Are you using the original Sup Forums themes? I'm still using the halloween one

Are you using the original Sup Forums themes? I'm still using the halloween one

I'd like to contribute to the thread but since I'm the op it won't get very varied

I personally use the Sup Forums dark upgrade theme with appchan x.

Do you have a screenshot of it?

I edited a theme I stole from Stylish and now I have this.

uh sorry but im too lazy to post a real screenshot.

Yea and the halloween theme was from stylish too. I like the dark background but it looks old

Also, I found an old screenshot I took of Sup Forums and wondered what theme it was. It was the pic inverted.

You can always change it.

Is this the original one?

I meant on yours, lol.

My theme

That's right.

How is it to live with a windows phone?

Its good. More people should get on board.

can you watch webms

Shitty, very shitty.
Windows phone is an absolute garbage and personally I wish I could replace this piece of shit. Q-Q

why did you choose that

Not in the browser. Have to dl the file and open in vlc. It sucks.

Ugh I had no choice really. Needed a phone so parents quickly bought one with windows phone for me because of problems with money.

Same for ios though.

Yea its fucking horrible

Is it good for anything? photos?

Nope not really.

I know some time ago there was no dropbox app and the youtube app was the browser version

I can't even play on this shit because all good games are for Android...