Where's the feels thread?

Where's the feels thread?
I can't find it, and I need it right now.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm far too repressed to properly explain my feelings.



Posted this in a thread a few minutes ago. Too lazy to type out again. Sorry if I'm not great at greentext

Just learned that my sister now has skin cancer, and so close to Christmas, too. I need some feels as well Sup Forums

sorry for your loss

dubs checked and also sorry dude that sucks :/

Nice dubs, I'm so sorry about your sister bro.

My sister and I don't get along, she hates me, and my parents love her.

dang man

Thanks, user. Means more to me than you know.



>No siblings
>Father and I are not speaking
>Never a gf
>Autistically turned down girls in school who were my type
>Spent a month trying to make a life with my best friend in a new state
>Hated who I knew him as
>Always underestimated
>Homicidal/Suicidal thoughts
>Wanting so badly to break out and say what I want
>Want to become who I want
>I want to become someone who isn't sensitive
>Fuck for pleasure
>Deep down want love
>Think love is a joke and fake
>Life has no meaning, but find calmness in that
>Drinking heavily
>Want the life that people think is wrong
>All this effort and you die anyway
>Use drugs to fill the void
>Rage is the only emotion I feel that makes me feel almost human
>That and sadness
>Wallowing in my own misery and self guilt
Repressed sexual rage?

This feels thread isn't feels enough

I grow hair on all wrong places.

It's been a while since I was on here...

>Be me, 23, male
>Spent a year or so getting over breakup
>Thought she was the one, blah blah blah, all that crap
>Finally consider looking again
>Now, I have this shitty quality of actually caring about people, without needing a reason.
>Coworker going through tough time, just lost Grandmother and an Uncle
>Offer shoulder to cry on, someone to smoke with, just being nice
>We begin texting and talking regularly, almost the entire time we're both awake.
>Seems someone is amazed I haven't made advances on them.
>So I do, and they are reciprocated well.
>Maybe I could be happy with her...
>Maybe not...
>What do you do when the person that makes you the happiest you've ever been, wants you to be someone else?

I can't feel my dick right now.







Being sad only means I was once pretty happy. Being this alone means I wasn't before. I just wish I could go back, live in those memories forever.



>Be me 17 year Old teen
>Wanna try New stuff
>Im at Friends House
>Already drink some vodka not to much tho
>Its Halloween
>He suggests me take xtc
>Me yah nah
>5minute later yah fuck it
>Took a half nothing happens
Friend overreact Wow dude why you not tripping
>My edge bar gets loaded
Full edgemode activated
>I May Have mdma resistance
>Take another half
>30 min later Oh shit feelsbadman
>Friends calm me down
>I calm down
>Holy shit this is amazing
>Music feels fucking great
>Listen to skyrim atomsphere
>Best moment of my Life
>Tell Friends i fucking Love them
>3 hours later
>Friends suggest take another one
>Yah why not
>Shit start go bad
>I get scared of one my mates becus Hé looked like an dead David Bowie
>1 hour later other friend get anonyd of me pulls An angry face Hé looks like chriswalker from outlast
>start to panic the fuck out
>Heavy breathing
>For 4 hour Long
>Crying my ass Out 1hour long
>Thinking im going insane
>Depression kicks in
>1 day later still cant feel good
>Go to doctor
>2 full weeks depressed
>Depression turns into derealization
>Its been a month still Have derealization
>You cant cure derealization
>Im fucked for Life

I've been living by this. I don't care about most of friends or if they talk to me. However Fuck, I miss her. But if she missed us, well she'd probably talk to me.

>we laugh because it hurts too much to cry
Traumatic events, lonely nights, endless cigarettes. Depression and the understanding death is pretty okay, however you just haven't yet, while maybe others did. Years will pass, you may not get over it completely, but you just kinda get used to the depression. Wearing a mask is tite, continuing life and doing what humans expect out of you. Numbness does take over, but you are pretty good and wearing that fucking mask. Sometimes you like to think you bear the same emotions other humans have, but you will constantly be let down. Whether it's a woman you thought you had feelings for, a day you thought was perfect, etc. You will be let down. But you get to lay down, and regress back to that depression. The only thing youre truly comfortable with. Peace in depression. And you die one day. But you won't force it. Because you won't do to people what others could do to you.


No, I don't speak to her anymore because she blocked me on steam.

She will, one day. But that day isn't today and isn't tomorrow. She said one day she could wake up and regret everything, and want us back. But I just miss my best friend, she was a lot more than another girlfriend

Sorry I am drunk and full of typos. Sometimes I think a case of IPAs a day at the age of 21 aint so great

I don't speak to her anymore either... Similar situation.

I'm not even sure it's that I miss my best friend. It's that someone that made me a better person every single day could just walk away like that. Back to a living hell she apparently felt more comfortable going back to than staying with someone that loved her.

I feel ya, but I don't drink all that much, a case of IPA's doesn't do anything to me.

anyone of you played seen on android? this shit hits really hard, especially if you are a kv, it just feels so real ;_;

Link to the playstore?

no one wants to change and everyone wants the others to change...
do you see something wrong here?

How important are other people anyways?
I only recently (like 2 weeks ago) started talking to a friend of mine again. Before that I didn't talk to anyone for about 4 months, with some minor exceptions when talking to certain "friends" in their comments, but I never added them back and actually had a conversation with them.
I am still asshole-ish and keep arguing with the person I have currently added. Like dumb arguments that come from my side, simply because I feel the need to argue about stupid shit.
I feel like I should just stop talking to people, because I keep being an ass to people over stupid little arguments.


Edit: I am just afraid of being alone again.
It's not fun to wake up and spend the whole day on your PC, flaming in youtube comments (whcih I haven't done since I started talking to this one friend again) and playing L4D2 for like 6 hours a day and have that as my only interaction with people.

She had some issues. I'm not going to become an abuser in order to keep someone.

I've found that there are actually a few decent people out there, but it took over a decade of severe depression to find any of them. The best I can say is that there are a few. I'm fucking terrified of being alone again, but that doesn't change the fact that until I am stable, most of the people I meet are going to run when I show them who I really am. I won't say it gets easier, but you become accustomed to it as it goes by.

Gratzi user. I'll give it a try.

You should download Katawa Shoujo, assuming you've got a computer.


>meet girl
>becomes gf
>we were perfect for each other, we liked the same stuff and had no problem for 3 years
>i fall into a depression
>she cant see me like that
> she leaves me
>i fall into an even harder depression
> finally decided to fix my shit and get help so i can be a normal human again and get back together
> finally think i am part of the world again
> life goes better, can smile now
> feelsgoodman.jpg
> decided to contact ex and ask her out
> she got a new boyfriend
> it bothers me way more than it should
> depression grows bigger again

feels bad man
feels bad man


thanks, i'll check that out. on a scale of 1-10, how sad is it?

Completely up to you. There are several different storylines, my favorite is probably the artist. If you want pointlessly sad though, just make sure not to do anything with anyone but your roommate.

My mother has breast cancer and i failed my drivers test for the second time today, i dont quite feel good, but i feel even bad for disappointing her in a sense. I dont want her to leave this world knowing that i'm not in a good place.

oh i see, then i'll probably start with the artist one


>A mother's love is something special...

Trying hard not to make Oedipus joke...

>Just try. Be mature, but don't be afraid to show emotion.
>Choose to be in a good place mentally.
>Even if your life falls to shit if she dies, try to live up to that idea she has of you.
>This world is full of terrible things, things that make good people give up every single day.
>Things that make the strongest people break down, become hollow husks of human beings, even end it all.

>We have to be better than all that.
>We have to fight that inexorable pull towards depression.
>We have to believe that if we keep struggling, things will be better.

There is a walkthrough online if you end up needing it.

For you.

I drew life from my drinking birds perspective today

This is for you user.
Know that you are someone unique and special, meant for something great.

Rest your weary eyes

I am so much more tired now than usual. While the day involved a fair amount of physical labor, and has at this point lasted somewhere around 29 hours, neither of these are why I am tired. I am tired because of the turmoil I have experienced every time I close my eyes this past score of days.

The last time I tried sleep, at a normal hour mind you, I lay awake until after the sun had risen, feeling the absence of what could have been, in my arms and in my soul. There was a certain scent in my nose. A certain warmth against my chest. A certain soul entwining with my own.

It hurt. It hurt so much. To feel what I've wanted for so long, yet to know that it wasn't real. I wanted so desperately to stop. To feel anything else, hopefully nothing at all for the first time in months. At the time I wanted to return to being cold. To return to feeling nothing but the cold in my heart.

I no longer know if I can keep the cold out on my own. For a while it was easy, but anymore.... Embracing the cold seems a safer and better idea than continuing this way. I begged not to be made to let it back in, and was rebuked for guilt-tripping. I no longer have a means of keeping my soul warm.

That was a haiku of mine. I like to click through my wallpapers and use them as writing prompts. That wasn't one I'd call good, but it was real.

That's why it's good. Because it's real. It made me feel something of what caused you to write.

Also, I should try that as a writing experiment.
On an unrelated topic, I believe it's time for this.

That's why you don't do drugs, kids.

>Be me, campus guy poor as fuck
>Departed from home at 16 to study in another country,
>19 now, almost 3 and a half years passed
>I feel so fucking alone
>everybody precious to me is hundreds of km away
>the few friends I've managed to gather are all busy with their shit, nobody seems to care too much about feels and sentimental shit
>i'm scared to get a girlfriend, especially after got rejected by that one best girl
>Never been too close to my family anyway
>I do shit at school, i'm a timewaster, unmotivated
>Huge exam coming this year, i'm miles away from being prepared
How do you deal with lonelyness, Sup Forums?

fake as fuck. you don't get derealization from pills, pills don't make distort your vision. Faggot and underage detected.

I never feel truly alone. I am with me. So I am not alone.

I play games with me. I browse the web with me. I go shopping with me. I dine with me. Me follows I everywhere, and I follow me.

I am me, me am I.

Alone but together.

Lonely but happy.


nice drawing


excuse me, what?

Not you specifically, sorry user. I know she's not on here.

ah.. feels bad man.

>One would think that the boredom would cease,
>Or at least over time it would start to ease.
>One would think that doing the same day after day
>Would lead to having something worthwhile to say.
>One would think that eventually, over all this damned time,
>That something, anything, I care for would become mine.
>And yet, after the same nothing happening for so long,
>I only begin to wonder if there is somewhere I belong.
>Somehow, all this monotany has given me is apathy,
>Which is truly the worst thing that could happen to me.
>Somehow, I have gotten to the point that I don't care,
>And it is starting to become more than I think I can bear.
>I manage, most days.

you do get derealization from pills (abuse)

I might be an asshole for this but how the fuck do you guys manage to be feeling shit depressed because of a girl? You must be really fucking stupid. And i'm not saying you should all torn gay or something, just be fucking carefull with them, one wrong step and they will fuck your life. Man the fuck up and be ready for that in your relationships, get some fucking confidence. This is horrible to watch.

ABUSE, you said it! Fucking abuse!!
Not taking two pills in a weekend with friends for the first time. Two pills is a dose any healthy body and mind could whitstand without long term side-effects. That story is fake as fuck.

Enjoy having that mind you have sir. Just because you lack the ability to become so attached to the one person you're supposed to, is no reason to tell people they are handling emotional trauma incorrectly.

Getting that attached to one person is, as you can see in this thread, unhealthy for your mind, therefore stupid. It's not that i'm lacking anything, i've been there, only i'm being rational around girls and i know when and how to manipulate my feelings.

i know how you feel, im getting help soon and so should you. you know when you get an setback in your life who knows what you and i are capable of doing to ourselves. goodluck my friend

Personally, every time I have suffered because I became that attached, it was a good thing.
>Yes, I went through hell because they meant so much to me.
>Yes it would have been easier to just not feel it.
>I have the ability to feel nothing. I did that once, I barely recovered... I became self centered and destructive.
>But every time I went into that pit of despair, that hell on earth that destroys your will to live, I came out stronger.
>Every time I lost someone that meant something to me it led to realizations about myself and humanity, that make this life a far better place.
>There is something special about those few people who can go through hell, and never make someone else suffer because of it.

sorry about that bro, nobody should have to live this kind of tragedy. Part of them will live in you forever, try to make them proud

>I could do what you're doing, and not allow myself to get that close, that entwined, that reliant.
>But the things that make me feel alive are all emotional.
>If I have to suffer, I will, so long as I get to feel alive.
>Even when I'm wallowing in the bottom of that hell, I am joyous, for I am living as fully as I can.

>be me, 32 yo
>finally solid job, hot and lovely fiancée, great apartment, great future plans for my life
>got blood cancer
>have to move back to parents house in another country
>will have to go through some chemo and shit for at least 6 months but likely 1 or 2 years if things don't go smooth (70% that things go smooth, 85% of survival)
>trying to be optimistic even if my life just reset teenage years but worse
>at least fiancée is coming since she works remotely

Sometimes life is tough, you don't know how lucky you are when you have no health issues


I felt

Two weeks ago last Sunday
Tried to off myself through slitting my wrists
Got caught by a cop as I was walking down the street to drop my letter off to my friend
Ended up getting sent to the mental ward and discharged because I bullshitted them
Ended up wanting to do it again
Lost a dear friend because of me being me and cutting away
Lost my only fucking friend because I used her
Sorry Marcela truly I am
Been beating myself up so much because of this
1 month since we last spoke.
Long time since I was happy...
Got anti depressants which kinda help not really still feel the urge to self harm, through either cutting, anorexia or comfort eating...
That's my life oh and my whole fucking work know about this.

Sorry Marcela please come back, just one final good bye is all I am begging of you.

The feels thread feels nice in this silent black and white film of ours



Its not fake man

Are you me minus the virgin thing? Same age as well

No, user.

suicidal thoughts and death is in my head daily. I don't trust people other than one friend and my sister. I dont like my family. ive been through so much with my sister and she is the only reason why i live. she used to cut herself when she was around 12. that somehow broke me into the man i am now. most of you probably only see the attention part of cutting, but when it happens to someone you really love it fucking breaks you. 3 weeks back i felt depressed and i wanted to know what it felt like and it got me really addicted to it but now dont do that shit anymore. i made an appointment at the doctor and got me some meds and a psychiatrist. untill i can talk to that person who gets payed to listen to me i only want to kill myself, i guess i need to hang in there, pun intended. i dont feel loved and i dont actually want to be loved.

>She stopped fighting...
>And my heart froze forever...

Me above
I hear you on that one. Sister was a cutter, heck I am too. It breaks you down knowing it like you said. Only reason I am even still alive is because of a friend and a cop who stopped me.

the psychiatrist still hasnt called and im running out of pills.

it was 7-8 years ago that my sister cut herself, and i still think about it everyday. not when im occupied or doing something, but when im going to bed i see everything like it happend yesterday

I know the feeling... Best to try to let it go.
Pill wise your General Doctor should be able to give you a prescription for them.

>The spring following our graduation, I was living in another town, working just enough to have someone’s spare room to stay in.
>She announce she would be in the area, and would love to visit.
>I just about exploded with joy.
>At this point I had trouble getting up in the morning every single day because my life meant nothing if all it was filled with was unrequited love.

>She came to town, and I met her for late lunch.
>Same place as last time, only this time, even though we were still in our old “just friends” mode, at least I could buy the meal.
>Afterwards, we were headed out of the restaurant, and she asked what we were doing for the rest of the day.
>I hadn’t made day long plans, because I thought she was just going to be there for a few hours.
>So I called the theater, and to my joy found that a showing of a movie we both wanted to see began just far enough out we could attend.

>So, we went to the movies together.
>We watched something we both wanted to see, and both really enjoyed it.
>Besides the fact that she kept jumping and holding me a little tighter each time she was startled.
>But all along, I had the feeling in my gut, that this was just friendship.
>I don’t know what she saw it as, but I am certain she enjoyed the experience.

>Afterwards, she said she didn’t really want to drive home that night.
>Of course you know where my mind went with that.
>But, I offered my couch, and we both turned fairly early.
>She had to leave by five in the morning.
>As we prepared for bed, each doing our little awkward nineteen year old shuffle into pajamas, in turns.
>When I thought she was done changing, I came back in, only to discover scars.
>My world shattered as I stared at her own forearms.
>A minute before covered in long sleeves and seemingly perfect, now before me were two arms of the most beautiful woman in the world, covered in self-inflicted wounds.

>She just sat there for a while, saying nothing, seemingly ashamed.
>I couldn’t say anything.
>I was… broken.
>Here was the single entity I cared most for in this world, and she was covered in the obvious marks of deep pain.
>The idea that she had gained those since I last saw her, made my heart and soul break down crying.
>What was worse was the thought that if I had followed a different path, such as follow the woman I loved, I could have protected her, or at least helped with the pain.
>Eventually she leaned back, pulled her blanket over herself, and went to bed.

>I turned off the light and made my way to bed.
>There so much turmoil in my head that it took me a very long time to say a word. >Eventually I spoke into the darkness, “You’re beautiful how you are, and I’ll always love you.”
>I never knew if she heard me or not.
>I lay awake late into the night, trying to understand how she could have done this, why she would do this.
>The thing that hurt and confused me the most was the fact that the Universe had allowed such beauty and kindness and perfection to become hurt to the point that it started hurting itself.
>That night, seeing her scars, is what destroyed my faith.

>By the time I woke up, she was gone.
>I don’t think she even waited until five.
>I think she left as soon as she heard me sleeping, which was a very long time.

Iktf. Can't pinpoint a feeling myself, either. Got any leads though?

As a cutter I can say its very difficult to show/talk about your scars/cuts. I personally do it on my legs and started doing it on my forearm once everyone knew I did it. Stopped caring about hiding it, don't show it either. Its just something you'd have to do to understand on why its hard to show...

man, for SO FUCKING LONG i thought i was alone. you make me feel im not the only one out there, thanks man. maybe its the meds talking but you are my fucking friend for making me feel less lonely. i took double dosis earlier.

Don't take two doses man, if you're in a bad mood the extra energy will not help. Trust me.
-Anti Depressant User.

Well shit

just hate the life and stupid people around like nobody before you bro.. i lost my whole family years ago.