>meet girl on OKCupid >we go out for drinks last week >she's super hot in person >she talks all night about "Argentinian tango" dancing and nothing else >I try to change the subject like 30 times, but she always circles back to "Argentinian tango" dnacing >after a while, I start to wonder if I'm being trolled >at the end of the night, we make out in front of her car and then she leaves >she texts me today to hang out this weekend, but I'm dreading talking about tango music again.
So, should I just fuck her and dump her? Anyone ever have anything like this happen to them? Is this chick fucking crazy?
Jeremiah Thompson
pic not related, just reminds me of tango dancing
Camden Reed
Tyler Lopez
Fuck and dump is your best option. When I was younger it thought it would be nice to have a gamer gf, but the one I finally had was fucking dumb only talking about gaming shit because "that's my Lifestyle"... Fucked her a few times, could not stand the gaming shit anymore, dumped her and bought a Mac to stop gaming myself. Never touched a fucking Video game since then.
Ian Mitchell
Yes, fuck her. Now that I am old I regret not having fucked the annoying sluts.
Kayden Roberts
cringed at this whole thing
Jordan Clark
Yes, cringe describes it best. What a loser.
Chase Morales
So? She's passionate about something. Since she's really into dance, I'm assuming she would be really good in the bedroom so I mean, just deal with it and she will probably stop talking about it eventually and then a couple months down the road if you're still dating her, you can tease her about it and it'll make her laugh and she will realize she was being a ditz. People sometimes don't realize what they're doing and they're not robots.
Brody Thomas
woah, a logical person on Sup Forums
Bentley Hall
And at least the bitch is talking about something hot. Most of my girls were stupid as all fuck, and I had to do most of the talking.
Christopher Perry
>bought a mac Are you sure you're not just a massive faggot?
Landon Rivera
Way I see it you have 2 options. Fuck and dump. Or fuck and be honest. When she tries to hang out again just tell her you can't handle the tango dancing and it seems like a big part of her life. Might make her realize she is scaring you, and others, off with it. Or she might be really bad at conversation. You would be surprised at the conversations I've had just because these girls didn't know how to interact on a date.
Carter Walker
Yeah she's practically saying "I like to move my body in a sexual and entrancing way" which is code for "boi i'll bounce on yo dick"
David Campbell
why dont you take this opportunity to become cultured you fucking mongoloid.
Andrew Bailey
If she's talking about the music, you've got some listening to do, my friend. Time to learn something. If she's talking about the dance style, best to ask her to give you some lessons.
Lincoln Allen
Joshua Perry
dumb fucks in here. OP you autistic retard, she wants you to go dancing with her. afterwards, you fuck her.
dont know how to dance? learn some basics on youtube, or get her to show you. if you're not too much of a milquetoast she will bounce on your knob afterwards
you prolly blew it already I D I O T
Caleb White
maybe you should take her argentinian tango dancing
Cooper Hall
>all these nerd virgins telling op to learn how to fucking dance
not worth the effort
just try to fuck her without dancing.
Jack Harris
Fuck her nd hang out for awhile.maybe learn how to Argentinian tango dance a Lil bit. Even if it doesn't work out you never know when that could come in handy.
Gabriel Ortiz
This. She is trying to share her passion with you and being a bit overly excited about it.
You should try to share your own passion with her next time you hang out and see if she listens. Skip the fucking small talk and SHARE YOURSELF YOU PUSSY.
Kevin Moore
Get her to show you 100%. Do it somewhere alone with her and try your best to actually learn. You'll probably end up having fun tbh.
Sebastian Williams
Nigga she was trying to tell you she was good in bed.
If a girl starts talking about dancing she wants to show you her "moves".