Why are people against a Trump presidency?
I for one think it's excellent. We have the first ever shit posting President.
Why are people against a Trump presidency?
I for one think it's excellent. We have the first ever shit posting President.
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donald trump is like if a comments section ran for president
>first ever shit
donald trump is like the villain in a movie where the hero is a dog
I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the end of one of his tweets
>shame! Bad reporter
I have no idea why. I just hear his voice and see him yelling at a puppy.
you sound butthurt.
He is the perfect president for this generation of children.
so sad
Either a dog, a group of kids, or 007, yeah.
Confirmed, Trump is Cruella de Vil
>first ever shit posting president
I take it you weren't alive during Bill Clinton's presidency
During Campaign
>Hillary is a criminal!
>I will put Hillary in jail!
After the win
>I'm not going to pursue charges, they're good people, I don't want to hurt her
Recent tweets
>She's corrupt!
Someone take away his firewater.
aww little babby mad?
I wish Twitter was a thing during LBJ so we'd get to see him tweet out "I'll keep those niggers voting Democrat for 200 years".
You sound overreactive.
yawn. more worthless posts.
Do any presidents honestly keep their campaign promises? Politics are... just that, politics. You have to say what your demographic wants to hear to secure votes. Then just go the Obama route and play golf for 8 years.
you sound autistic.
Obama promised to make niggers more niggery. He did in fact make niggers more niggery.
the only way someone can sound autistic is by shouting REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
mfw when my whole family hates Trump and I will fuck up relations with them if I admit I'm a Trump fan. not even Amerifat either.
Why do people care? Why do Americans even care? What's going to change in your day to day lives regardless of who wins?
the next 8 years of laughing at all the crying liberal faggots is gonna be amazing
Elaine, have I ever told you about the time I voted for trump so I could see all the butthurt liberal sjw?
>Anyone who sees how much of a thin skinned clown Trump is must be a liberal sjw
It couldn't possibly be anyone with common sense.
because of thisand this
Underrated post.
because he is a putin puppet and admirer - where Putin goes Donnie will follow
so he is fucking up NATO, the EU, and Syria as Putin wants, adn will fuck the environment, as Putin wants (New york under water is ok with Putin so hurry up global warming) adn he will probably go for net neutrality - as Putin wants
this is next...
not quite.
oh, the Putin bots are here.
this is the only possible explanation - no real human being not being paid would stay all day on Sup Forums posting "yawn"
this is a paid shill, and should not be fed
have a ruble yuri
who told you that life had be ruled by good sense? it's much more fun when things are done just for the lols
>No rebuttal
what would a post look like that had worth? (obviously not just "yawn")
try posting something worth something
I like this post
>who told you that life had be ruled by good sense? it's much more fun when things are done just for the lols
I'm the joker, baby
Yeah, not even comparable to HRC
During the Campaign
>I'm appalled by what he's said!
>I'm horrified he is the only one who won't accept our democratic process!
>Love Trumps Hate!
After the win
>Down with Democracy!
>Abolish the Electoral College!
>Voter Fraud!
>We need a recount!
>Socialism is best! Trump's a fascist! Let's go set some cars on fire!
well, if you are poor, your medicare will go away an you won't have health cover. If you are rich you will have an extra $1.5 million tax rebate.
if you have a kid n education, the public schools will bestarved of cash and the private, Christian, creationist teaching ones, will be given more money.
if you breath air, it will have more particulate matter in it fromthe coal and oil burning, and more CO2 emmissions, so if you live by the coast you will have bigger hurricanes adn eventually sea level rise and flooding
lots of things. Oh yes, also gutting your chance of a job as his stupid protectionist policies run up prices, and drive the economy into a hole, piled up on top with debt that his tax breaks for the rich won't fill.
fun, for a time, but short, and meaningless and in the end very very sad and unfulfilled.
yeah that ended well for him...
>>I'm horrified he is the only one who won't accept our democratic process!
you know there is a difference between not accepting a democratic process (and shit talking about it to suggest it is being rigged against you when it isn't) and wanting to see that the democratic process has not been rigged by a fascist dictator in waiting?
Republicans have gerrymandered the districts, suprressed the voter rolls, closed voting places and are the only ones on polling day caught trying to vote twice - while there is no evidence of Democratic tampering.
Trump was crying wolf - The democrats are asking well founded questions.
During the Campaign
>Down with Democracy!
>Abolish the Electoral College!
>Voter Fraud!
>We're going to need a recount!
>Fascism is best! Clinton's a socialist! KICK OUT DER MEXICANS
After the win
>Why can't you just accept the results?
>America is going to be great again!
>We need to be united, you libtards.
>Stop hurting my feelings
>Sieg Heil
Yes. Let the Sea level rise. And with it, we shall rise! I shall never rest till the insolent human race has paid for its crimes against our people! Now rise, and pledge me your hearts, your hands, your lives!
isn't that interesting - you point out that the "yawning" man is back and ask if it is a putin Bot, adn he goes away.
this is just like the way the Putin posters acted before the election - challenge them and they go silent.
Yuri is back...
yawn. the elections over kid.
wonder why she lost?
sure kid.
not worth my time kid.
I lol'd.
but seriously - this presidency could see a serious wrong turn in climate change policy - and Trump will go down as a criminal against humanity.
I will when you do.
you're fucking sad kid.
have a ruble, Ivan.
or prove you actually have a decent level of English by saying something interesting.
After all it must be so boring to sit and yawn all day, kid.
he isnt even president yet and some stupid people are already losing it.
no you won't.
you are incapable.
opinion discarded
he is announcing the worst team of thieves and lobbyists and the worst social and educational and scientific policies in living memory, and soome people are talking him seriously.
you want NASA to stop monitoring the climate? You want dirty coal (there is no such thing as clean coal) upping production and polluting more?
It does not matter that he is not sworn in - he has already started.
this was a month ago - befre the election - why was this not followed up by the US press?
Democrats gerrymander just AS MUCH as republicans. Couple that with the fact that Democrats are the MAIN culprits of "clumping" and your initial argument doesn't hold water. If you're going to try and argue that Democrats don't redraw district lines every time they're elected you're just refusing to pull your head out of the sand.
Suppressed voter rolls? You mean purging rolls of DECEASED voters numbering more than 15-20,000 in some districts to prevent voter fraud? Now, ask yourself, why the NAACP specifically would take up this fight when, in the past 3 decades, they've done nothing but look out for their own best interests without doing much at all for the communities they claim to represent.
Are you really saying his WORDS were more "tampering" than Democrats ACTIONS? You must've forgotten the Virginia governor who "restored voting rights" to violent felons, 13,000 in August, then all of a sudden 60,000 FOUR DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION. Violent felons are overwhelmingly minorities and WHO do minorities overwhelmingly vote for in every election? That's right, the democrats. That "tampering" could only benefit democrats in a notoriously "swing state."
I mean I can see how an 18 year old might believe the bullshit you're trying to spew but your position falls apart as soon as any halfway-educated adult applies any level of critical thinking to the topic.
If you can't be objective, you should just stop trying to spew your obvious propaganda (which coincidentally lacks any credible sources) before you make yourself look even more stupid.
Guess who one of the Florida Electors is - Bondi the bought and paid for with illegal donation from Trump's charity (which he tried to cover up under a false name for the payment)
corruption, much?
hes such an over sensitive special snowflake getting super triggered by every little thing. Its going to be hilarious.
Not to mention the butthurt when he cuts taxes to the rich and shuts down manhattan every single weekend . The fucker doesnt even attend the intelligence briefings so who knows what the fuck hell do.
Thank god I can laugh at it from afar
>Trump never said "Down with the Democracy"
>He never called for any recount prior to the election
>Fascism is best? I'm going to need a source quoting him on that.
>Kick out illegal mexicans is not the same as "kick out all the mexicans" idiot
By all means keep crying though, you lost. Deal with it.
sure kid. what's the name of this fantasy world you live in? is it called puberty?
yawn. beating a dead horse. how sad.
likewise I'm sure.
sure kid. loud and proud huh?
Just a heads up - saying "butthurt" is pretty cirngey. It's kinda like calling a thread "bread," etc. Anyways, if you don't believe me, walk up the basement stairs to the kitchen to ask your mom.
funny, obarry said there was "clean coal".
why the change of heart?
cause its bullshit.
yawn. butthurt much? twelve year old much?
Wow, a source that says gerrymandering helps Republicans when they're in office and redraw district lines?
What do you think happens when Dems are elected into the same offices 2 or 4 years later? They don't just leave the lines the same, they redraw them for the 100th time to benefit THEIR side, dipshit.
Great rebuttal, genius. Just shows your lack of any sort of critical thinking.
sure kid
>you lost. Deal with it.
sure, we will deal with it. the same way the Republicunts dealt with it in 2008. and 2012. only with more grace adn less sheer racist bigotry.
they didn't stop complaining, and rally round the President. they didn't join together and heal the nation.
so why should we? Trump is a vile human being, unfit to govern, arrogant and narcissistic.
his picks for cabinet are all lobbyists and cronies, corrupt to the core. his policies are to enrich the billionaires, and fuck the rest.
why should we be silent? This is a democracy, adn we still have the First Amendment. For now.
he is a fascist - in all but name. Why should we be silent?
sure kid. get used to it.
maybe you shut up?
going through his chosen co-rules is like going through the villains to a fucking kids show, oh man
President Obama may have said that - but he was wrong.
the technology does not exist to burn coal cleanly and economically.
sure kid. the crying has already reached epic levels.
you suck. its the truth. deal with it.
The FBI, National Security Agency and CIA are likely to gain expanded surveillance powers under President-elect Donald Trump and a Republican-controlled Congress, a prospect that has privacy advocates and some lawmakers trying to mobilize opposition.
Trump’s first two choices to head law enforcement and intelligence agencies -- Republican Senator Jeff Sessions for attorney general and Republican Representative Mike Pompeo for director of the Central Intelligence Agency -- are leading advocates for domestic government spying at levels not seen since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
amen. I'm from a blue state and kind of feel like "alright, you're old enough to remember what happened with Bush? and you still elected him? alright, but I get every right to yell 'I told you so!!!!' right after we go to war with Russia or whatever dumb shit he does
aww, maybe he should have asked you first?
America's first retarded president. Congrats, you've become a caricature of yourselves.
yawn. it does kid. since before you were born.
>Google France link
>French user pretending to be American
This couldn't possibly be some french muzzy trying to propagate more disinformation as pseudo-facts could it? Nawww....that would NEVER happen, right?
sure kid. where were you for the last eight years?
kekd. read it in his voice. thank you from a child of the 90s
who fucking cares about your feelings?
Hillary lost. what are you going on about?
So you say Democrats do it more than Repubs, and I show you an article that shows how Repubs have gerrymandered a majority in the Congress, and somehow that isn't relevant?
also, redistricting does not happen all the time...
especially when a state senate has been gerrymandered to be one sided and then has the responsibility to do the redistricting - who do you think they are going to favor in redrawing lines...
and if you take two seconds to google "republican gerrymandering" you will find dozens of articles about their campaign to do this in congress and for state governorship and state senates - so that the entire country is not covered by weird shaped districts and the majority of states have republican administrations but majority democrat popular votes, - and you say I lack critical thinking skills?
hey, what am I missing here? Because I don't see any genius level rebuttal from you..
we have had worse throughout history. they just dont teach you about them in school that much because why would you tell children how truly retarded our political system/leaders really are?
America lost.
my mom
really? Prove it. any link will do.
I was born in 1964 by the way...
>I don't remember Bush and all his made-up words
underage faggot
lol you really think that ass clown is capable of being president? Deal with it?
Gee, first you guys defended an illiterate chimp for 8 years. Now you're defending a pumpkin retard haha
I can't wait for him to fuck up horribly...and guess what? Your dumbass is still going to defend him haha get hit by a bus
Trumptards yawning is the new normal for them.
Nothing of substance is happening with the new Trump normal.
all republicans are quite retarded but Trump is next level