

i thought the pilot was pretty good, but then i checked who wrote it and saw it was him. should i bother continuing? will there be any payoff or just more and more


I really like the show, particularly season 2, but I'm also a big Lindelof fan. So I'm probably not much help.

Nothing will ever be explained but I think it's still quality television

Interest didn't peak until episode 3.

i love lindelof but he's really only good for the buildup (LOST s1-3, first half of prometheus)

i guess it's still up in the air since the show isn't over yet. i'll keep watching.

Are you a robert orci fan aswell?

I can't say that I've ever head the name before.

It's great, son. Keep watching it. International assassin from season 2 is pure tvkino

Well Lindelof was the real talent behind Lost so your opinion needs reviewing.

The Leftovers is one of the best show of the decade.

This so fucking much. It was Avalon-tier.

People always said Lost was actually about the characters, which was awful because the characters were trash and people only watched it for the mystery. I actually enjoy the characters in the leftovers and whatever goofy shit Lindelof does with them that he won't explain is fine with me

It's good, but it wasn't good enough to keep me interested for two seasons. I just didn't care enough about the characters. You can forget the MYSTERY OooOOOo bullshit because the show is not about that. You're safe.

It's currently the best show on TV. Defiantly worth the watch.

Best show on tv, pure kinographique, Kevin Garvey is Tony Soprano tier

Is 2nd season really that good? I've watched the first one and loved it but didn't expect next one to be great.

That episode is the best piece of television I've ever seen

but lost IS for the characters. The mystery are just the shit thrown around the first EP too hook you, by the time you witness episode 4 and you just can't drop it

John Locke forever

It's actually the same for leftovers, the first episode is a KinoTease

It has a different tone.
Whereas the first season never bothered to explain shit, the second seasons leaves all the questions of the first unanswered but answers all of the mysteries it itself raises. You pretty much know exactly what happened and why at the end of it.

some people felt it stumbled along, but I personally didn't see it that way. Great season through out and a stellar finale.

boring as fuck

girls on it are cute

still couldn't watch it despite that

Dude if you loved the first season you are going to be fucking blown away by season 2. It's probably my favorite season of TV in the 2010's besides TD S1

>People always said Lost was actually about the characters, which was awful because the characters were trash
kinda right kinda wrong. Not all the characters were great, but what the show was really about was the connections those characters had/created/whatever. That show was the best at emotional scenes consistently throughout the series.

It's even better, the whole season is 10/10, International Assassin is one of the best episodes ever, the singing scene in the finale is pure emotional climax