I need help, Sup Forums

I need help, Sup Forums.

It's been a month since I've smoked marijuana for the first time. Since then I've become increasingly aware of life, people around me and how things work.

It was all fun and fascinating until I went deeper and realise that everything will perish and nothing in life is really going to matter.

Since then, I've lost all motivation to work and eat healthy. And when I actually do something productive, I'm consciously aware that it's all meaningless.

Is that the effects on drugs and why people are addicted to it? And also, how do you cope with this realisation?

(inb4 kill yourself)

b4 you die, enjoy the living fuck out of live, fuck work and the gym.

And I'm an atheist so I don't have any gods to rest my faith in, what have I done?

Grow a nutsack it's pot not lsd

Enjoyment comes with a price doesn't it?

And I also enjoy the attention/compliments I get with a gym body.

But hey, thanks.

Welcome to nihilism.

Your brain establishes patterns of thought and then just reinforces them over and over. New experiences can create new patterns, but doing drugs can also make your brain go outside of its regular loop and think about new things or think about the same things in a different way.

Your realizations don't have that much to do with drugs, just life. I don't have any concrete answers for you except: you say that nothing matters. But that's just as much a judgement as saying it does matter. Who can really say what's important or meaningful? Everything ends but that doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

Or, you can decide that it doesn't matter. Importance of any given thing is really whatever you assign it. I think things matter. They matter to me. So that's the best answer I have.

I'm sober now, it's not the drug, it's the clarity that is still within me.

Or perhaps I should go for harder drugs. Thanks

Smoke more Mary jane

Thank you, and how has it been going for you?

this is probably copypasta

Sounds like you went way deeper, I hope you found freedom in process.

Thank you for your explanation, saved and will read again.

read this in mortys voice

Will do, just that it's illegal here smh

No it's not, hope you feel addressed

OP are you literally retarded

I always do

Sounds like an early existential crises. Log how long it lasts. I was addicted to OxyContin for two years after giving up from lack of meaning. I wish I hadn't done that but at least things are better now. I'd encourage you to read more into eastern and western philosophy. If you're having your first realization that you're a teeny tiny piece of nothingness that may or may not exist, then you're in for a ride man. If you continue down this rabbit hole, your life will be consumed, but you'll make it out twice as emotionally strong as everyone else. You'll realize that since nothing matters, everything is equally absurd. Pretending like a gay mime in the middle of a rodeo is objecively just as strange as eating a bowl of soup. It's all about perspective and the infinite ways that the universe experiences consciousness. The future is nihilism. Assimilate.

I hit that realization around the time I left high school. Didn't need drugs for it either. I normally wake up most nights to the reality that I'm going to die one day and there's literally nothing I can do to stop it. It drives me mad until I find a way to suppress it. Even then, that reality still rears it's ugly head. There's no escape. I often think about what will/could happen to the planet after the big sleep, and that I won't be around to witness it. Even though what will happen isn't going to be for millions of years. I think back to before I was born. And endless darkness and then [snap] I'm 4 years old. What amazes me is how that darkness that I experienced before my birth will be eternal after I die...

How do I cope? I try to life life to its fullest. No matter how insignificant it might be.

I hope that helps, OP. You're not alone.

>everything will perish and nothing in life is really going to matter.
you need to go deeper.

smoke much more weed to the point of cannabis induced psychosis and then talk to us again, about how you "will perish"

I guess not, I don't wish to be classified as retarded.

People so often associate retard negatively.

I only want positive impressions on others.

>nothing matters
>nothing matters doesn't matter

its only power is destruction, it destroys all reason and meaning

Stupid teenagers go get a job

psychosis says hello

why do you think
>nothing in life is really going to matter
is valid

>i needed drugs to be able to think

dude... i know it's rough. Has a cornerstone traumatic event occured in your life recently? (to borrow a term from you know what)

go back to smoking weed, you'll be fine

> Pretending like a gay mime in the middle of a rodeo is objecively just as strange as eating a bowl of soup.

What the fuck user, blew my mind.
Thank you, I wish to be emotionally desensitized.

But the destruction of reason and meaning won't matter.

that's what it says, it won't matter because it destroys the concept of meaning

wait till you actually do big boy drugs.

>I try to life life to its fullest.

I aspire to achieve your state of calmness, user. Thank you.

“I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain! One always finds one's burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. He too
concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night filled mountain, in itself forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy”
― Albert Camus

Weed is pretty much illegal where I live, and getting my hand on a great amount would be costly as well.

Would you care to give me a sneak peak?

Stop smoking weed, OP. All these stoners will tell you it's just a good time but it fucks up your state of mind and a strong sense of self is all you really have in life.

to each their own

Because everything decays, and eventually ends. Doesn't it?

>OP turns 17 years old

Happy Birthday amigo!

I do apologize for the typo. And you're quite welcome, user.

Okay are you ready for the nature of reality? Take a good hit and get ready...

Okay so most religion teaches you to be good so when you die you can go to god, but if god is omnipresent then this being has experienced/ will experience/ is experiencing your thoughts, along with everyone and everything else in the universe. If this isn't true, then the normal idea of "god" can't be real since god is supposed to be omnipotent. So, as a result, if god has experienced your thoughts and you don't believe in him, then god would understand where you're coming from because he/it has literally experienced your life and experiences that form your world perspective.

Okay so let's go deeper. Let's remove the part where God is reading our minds to decide to send us to heaven or hell and instead consider that we, "human beings", and all our supposed "consciousness" is just an illusion created by individual ego. When you die, there's not an afterlife where your human mind goes, I imagine it's like waking up from a dream where you remember that you embodied all of existence. So like, we're all the same consciousness called "god" split up into different egos like some sort of universal psychogenic fugue.

To sum it up...

Consciousness is god experiencing infinity. Humans and animals are conscious because they are God being omnipresent. Also there's an infinite amount of universes so statistically every possible thing that can and can't happen will/has/is happening somewhere/somewhen.

rofl... Don't ever do shrooms or acid if weed did this to you.

Nigga why you gotta be like that
even if the universe didn't end, which by the way is only one theory, it would still be infinite
>how long does an eternity of nothing take to pass
>less than one second
you should know better than to say nothing matters, if nothing matters than go stab your mother with a butcher's knife
it's logical, isn't it? that's the bogus logic you can get from such wonders as "nothing matters"

Welcome to your first existential crisis!

I've had mine for 18 years. You have to cope with it. Nothing matters, we are all going to die. You can kill yourself or you can live life. Try to enjoy life, fuck grills, do drugs, travel... embrace nihilism

Not that I know of.

Will do, thank you user.


>Would you care to give me a sneak peak?
I can't really put the psychotic experience into words or concepts, but in a nutshell:

You are It.

Words don't do it justice, and no one will ever believe you.. even if you could magically find the right words and metaphors for it, except other druggies and crazies of course, and some jungian psychiatrists maybe and hindus and such.

Before smoking weed I really had a strong sense of self.

But now I realise all the confidence and ego I had was just a pathetic cry for attention.

Have you tried drugs, user?

pot human especcially the young,,are made & nurured to work their butts of effectively most days of the week for 40 years, pot opens one door for a while and
shuts 13 other doors for years, in the young it sometimes causes PERMANENT blahs, maybe for
life. those blahs then demand more bong to take the edge off
some of your pals do the crap for years do everything that high achievers do and they do bong too,3-4 times a day,, you can not, wait til your system eliminates the oil,4 to 6 weeks, take vitmin D get sun buy a sunlamp,,
the avervag

Never go full retard

Thank you user, best wishes to you too

>get high
>believe in magic

the hell is wrong with people

Go drink a beer.

I've done shrooms in bali, had fun and giggles.
Nothing much happened afterwards though.

Just live. The other stuff should be meaningful, not bullshit. Work till you get enough cash and education that you can work in a job you enjoy, have the money to have the house and food you love, and enjoy the hell out of the opportunities life throws at you.

Plus really awesome food helps, not cheap awful shit like Taco yourBellend

>smokes weed for first time
>think you've been enlightened

OP has left the building


Hey user I couldn't comprehend what you said, could you rephrase it into something simpler?

I have a feeling this is going to be good.

I've done a fair amount of acid. Tried salvia a few times and realized it's just a waking nightmare when it's really strong. Now i just drink a little too much. I stopped smoking weed because it kills all of my self confidence and pretty much ruins my night without fail.

There's nothing wrong with confidence. If you don't toot your own horn nobody else will.

>fuck grills, do drugs, travel

Is there more to life than this? Sounds good to me

it takes years of abuse throughout your teens to cause lasting effects on self-motivation

your human experience is all that matters
you are not the universe, you are living inside it
"nothing matters" doesn't matter

I guess there IS only one way to find out. Thank you user

A nice coffee table you made with your own two hands.

Can I have the reader's digest for this

Now that's a lighter thought to it, will keep it in mind user, thank you

what the fuck

You sound like you've been properly enlightened.

How did you managed to do it?

Through life experience and education.

Why do you feel a need to have your horn tooted?
Don't you know when you toot your horn too often, no one really cares anymore?

OP here, I'm 26.

I'm usually very confident, just confused now.

I've always assumed doing something like that would be myself great pleasure.

I've even planned on building my own coffin.

Fuck funeral companies.

>needing weed to realize we're all going to die
>getting this upset about that realization

You're looking at life wrong, you should be more motivated, eating better to prolong your life. We're all going to die, which is why you should enjoy life while you have it

How the fuck did you make it to 26 without questioning "what is life? Is it all meaningless"? Do you still believe in Santa?

I guess enlightenment is subjective.

Good for you user, keep it up.

Personally if I didn't toot my own horn once in a while I might forget that I'm actually an O.K. guy and collapse into a ball of self hatred. People seem to like me just fine despite my occasional tooting, in fact I think they like me for my slightly overly confident self.

It is a good time a makes you appreciate yourself. The object serves as permanent evidence that you are not a total fuck up.

OP I'm sorry but you're just retarded, you got high and thought it was everything in the universe but you were just fucking.... HIGH

But enjoyment to life is eating whatever makes you feel happy? Isn't it?

Boiled chicken breast doesn't make me feel the same way as KFC

Guess I've been distracted by trivia matters, but I wish I hadn't question existence. Was so much happier then. Or not.

No I don't believe in santa

There is an objective attainable amount of enlightenment that anyone with the capability of critical thinking can and should attain. Beyond that, philosophically, sure it's subjective.

Not if you're playing the long game, that may taste good, but what happens when you get fat, insecure, and feel like no one wants you?

You can eat tasty things without eating such garbage as KFC

Hey if that's what makes you feel happy and confident then go ahead and continue doing what you do.

Don't let another person's misery eat into you.

No, you just figure out all is subjective and you become your own dude with your own values

Life is what you make of it.

If you really have trouble with motivation/anxiety/ect, mediation helps, and cannabis makes it much easier to achieve a state of clear mental focus.

If nothing matters, then court the girl you've always wanted to, ask her for a date, cause the worst she's going do is say no.

Splurge on whatever you want, but be smart about it.

I had the same existential crisis as you user, but I realized that if nothing matters, then you should live life how you want, FOR YOUR OWN PLEASURE, MONEY AND TIME not for other people's.

If organized religion is your thing, check out Zoroastrianism or Buddhism depending on what you like. Buddhism tends more towards righteousness and helping others, and achieving nirvana, where as the latter focuses more on self-improvement and personal pleasure.

Makes absolute sense. Have you done any work yourself?

I consider having to make a justification for your continued existence and questioning things part of the experience of growing up.
I figured everyone did this around the age of 9-12 though.

Outward high self esteem tends to bring out more respect in other people. If you carry yourself with respect, and do good by others, they will respect you and be willing to do good for you.

If that's your opinion then I won't stand in your way, I sincerely hope you have a better understanding of your existence.

>And when I actually do something productive, I'm consciously aware that it's all meaningless.
That's why we got memes, fam.


I'm glad you achieved objective enlightenment user, I'll be slowly catching up.

True, guess it's back to the dry tasteless breasts and bench presses to sustain my emotional security eh? Hahaha thank you

Only a few odd projects. My biggest pride was a 10 foot entertainment center for a client's living room. It feels good taking on a project that you don't know if you can actually do. You dump 800 bucks on materials without knowing if you'll make something the client will like or if you'll turn it all into scrap. In the end they liked it and it gave me proof that I have value.

Have you became your own dude and found out your own values?

Care to share more?

Here's your first naked picture too.

Sounds like you've got it all figured out user, but if you live your life how you want focusing on yourself, wouldn't that make you a person everyone dislikes?

Then it seems like I have a lot of catching up to do.

But it makes total sense why I didn't have an edgy rebellious teenager phase.

Okay this intrigues me, care to illustrate any examples? OP here, I'm finding it hard to digest so many at such a short time

Thank you for our diagnosis

How exciting, I figure this must be your career yea? You must be very good

But the thing about doing it for someone else, means you run a risk of them not liking your work.

Wouldn't that me more detrimental to your emotional state?