This was a fucking embarrassingly bad final. Richard is fucking retarded, fuck yo shares son!
This was a fucking embarrassingly bad final. Richard is fucking retarded, fuck yo shares son!
we all gonn pretend this didn't happen?
It was good you fucking retarded faggot.
what was good about it exactly user? :)
Why does Dinesh look so weird in this?
i didnt even know it was the last episode.
This means more Bighead and less Lorie . How is that a good thing?
Because Big Head is based
Why do you even watch the show? You clearly have no taste and are too pleb to enjoy it
I was really hoping Rus would return until it became obvious that Bachman and Bighead would end up owning pp
He has a face like an old witch.
I've come around on Bighead.
He's not as annoying as he was in the first two seasons and it feels like they're writing the character a lot better now.
It was a good finale. Everything that was set up in earlier episodes of the season went full circle, like poetry, it rhymes.
The quality of this show really dropped after they changed writers.
I'm not even gonna bother with the next season
>Nu-male faggots: the show
You've never seen the show
>watching ZIMBABWE Entourage
You're right, but all the people in OP's pic look like faggot nu-males, so if the shoe fits...
Not only are you wrong but there is another SV thread
Because he's like 9 inches shorter than Jared but the photo has them all at the same height.
They reset everything to the first episode. Very weak.
No, it's just they didn't light the front of his face as much compared to the others.
Maybe they were worried he wouldn't look ethnic enough in black and white so wanted to emphasize his browness.
Well his head is a box, that might be why. Just a box with a witch nose on it.