Taylor thread
Taylor thread
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Whats wrong with her legs?
I love her new song tay tay.
Is it true that she did not mention who she voted for? Good for her
>retard thread
Whoever this woman is I would totally have sex with her. Nudity please. Has she done porn?
I will never understand what you faggots see in this giraffe-praying-mantis hybrid.
I wouldn't fuck her with someone else's dick.
why does her necklace say TS 1939?
1989* the year she was born pleb
She is really old and also transsexual
there is always 1 faggot...
Quiet swift
That's not Taylor Lautner you fucking liar.
can't we all just. Get along?
Thunderscore kappa
Have none of you fags seen the kanye west famous video? Taylor is tits out in it
are we not bringing up her toes squirting out of those shoes?
>tells the same joke 400 times
>calls others faggots
Whatever you need to do to validate your laughable decisions.
>watching anything that psychotic autist does
I'd rather not hear my brain cells scream in agony as they commit mass suicide.
why should I care what you think, faggot?
and I thought really hard and long about calling you faggot, still it was unavoidable coz true.
those legs...wew
man, that is one ugly bitch
best girl ever
That's hot
no ass, no tits, ugly face
"best" gurl ever
her entire career is based off a publicity stunt. her music is for anti intellectuals. her threads are shills
hahahah 10/10
Underrated fucking post.
love that tiny ass...
>no ass, no tits
not everyone likes a fatty, user
>ugly face
she over-applies makeup often, but the facial structure is fine.
this thread might be more to your liking:
so having tits or ass makes you fatty?
are u 4 real?
>she over-applies makeup often
so a ton of make up makes you the best gurl?
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
Where's she been all year
jesus christ did someone photoshop her ass so it was flatter wtf is this