Hey Sup Forums. I'm drunk. Retired Air Force para jumper and military contractor with over 10 years of experience. Thought I'd share a story.
>Be me >Making decent salary working as a contractor on a SANDF project in a pretty remote location. >Things are good user. Some weird stuff happening around work, other than that cut and dry, and good paycheck. Usually get put on daylight patrols, so nothing to spoopy. Enjoy beers with the guys in the little town down the road after work. >lifes good.jpg >Here's where things get weird. >Out patrolling the perimeter one afternoon. >Partner needs to take a piss. Though we are always at raised security levels things are always super lax in the non-affiliate and AIS zones. >Wait 15 mins for partner to get back >Starting to get irritated and radio him directly on the non-secure channel. >No response..... >Starting to get late in the afternoon and shift change is coming quick. >This guy is putting my ass on the line too, and I'm starting to get freaked out. >Thinking about radioing ACCM, but still dont want to get my buddy in trouble. We spend a lot of time together outside, he's been my best friend for about 6 months now. Also USAF background.
>anyway, here's where things start to get weird. >Dispatch radios out a warning of possible insurgent activity. >rushofblood.jpg >No shots fired or actually movement sighted, just suspicious activity. >Enough is enough, my buddy might be injured, compromised or worse. >Go to radio dispatch and feel something hard hit me in the back, right at the base of my neck. >Everything goes dark and I drop. >Wake up in and out of consciousness for some amount of time. >I'm being transported and can't really get and idea of what's going on at given point in time. It's like a really weird dream, but I was sure that I was in the hands of our group and everything was going to be fine. I knew I wasnt injured. >Well while I wasn't hurt, I was dead fucking wrong about where I was and what was happening.
I called your bullshit. I'm in the Air Force right now and there is nor never was NO such thing as "parajumper".
Ayden White
go on dude. bump
Joshua Bailey
Ian Parker
Please go on
Kayden Myers
That's your evidence that the entire story is bull shit? Because he used lingo that a newfag such as yourself isn't familiar with... Kys
Gavin Cox
Samefag here. OP is lying and either creating a story or using some HQ copypasta. Only the Army has "para jumpers". This whole thread is a troll.
Ethan Rogers
cont 3niggaaaa
Brayden Turner
>wake up pretty standard hospital room lacking in equipment. >Groggy but I get out of bed, now in a set of scrubs, which was weird looking back. Head shaved, no shoes, no injuries. >Door was locked but there was a nurse buzzer by the door. > I'm a military dude, so I understand that hitting the buzzer doesn't necessarily mean I will get a response right away. >I figure I'm somewhere back on the main campus, away from the compound I normally patrolled. >After getting my bearings back I saw down on the bed and turned on the tv that was built in the wall. >This was the first clue something was off. >Like I said before, I was on a SANDF project in a undisclosed location in Central Africa. I was flipping through the tv seeing Madagascar channels, Chinese, Australian, Indian, you name it. >This wasn't any satellite television either, some antenna level. >Doctor in wheelchair comes in with two guards. >Sit up straight expecting to be debriefed and possibly fired. >Doctor examines me and tells the guard I'm "Ready for staging" >tf.mov >Guards escort me out and walk me down some hallways to a super cold interrogation style room. >Now I'm starting to freak out a bit. Wtf happened to me and where tf am I?
Matthew Collins
PLEASE shut the fuck up. I am telling you, there has NEVER been "para jumpers" in the United States Air Force. I know this because if he truly was, he would've never used the term "para jumper". He would've called it exactly what the Air Force calls it.
Joshua Phillips
sounds like a fucking movie I've seen...
John Baker
PJ kid, pararescue. Maybe when you get out of Lackland and get the opportunity to see Hurlburt you will know our lingo. You will probably get stuck working in a shit desk job pushing paperwork though ;)
Carson Harris
inb4 dinosaur
Landon King
stfu faggot. I like the story
Charles Cox
Samefag.... then you had to nerve to check me, like I'M not the one IN THE fucking USAF RIGHT NOW. I wish I could beat the fuck out of you in person right now.
Bentley Torres
Prove or GTFO
Leo Gonzalez
Prove it.
Caleb Clark
Dude don't even fucking reply to me. Like you didn't just Google it.
If you were a true pararescueman, never in your life would you have said "para jumper".
PJs make it known they are PJs.
As a double whammy, if you REALLY are telling the truth, the fucking jokes on you because I know damn well your contractor position will not pay close to mine. Im in the 3D field. What's that? Of course you dont know.
Go patrol around, making less than 50k a year. Waste of a life.
Nathan Walker
You're in the Air Force, what are you going to do? Hit him with your handbag?
Jeremiah Johnson
Such pride for being a government pawn.
James Rogers
That is an army term. They are a type of army grunts. Bullet targets. The USAF pararescue position is a special operation like the Navy Seals. I promise you he would've told you "I was a PJ in the USAF" or "I was a pararescueman"
Daniel Wright
Brain washed pawn
Colton Kelly
no one fucking cares shut up and enjoy the story faggot
Blake Parker
You'd never tell that to me in my face. Never make generalizations like that unless you're joking. There are skinny guys in every Branch but I am not one of these beta man bitches you think you are talking to.
Aaron Powell
You can't prove something just by contradicting it, asshat.
Wyatt Ortiz
WHO gives a shit anyway?
Caleb Garcia
1. about to continue story 2. I'm retired USAF 3. PJ stands for para jumper, though we are Pararescue. This is a fact, and also, I used this term to make my position a little more obvious to fags on Sup Forums. 4. Youre enlisted, so suck my dick for life basic. I was academy. Cont story now
Oliver Wood
Thx my nigga
Christian Clark
I'd love to see the idiot threads youd post in /biz/. No money and no knowledge.
I joined to get a bachelor's degree. Then when I get out, I can get ANOTHER or get a masters. All free.
The 100-350k job offer is just bread and butter.
>>he doesn't know "military experience" is a plus on resumes.
Jokes on me, I'm probably arguing with a 13 year old Thai ladyboy.
Easton Cook
> this is now a cringe thread.
John Butler
Kayden Cook
U really think it's free? The moment the us calls for war ure the first on the planes
Noah Collins
Damn it, he's on to us. Ladyboys! FLEE!!!
Jackson Collins
Like I said, arguing with a 13 year old Thai ladyboy.
It's idiots like you that are first to go vote, not having a fucking clue about nothing.
But I'll help you out and inform you.
Not every one in the "air force" deals with planes. Not every person in the military goes to war.
Luke Gonzalez
Kevin Edwards
Why are you so obsessed with money and work? It is all you talk about. Why do you measure your worth in dollars?
Ayden Flores
OP can you continue the story? Why don't you just ignore these fucks. They're the cancer of Sup Forums and don't care about OC.
Please continue, there are many here who are lurking.
Michael Richardson
Henry Green
ur a low brain pawn go kill yourself
Lincoln Johnson
GTFO you little shit. Nobody wants your shitty opinions here.
Love Dicky
Matthew Barnes
Not the same guy, if you couldn't tell by the obvious typing differences.
Levi Butler
Yes cont..
Jackson Cook
nah, u absolutely wrong my little usaf nigga. I'm in Europe, 34 years and never voted for a political party.
Matthew Campbell
I want to meet these 13 year old Thai ladyboys... for reasons.
Josiah White
I believe you now. I was just defending our Branch. Salute.
You don't get cool points for going to the Academy though. I KNOW that shit sucked for you. Fucking basic training and tech school for 5 years.
And you're a late 30s early 40 year old man on Sup Forums. Hahaha haha a.
Liam Wilson
You're an idiot.
Landon Bennett
There u go, show some respect for oldfags
Oliver Butler
And you're nothing you cunt
Lucas Clark
Angriest kid in the sandbox.
Wyatt Howard
Bentley Wright
I need this story to end. NOW PLS OP
Connor Wright
>see military contractor OC >somehow ladyboys are involved
Ethan Martinez
Okay, not to start rolling on the hate train, OP, but this is starting to sound a lot like The Manchurian Canidate.
Robert Walker
derailing aside, here we go.
>In staging room >Older man enters and sits down with a clipboard. >White hair but not that old, wearing civ tac gear, but has a military feel to him. >"You were involved in an accident son, and I'm going to ask you a few questions to see if everything is alright with you." >Continues to interview me for about an hour, asking about my experience in the Air Force, my experience with my current outfit. Where I was in life, political affiliations etc. >"I'm going to cut to the chase here son. You messed up and you messed up pretty fucking bad. I'm glad to say your med and psych tests and background all check out, and you are okay, but you won't be working for (X company) anymore. >fuck fuck fuck. Despite earlier user's sassy remarks, making nearly 6 figs at this piece of cake job. Outside of US so no Taxes, and living was cheap. >Man says to me"You knew your clearance,and you knew the risks, and your going to be working with us now. Your not free to walk out the door yet, but you'll see our outfit is a much more competitive one in every aspect." >Okay....... >"Come with me, let's get your assignment."
Carson Parker
Sorry man when people steal Valor (lie about military service) it makes us that are actually in the military VERY pissed off.
Brandon Wood
told u i know from a movie...
Nathaniel Phillips
i live in san diego and we are infested with bubba redneck military shit bags one guy i know claimed the british army had shittier people than the usa army have you ever been around the uk army and is it possible to be worse than the shit bags in the usa army
Jack Gomez
name 1 Australian channel, i bet you cant. also how would you even know they are australian we just play the same shit as the us on repeat.
Cooper Murphy
Insecure much?
Jaxon Gomez
I see. Be more patient and try to be more passive before the hole story is out.
Lincoln Hughes
Aim High DBA, we both took the same oath.
Adam Morales
Kiwi TV
Lincoln Green
Not seeing thai ladyboys figurimg into the story yet but sure
Landon Wright
Angel Harris
IM sorry man, I can;t name an Australian channel. But as soon as their was a plug for your local news between Jersey shore reruns I could tell that hideous fucking accent anywhere.
Jeremiah Morales
Wait, is this about Project Threadstone?
Logan Mitchell
Wow you're a faggot. Don't believe for a second you're in the USAF
Dominic Hall
Robert Walker
Not insecure. You're probably overweight, living with your parents, and can't even pass the entrance fitness test, and we have the easiest one of all the branches.
Military brats love the military. You're saying the stuff you're saying because you're not in.
>>inb4 this civilian tells me why he's glad hes not in the military, saying some opinion he thinks is fact with no proof or source
Quit crying about it. You're: A. On the fucking internet B. On fucking Sup Forums
No one gives a flying fuck about respecting you for being in the military. Only thing worse than stolen valor people are the roided up military asswipes that run around screaming about it, posting videos and beating people up over it
People idolize military guys, so get off your fucking high horse. You're not a fucking war hero, so no one gives a shit about what you have to say about stolen valor and integrity.
This is coming from a guy who has idolized the military since I was a kid and going to join the military in the next year.
Carter Gutierrez
Jeremiah Harris
Wish I cared. I was just defending my branch. When you join something that has done so much for you, and get off your moms health insurance you might understand.
Ryan Hughes
Fuck you're gay dude... Kys
Jose Gonzalez
But who really was the hitman?
Carson Wilson
I didn't ask for respect at all. I don't even care about the rest of your post. I was defending my Branch and it had nothing to do with you.
Christopher Richardson
Today op was a para jumper.. Wah wah I was defending my branch stfu fag no one gives a fuck
Christian Wilson
Cock not big enough to provide a good argument for being more than a betafag, trying to ascend to alpha via dollars. Kind of like a whore, pretending that that bj or hj or whatever she did was just as normal as doing a cheeseburger at McDonald's, but with extra gravy and more expensive!
Michael Gomez
I"ve been in the air force for 3 years now. Over those three years, parajumper was used frequently to describe what op is talking about you gigantic faggot I didn't comethis far to have some punk a 13 year old thai ladyboy btw where the fuck are all the thai ladyboys?
Camden Hill
Seriously man, we don't care. Enjoy the story or fuck off.
Gabriel Wood
cont and final
>Follow old man up to assignment. >"Everyone here is given call names to assure privacy, were a mixed group of folks." >okay whatever. whereami.gif >Find out my name is "Hissing Hippo" >Despite years of weapons, CQC, and high-altitude jump training get assigned to R&D department on base. >Fight break out there and people go to sick bay every day. >Everyone speaks a different language and our base is literally a big ass oilrig out in the middle of fucking nowhere. >Commander of the base keeps bringing back animals in a solid gold helicopter. >Only met him once hand he put me in his iron grip. >There was a super hot chick on base though, we all got to see her shower once.
Isaac Jackson
But then who was phone?
Aaron Barnes
Please cont op
Nathaniel Sanchez
You're late bro I already apologized and saluted.
Dylan Clark
Ugh, so is this thread ruined or do we get story? Btw I'm in the navy and we have dibs on all Thai ladyboys.
Christian Ramirez
Jonathan Price
OP, I still don't understand, where do the thai ladyboys fit into the story?
Levi Wilson
yep metal gear nice try tho had a laugh
Luke Evans
LONGEST FUCKING STORY EVER BRO...Is there any juice at the end?
Cameron Clark
Shit game but got it.
Christopher Powell
>> gold helicopter
Guys I'm starting to think that other usaf guy "defending his branch" was right. This shit made no sense.
Asher Rodriguez
This is turning into some stupid jj Abrams shit. Maybe even worse.
How does a solid gold helicopter even get enough lift? Huh big guy?
James Allen
>Only met him once hand he put me in his iron grip. Did you ask him to "keep up the great work" afterwards?