It's a shitty place where your kids are so fucking stupid that their mothers calls them autist to feel less guilty about giving birth to a fucking generation of retards.
Your fucking worker class complains about immigrants steal their jobs when they refuse to look at other countrys and see american companies are killing the local market of the rural class of a third world country. You guys are the only country in the american CONTINENT that have such powerful multinacional companies like monsato or apple which sends their products to be craft by childs in a middle east country where in such places you are respnsables of creating wars just to get their oil but when you pices of shit heard about that you don't give a pice of shit because as long as your fucking contry continues to be great because the end justifies de means. You guys are also responsible of killing woman and children. You are the most belic country in the world. You have started as much wars as your ideological enemies, you have fucked as many countries as your enemies had done, your capitalism is as fucked as socialism.
But now with one of the strongest economies in the world your fucking labor class don't have jobs? Most of the american companies are in other countries destroying local buisness. The worst part is that it's thanks to your fucking upper class i mean fucking wallstreet stole billions and you guys don't give a fuck. YOU EVEN MAKE EDUCATION HARD TO AFFORD. . . .EDUCATION!!!
I really hope that your new retarded president fuck your country i hope that if you start another war you guys live it face to face, not with terrorism but like europe expirienced in WWII, i hope that after that you understand what a piece of shit your country is.
It's a shitty place where your kids are so fucking stupid that their mothers calls them autist to feel less guilty...
Other urls found in this thread:
Wut ja say?
Why is it legal to openly hate a whole nation , yet if you are anti-gay , anti-black or whatever , you are somehow the most evil and reviled person ?
But you can burn your nations flag and scream death to America and it is not hate speech ?
Must have been nice to live in Libya before America and France destroyed it. Evil empire fucks. Free Education, Cheap mortgages with many free housing options, highly effective job industry, free medical, free car, Billions of dollars poured into creating vast water pipelines creating huge booms in farmland and massive increased lifestyle in Northern Africa. They wanted to trade oil with Gold, why? Because to do so MAKES NATIONS HONEST. But what happens... what did you do to the saint Gaddafi who should have been humanities Idol on the front of time magazine....
Instead you send in your mercinaries to kill him. To destroy the nation, and to greedily take your oil and install a federal reserve to make yet another sovereign nation slaves.
Fuck you America.
>inb4 new copypasta
tell um OP
Fuck your pussy words like Hate speech, you are the ones who are killing each other with your fucking school shoots and your extremely hate towards other races and even gender, you are the only fucking country in the world that complains about all that daily basis of hate between your citizens, And yet you still feel offended about some rude words about all the shit you have done? Fuck you that's what i think about you and your country
So who exactly are you angry with, opie? Are you implying the American people are "in" on all this stuff?
A lot of Americans share your views, by the way.
Also where are you from?
It's okay. By 100 to 200 yrs the bric nations (especially India and china) will help lead a technocracy that will likely bring levels of stability never seen before. Russia and the USA will likely fall on the wayside in some semi-peaceful manner. Russia and the USA simply no longer contain the people, resources or will to continue being the greatest influences on the world economy.
Our day will end soon enough, and a new day where Ching Chong and 7/11 help rule the world in peace will come.
>t. Rajesh
Sorry your backwater country got fucked over by neoimperialism, op. That's just the way it goes.
But stop insulting my country. It's the greatest.
i just wana ask you how do you get to be so patriotic while your own goverment fuck you in the ass. How did all of you get so comfortable to let all that shit happen
ITT: OP posts the truth about how fucked up America is, and American's respond saying "ya knaw we ain't all that fukked up" as they proceed to shove putins cock down their throat
>third world shitskins actually think this is true and that they shouldnt all be slaughtered for the good of humanity
I cant believe I once ever felt sympathy for muslims
Fucking thank god America elected Trump. Finally they can suffer/
It's far from hate speech when you oppose a totalitarian state that medles with foreign countries policies so they can make a few more bucks leaving said countries in rubble and utter chaos because that state thrives on disfunctional governments to be able to make that money.
I'm only 22. I'm a constitutionalist. I realize what's happening in the world and I hate that we're the puppet nation that is getting fucked over and is fucking everyone over.
That said, I believe Americans have the best shot of any country's citizenry in the world to overthrow the powers that be. If we are to win this war, the absolute worst thing to do is lose our sense of identity and patriotism. Now is the time to raise the American flag for what it once stood for instead of burning it for what it now stands for.
You're addressing one of the dumbest nations on the planet.
>a lot of americans are against it
So Why the fuck do you guys keep letting this happen and don't make an effort to revolt? You guys are all so high on your second amendment to project you from totalitarian government fucking everything up so start actually fucking using it cause america has been fucking up the world since ww2.
Lol it was him or Hillary and if you're a Hillary supporter, you truly are retarded or shilling.
>durr americans r dumb
We lead the world in higher education, fool. I bet your cunt doesn't even have a space program.
the difference between our society and the societies belonging to you worthless shitskins is we have the intelligence to be corrupt and violent on a much larger scale
Just look at all the stupido shit your country has done, please please please kill all the latinos kill all fucking latin america NUKE THEM For fuck sake! Destroy the resources THAT YOU HAVE STOLEN FROM THOSE COUNTRIES, but yeah america for the americans, FUCK THAT! I'ts not been only asia, not only middle east, not only latin america you are a bounch of noisy little fuckers who still from other countries, i'm fucking latino and i hate all the shit you said about us fucking you when you are the ones who destroy or local market, mexican companies can't compete with your companies, you depend so much of that money because you use alot of chep working hand by whom are your stupid iphones made? By childs in the middle west
There's more than one perspective to reality.
One is that the USA is an over-bearing nation that exerts intense economic control over the world: Repression.
Another perspective is that america is an idealistic nation leading us towards a better future: Progress.
Maybe both perspectives are true and false simultaneously. We are living in a paradox which human history and human language cannot fully grasp.
>puppet nation
Excuse me but america is the country who has it's hand up every other countries ass. I don't know what media outlet you are following but it speaks utter bullshit.
Hillary would have strengthened the dollar by fucking up syria for oil, but we didnt elect her.
Get the fuck off your high horse you dumbass nigger.
You get so many scientist from the world, you think all the scinse is made by your fucking citizens? Most of them are forengeins your fucking education IS THE MOST EXPENSIVE IN THE WORLD god damit the only reason they can afford that technology is from the national budget you guys invest more in military than the whole europe YOU ARE MURDERERS SHEEPS WILLING TO KILL FOR THAT FUCKING COUNTRY
There have been attempts to revolt and they've been brutally squashed.
>ruby ridge
I think the goal now is to try and retain as many rights as possible till the elite and military industrial complex implodes on itself and destabilizes the country. Really, what can we do? You act like it's so easy to take down the most powerful government in the world. You act as though anybody who is alive today had anything to do with the regime getting into power or has any duty to risk themselves to overthrow it.
We are trying to get things done democratically. But it's difficult when the last 5 presidents have been neocon puppets sold to the highest bidder. Now we may finally have a chance.
You are a real dick, you know that?! Anyone wanna see a REAL dick?
Yeah no shit you idiot. It isn't america, it's soros and "duh illuminati" or whatever you want to call them. It's a shadow government playing people.
Lol Euro fag.... When Britain left the EU because of immigrants taking jobs you faggots are all for it talking about we need to secure our borders and keep English jobs to English people yet when we do it the world calls us racist bigots.... Only a retard could think that they aren't the same thing...
Why is you country so weak that it allows itself to get played by the USA?
Why the fuck those the american people only rely on the fucking goverment to do shit? why are you always fucking up shit and the expect to some one comes and fix it, you guys are not united as a nation not even have the most social fights in the first world, you have so many hate speech againts all of you, you are so fucking divide. Lern something from other countries like france
Americans are one of the most uneducated people in the world.
Wooptiedoo if your people don't even know what people from denmark are called or that not every fucking country outside of the us is muslim you are not leading the world in education.
france banned paternity testing a while ago and has just about nearly finished cucking the entire french race out of existence
this explains why you sound like some inbred goat fucking muslim
You're trying way too hard. And your video of Jay Leno interviewing flyover state hicks really convinced me of how huge of an idiot I am.
Let Me tell you something youy pices of shit your fucking country is not under the power of aliens or fucking secret societys, there are people ruling it, there are so many rich countries with better life than you, and yet you feel superior. WHAT THE FUCK ASSHOLES??? You guys never heard fraternity?
>Anyone gives a shit about Denmark.
Then why is it that USA is the only nation with an army that can actually make a bid for (official)world domination?
Half of the people in this thread have crippling autism.
You second point comes from a view called american exceptionalism which explains Why americans see it this way but doesn't neccesarily make it true. You can be as idialistic as you want but if your own country is plummeting towards 3rd world country status i feel you don't have a right telling other countries what to do. It's retarded anyway that a country feels as if it has any right to tell other countries how to act
This post right here is why Americans don't care about you people. First you bash us and then you want us to be friends.
If you really have to blame people trying to work for a living just like you for all your problems, then you're a fool.
The arguments itt against Americans is some of the most childish shit I've ever read. The majority of America wants LESS involvement in other countries, because we always end up getting shafted too. Trust me, we don't give a shit about any of you.
Your mom
Don't you get arrested for burning the national flag?
I'm not saying you're an idiot but you can't claim to be pioneering education while you've got these kinds of fucking chimps walking around and there's a metric fuckton of them
Really dumb reaction. Hasn't got anything to do with what i said.
No one gives a shit about Danish faggots go get a pair of wooden clogs and then shove them up your ass with your windmills
America is not the only fucking army, you guys arent the superior technology, enyfucking one that have a nuclear weapon is powerful it doesnt matter if all your fucking country is enlisted as infantery if a nuclear bomb hit you are dead, but yet spends millions like if you where going to WOlrd War II, YOU FUCKED A LOT OF PEOPLE
I said higher education. These people obviously haven't even graduated highschool.
Name one country with a bigger nuclear arsenal than the US.
when you put a massive camera in peoples faces and ask them a random question some times they freeze up
it makes for good TV
when you remove nigger IQ, we're up there with germany and you faggots
same thing with violent crime
dumb smug europoors
Thats the problem you guys just dont care about your fucking city you guys dont care about what happens there you have the fucking best democracy and still fail to join for a better America you would die for that country but not to change that country
Your point is moot.
The U.S. has the highest ranking Universities in the world. 5 out of the top 10 are in the U.S.
Go cry in your safe spot.
>as they proceed to shove putins cock down their throat
Kike-like typing detected.
Show us on the map of Ukraine, where the Russians touched you in your naughty place.
Russia have 7,300 of nuclear heads
America have 6,970 of nuclear heads
Now want me to name the chinese nuclear heads? and the indians
no faggot we have a big military because we have a lot of people and it gives you free college and we gave third worlders all our fucking jobs
I don't even know what you're referring to dude. You're making a lot of sweeping generalizations. Be mindful of that.
Sure, and while you're at list off the naval capabilities of these nations.
Military gives you education? Military lets you keep studying? Fucking Nazis you guys are just like nazis
Every time we try to just worry about our country some Euro trash calls for us to help them because they know we will. Then the faggots have the nerve to bash us after helping them that's why we don't give a shit about you fucking dane cucks
how is it evil to give people who sign up for war the means to do anything but that once their promised time is up?
Yes, nazis. We are nazis. Better stay on your side of the wall, paco.
We're a capitalist meritocracy with probably the most diverse citizenry in the world.
You couldn't find a country further from nazi ideology.
How is it not evil that you need to go to war in order to pay your education? MOST of the best education in the world is free but for you you have to go to fucking war?
>nigger IQ
You've got to be kidding me. All the people shown in the vid were White you can't blame a single race for the general stupidity of a a nations people. It's general knowledge americans don't know shit about the world beyond their borders. You can visit from Australia and be thought of as being from the UK cause of your accent. I mean for fucks sake Leno asked the kids where Iran was and they pointed at australia. it's not even anywhere near the fucking middle east.
No just because there are no fraternity in US people they fight they kill each other, there are four fucking generations of MANY DIFERENT races that are now more americans that other countries but you pices of SHIT ALL OF YOU From the blackest man to the whitest are fucking racists fucking country of hate
Education is wasted on most people anyway, especially when you have as many niggers as we do.
Tons of places with free education are shitholes. It's because they have niggers, not because they lack education.
You got baited by a comedian's video that he made for laughs into thinking it represented an entire nation. All the while screaming on a hentai chat forum about how the media is altering American minds.
You realize this, right?
Not a liberal faggot. Also when half the classes exist out of foreign exchange students you might have great education only your own people aren't making much actual use of it. The higher education thing is a moot point to begin with. I mean good that you guys got some great universities but if you've got a population of a 1000 people and only 10 of them go to that university you can't claim your population is highly educated.
>where in such places you are respnsables of creating wars just to get their oil
where is all this oil then asshole
you fucking faggots have been chanting that like a god damn mantra for years yet there is no fucking evidence of the us taking that oil or using it, where's the paper work, where's the transportation and eye witnesses who's doing the job and taking it back the military doesnt run fucking oil rigs you retard.
fuck you America is better than whatever shithole you're from, you bitch about education? How many schools and universities does your country have, how many scientists are known for discovering and inventing things? world renown economists maybe? philosophers, teachers? none. I bet you can't even think of fucking one famous academic from the recent history of where you're from.
Yea hate US citicens more, blame something bigger to justify your shit but at the end but at the end you are a fucked up country ready to fucking explode i really want to see how the US falls
He thinks that if we ask people on the street questions for an hour we won't be able to find a couple of idiots to cut into a segment for a shit tier late night show.
What a moron.
We don't need to justify anything. A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep, much less a drunken mexican intellectual.
We are not responsible for your countries inability to organize and take care of it's people.
We can't fight every war for you. Get off your entitled asses and rise up against your own warlords, and / or demand better from your government.
Don't hate on the U.S. because your country is shit. It's your country, fix it.
This is what trump supporters are trying to fix.
Multiculturalism and increasing homicide rate can be mutually exclusive, if executed properly. However these two phenomena seem to go hand in hand worldwide.
Sorry our crime rates are too much for you to handle, but I'm not losing too much sleep over it. I don't live in a liberal shit hole
Aha, there it is. More divisive war mongering from ISIL and her Islamic Sister Hillary.
Not gonna work Deash.
Actually I do, but at least I have my guns to keep me warm and plan on moving out of this hive of degeneracy soon enough.
>thinking the video was anything more than an exemple
>thinking i don'tread up on shit
>being this retarded
Posted this one already
This ones about what we are discussing
This ones about your almost religious view of the constition
This al ties to eachother to form the basis of why america does what it does without shame or a second thought.
>it's your country, fix it
So stay the fuck out if other countries when you aren't in any way asked to help.
Thanks for all the wiki articles which simply define what we're talking about. However, these are not arguments.
This is the most retarded assumption i have ever seen
Hang on, lemme call off Obama's drone strikes real quick. Oh wait, I don't have the authority to do that.
Looks like you're gonna have to quit your bellyaching
>these are not arguments
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Faggot. You just don't wanna go through the trouble of reading the articles to try and build an understanding of my point of view to engage in an actual discussion instead of trying to make people look retarded by acting as if you actually believe someone bases his entire argument on a video of the crimson chin so you can get an easy win.
>we as a people can't do anything against what our government does
>don't take away our guns though, we neem them to overthrow the government.
America land of the paradox.
Americans fucking contries with wars,but doesnt guve a shit when those contries are fucked
Sorry dude, what u are describing is Holland (the netherlands)
I already know the terms, dummy.
How about you post some statistics showing just how terrible it is here in America so you can enlighten me about my own country's shortcomings?
As if I don't know way more than you about this subject.
As if I'm the one starting a "fuck america" thread on his dial-up internet in some socialist/caliphate/human rights-violating shit hole, trying to blame all his problems on an already troubled people who have nothing to do with anything you're describing.
Hahaha kanker domme Amerikanen
Fuck off to Poll, shitface
I'd rather just jack off and post memes. The fact that my country is ripping off other countries isn't really causing too big of a thorn in my foot.
>third world shithole yada yada
>What are global macroeconomics
Wow great. You don't have niggers jacking up your numbers. Congratulations.
Notice that little part that says "make 21% more money"?
That's the important one.
Note here that the us has more infant deaths than any northern european country.
Note that all the countries that have a higher murder rate are all either african or caribean countries.
I could go on and on
Rotterdam is 49% dutch to 51% foreign don't spout dumb shit
That's not exaggerated at all
tl;dr nigger