

I'm sick and tired of seeing RLM on here. They're not even funny, they have less subscribers, they have less views, and they have bizarre taste in movies, to the point where it just sounds like they want to be different. NC is the original film critic. I've been a fan for 7 years and I'll continue to be a fan till the day I die.

/Nostalgia critic/ thread?



this is really pathetic

What is it with autists and "sighing" in text?

go away douge nobody likes you

probably have trouble expressing emotions through texts or something

I hate his overreactions.
Literally the pewdiepie of movie critics



Go to bed Doug

it's because they don't have normal people to talk to so they type how they think normal people talk

Post Tamara

Kermode > NC >>> Stuckmann > RLM > Screen Junkies

RLM is trash for teenagers still going through their edgy cynical phase. Same goes for YMS.

what about Paul Latza?


how about no


The real shame is that Doug Walker's best stuff is leagues better than anything RLM has ever or will ever produce, but the guy is just lazy most of the time and doesn't try.

>They're not even funny, they have less subscribers

Angry Joe has more subscribers than the Nostalgia Critic. Your argument doesn't make any sense.


Oh, alright then :)


Based dogg

Been a while boys

the only decent thing those fucks ever ever done is the star wars plinkett reviews.

and those asshats still won't do one for VII

What went wrong?

Rampant poopy puffing and hubris

*description of an action between two asterisks*

One sure fire sign you can throw an opinion straight into the trash, along with including words like "like", "um", and "ugh" in writing, or using an ellipsis every four words.

Very subtle, user
I'm sure this is the first of several (You)'s

i don't like NC but treads about him and others from channel awsome are probably the most entertaining on Sup Forums.
why does the mods delete every NC thread but never RLM threads?

has anybody seen the AT4W movie?

Pretty sure it's up on eggkara if you're interested

RLM actually take time to explain not just the plot of the movies but also the structure, the characters and so on. Of course, their stuff is not for everyone.


how autistic and cringey was it?

well instasynch is down right now, is that normal?


instasynch is dead

it was about what you would expect. funniest part was the monologues

well shit

Go to cytu. Notspam
be notspam
/r/ notspam
Eggkara notspam

>NC is the original film critic.
>I've been a fan for 7

Dog Wanker bump

How's Disney, Paul?


oh my...

>not being bluepilled
>not watching YMS



>that belly bump
Holy fuck is she big

>NC is the original film critic

>have my abortion


Why do I save every Nostalgia Chick pic that people post? Is it a sickness?

I want to kiss her belly.

It's the fisheye lens!
I swear!
>you wouldn't manhandle those ta-ta's


What are you editing atm?

will paul ever make his twitter public again?


can someone explain the lazla meme?

>NC is the original film critic.
Here's what the original film critic says about NC:

>Dougs videos are now pulling in 1 million views per episode

You said Doug Walker was finished Sup Forums.

You lied to me

Finishing Doc Strange.

I never did find out what happened to Spoony. Did he died?

Isn't Marzgurl in her twenties? She looks middle-aged.

>the lazla meme


She's probably about thirty by now.
>She looks middle-aged
Only watching shitty Land Before Time movies and eating hamburgers will do that to you.

He unjusted himself.

So close, Paul ;_;
How would you rate Cumbersnatch's performance?
Better or worse than Robin in Nathan Barley?

>that T-shirt


>She looks middle-aged
She doesn't know how to apply her makeup, she's terrible at it she always looks like she has skin problems.

Hi user!

I hope that was pre unjusting.


He still hangs out with Douge. He uploaded a new video a couple of weeks ago where he drinks pee with him.

Hey NC, I see you're still bitter about being upstaged by a more talented crew.

He was okay but could have been better if he had a director was as talented as Joss Whedon to work with.

BEYOND the trailer

she takes you beyond

I didn't know malcolm had a sex change

Literally cringiest impersonated

Are you saying the forthcoming Dr. Strange movie lacks a deep plot? Or feminism?

Is this from to boldly flee?

I would marry the shit out of her, honestly.

>where he drinks pee with him
I love that video.

Oh snap!

>deep plot? Or feminism?
And close shots, where you can see alllll the emotions.

Is that him after the "unjusting"? Cause if not, yikes.

>TGWTG thread?

It is.

I look forward to your post prod digital zooms in that case
What else do you have upcoming for us?



Guys pls.

Todd's a cuck.


I'm not allowed to post anything or say anything before it's release, all I can say is that I'll be working on vol.2.

Of The Gamer's Atlas?!?!
>I thought this day would never come ;_;

Is this really NChick?
Also, I don't understand why Doug's wife's face is on this.

nah it's just a lookalike, sorry to ruin the meme to you