>even the mods are from reddit
Even the mods are from reddit
I don't get it
pic related was being discussed in the thread
I don't get it
>4 years
>watches both dr who and game of thrones
>name is cameron blaine and is 22 years old from Grand Rapids, Michigan
Sup Forums was reddit all along
redditors are always stealing our memes
it isn't new summerfags
>Redditors stealing our precious meems
Nothing new
Reminder that the janitor was only hired to look after the game of thrones general because they needed to keep it clean for redditors and hbo money
redditors unable to grasp Sup Forums memes
They need to be stopped
now that kawasaki nishimura owns the site I doubht he'd want to stop traffic even if it rots the community.
need bane spam again desu
make Sup Forums great again
Anyone who's been on this site for more than a week can tell that's bait my friend.
that just seems like bait for us, but attacking the stereotypical 'basement dwelling neckbeard' is what normies (redditors) love to do. Otherwise the memeing is ironic.
yeah, no shit, everyone here is from reddit. what's your favorite sub OP?
We are now well into the current year, it's time to accept Reddit as just another room in the great house of Sup Forums
Not stealing. It's/tv/ meme crossposters visiting reddit and everyone wants them to leave.
t. redditdora