuck in the situation
Zachary Ramirez
Praise to ya lad, hope you make it through.
cyka blyat
Adam Rodriguez
а иди на хуй, брат Thanks bud
Austin Davis
Just realise that the guy's opinion means fuck all to you, just phone up and say you don't want it then never worry about it again. Next time don't answer the door, if its that importabt they'll keep knocking.
Xavier Russell
Its more of a past-time for me. I love answering the door and getting people's hopes up. But usually they just hand you a pamphlet and be on thier way. This nigga wanted all my fucking information. I was going to pretty much stop but I already dug myself a hole before he pulled out the notepad.
Owen Edwards
The only real reason I answered the door was because I had ordered a pizza, and he came just around the time the pizza was expected. I swear it was some second level entrenepuership right there.
Robert Rodriguez
Op do you think you have low self esteem?
Maybe you feel like this because you don't feel as though you're good enough.
Christian Gutierrez
he's probably casing your house
Jason Lewis
They might be a scam coming into your house to see what you got to steal. Using new windows as their key in.
My point being I don't give a fuck, if you aren't family, friends or neighbors I don't care what you have you're not coming into my house.
If I need new windows or anything fixed I'll call a contractor myself, people now are too fucking shady to trust.
William Wright
I already know I have shit self esteem my life is a mess and for some reason this is the highlight of it currently.