Hey Sup Forums. Drunk and depressed.
My father recently passed away last month and now my grandmother just passed less than a week ago.
I'm not asking for a pick-me-up, but anything to lighten the mood would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Sup Forums. Drunk and depressed
Other urls found in this thread:
hope you like dogs user c:
Hang in there bud, things will get better in time. At least you have money to buy beer so that's a win
I fucking love all animals. Thanks bro.
>ops father was killed by a dog
I know it doesn't help, but it numbs the pain. That's all I can really do in my situation.
You'll learn to deal with it feelanon. My dad passed away last year and all I wanted to do is mope around all day at home. But eventually things got better. Just know that you can't run away from how you feel and that you have to deal with it. Also try listening to vaporwave. Its good music to be sad to. youtube.com
Drugs, smoking ciggs, and not exercising. That's what killed him. The multiple strokes and cancer probably didn't help much either.
And thats what probably will kill me at some point. I know its Depressing. But at some point everyone loses their parents. Just try to be positive.
Fuckin kek'd
Thanks man, also that's some fire vaporwave. Deep House is my main go to, so that hits close to home.
everyone has this at some point, deal with it nigger
have a dograce.gif :^)
Jesus Christ.
r u trickin me?
Something looks off about that quack.
How about some good ol' fashioned unconditional love.
Sorry for your loss, Sup Forumsro. Hoping the drinking isn't a habit.
i like ur mod
Sorry to hear that, OP. I hope you feel better soon.
Also, checked.
Thanks Sup Forumsro appreciate it
Yeah man, my mouth fedora keeps me addicted.
I just really really dislike going to the viewing before the funeral. Going through that with my dad and talking about him from when I was younger was a nightmare. Now I have to do the same with G-ma.
I have to sleep, user. You win, you win.
good night
OP here, thanks for the laugh.
Unconditional love again; wish you the best.
>this will be the first Christmas without your father
I love you OP
I've never really had my dad over for Christmas my entire life. (Mom divorced when I was 3)
I was with him when he had a stroke at 9 years old. Didn't know that he had multiple ones later and that it really fucks you up. Alcoholic and narcissistic stepfather later....
PRESIDENT Trump..... (drop the mic)
Thank you user.
Hey OP , it's the user that has been posting pictures with names. My folder isn't that big so this is my last image. Just know that time makes the pain more bearable as it goes on. I love you bro.
I like this version of a dandelion, now I wanna see a dandy lion.
Thank you for your time posting. I know they say time helps, but these guys are still fresh.
Cute pic btw.
Best fucking Tank you buy on the market right now, hand Check?