This little cunt is so forced and every scene she's in where she speaks makes me cringe.
This little cunt is so forced and every scene she's in where she speaks makes me cringe
Other urls found in this thread:
You're just a myso-man-baby who is threatened by any powerful and assertive female.
>tfw some lucky faggot will marry Bearloli some day and she will give him strong and healthy sons and daughters
But she's what the audience wants.
Anything that destroys the stereotype patriarchal structure needs to be praised and portrayed as good.
This. He's a whiny pissbaby wanting his bottle
But watch the pedophiles of Sup Forums unironically defend her
Sure m8. It's not because the character is a mary sue that can spout any bullshit that suddenly causes the northerners to fall in line.
she looks 18 mate
If it was a male you wouldn't have a problem with it.
She will marry Jon Snow, mark my words
I loved her! You're not being very fair.
If it was a male, he would be portrayed as weak like Tommen, or insane like Joeffry and the Vale dude.
Sup Forums hates all the other woman but loves the little girl and for some reason claim she is a strong woman done right. She is a 10 year old girl that is portrayed as being better than all the other lords of the North. She's worse than Dany. Sup Forums only likes her because Sup Forums is full of pedos.
10 year old boy acting strong and giving inspirational speeches would be stupid aswell lets be honest. like brandon in s1, would you take him seriously as a strong leader?
It wasn't uncommon at the time to have 11 year olds be lords. Fuck dude bran was doing the same shit right before Theon took winterfell
do people on tumblr actually use these retarded insults?
>That massive underbite
Poor kid.
You know everyone likes her.
Good point.
I guess not every male baby kings were portrayed as lunatics or weak rulers.
>somebody doesn't like my shitty mary sue character so they must be trolling
I unironically hope she dies next season. So has no resemblance in character to the other Mormonts. She's literally a "gurl power" insert for feminist retards.
She qt as fuck and a better actress than half the grown women on the show.
This, she's awesome and I'm a notorious misogynist
>better actress
>"grrr im an angwee wittle gurwl"
It's laughable at best.
Alot of things probably make you cringe
Yes. And they use it here. Where do you think I got it from?
She is just positioning herself to be Queen in the North
You have to admit the strong womyn shit is excessive. Nearly every scene this episode featured a man submitting to or being dominated by a female.
>Margaery the only voice of reason at the trial, makes the High Sparrow realize he fucked up
>Tommen rendered impotent by Cersei (acting via her mantoy Gregor), kills himself because his waifu is dead
>Septon Unella punished for accepting oppression by the patriarchy and religious values
>Walder and sons killed and mocked by Arya
>Jon and Davos just letting Melisandre go
>Littlecuck groveling over Sansa and being denied
>no one gives a shit about Jon's claim until a 12 year-old girl stands up for him
>Varys/Tyrion/Daario/Theon all beta slaves for strong women
i fucking cried when she had her little speech, god tier acting bro
I'd like to see her put on a strap-on, bend over and have her force it in
>thrown in for the pedo audience because Arya got to old and sloth looking
>forced sjw fantasy
Pick one
11 year-old lords didn't actually rule or personally lead their factions, they had a regent/council governing in their name. Reaching the age of majority (around 16), when the heir could start taking over personal rule, was a big deal.
I know what you mean, it's a bit sickening.
But it's what the audience wants. There is clearly a very large leftist demographics who will eat up all of that in praise.
>dany yara sandsnakes and ellaria gets a pass
>when in the books it's lyanna who is the most badass girl and the rest are either immature or faggots
not make the same post with every got character
I want her to pee on me
whats up with danes and that ridiculous head shape? like a block slightly squeezed from the middle
>women are in power and do bad things
>it's an SJW power trip, look how they're making the men grovel and be reduced to nothing
>men are in power and do bad things
>more SJW propaganda trying to show the evils of the patriarchy, look at all the humbled women that the audience is meant to sympathize with
you faggots are never happy
they're adopting the lego shape
frank hvam is a good looking man tBh
They're called squareheads for a reason
In the next season I hope
Everything is better with lolis.
Leave her alone.
She is under my protection.
>most badass girl
>she sends a letter to Roose that says "no"
>tfw you refused the corn
Her performance is on par with Joffrey season 2. Joffrey S1 had more range.
>she sends a letter to Roose that says "no"
>he forgot how she btfo stannis in the books
it's in her character to be badass, nothing forced or anything else in it like other grrrrrrrrrl power in the series. either you're a retarded tv only fag or a blind book reader
Fuck off you autists. There is literally no reason to hate on a character for being based .
she's not even Gurl power, she disses Sansa for alternating between marriages. Also, she is the first to declare for Jon as the most eligable heir to the North despite a female Stark with a better claim. Literally anti-tumblr
Also pedos can fuck off as well
>she tells stannis "no I'm not loyal to you"
Wow I'm literally shaking in my boots. How badass of her. It's not like any other person in the books said the exact same thing.
She's not even angry in her scenes except when she's glaring at Ramsay. Good job describing Emilia's acting though.
She sends Stannis the "Bear Island knows no King but the King in the North whose name is STARK" letter, in the books and the show. The only reason the rest of her scenes feels made up is because DnD are in lol fan fiction territory now.
Her acting is fine, though she does sounds like she's drunk on sour milk brew.
>This little cunt is so forced and every scene she's in where she speaks makes me cringe
but wouldn't it be how a kid who have been given power at a young age acts like?
Yeah. I mean she's pretty much been a better Mormont than Jorah the entire series. She takes after Jeor - which is more why she's a badass than anything.
I'm still salty as fuck about Prince Doran though. Dorne already had female inheritance and one of the coolest players in the game - why did they have to murder off Alexander Siddiq for no reason? FUCK
And now we just have the damn sandsnakes forever. Kill me now.
I love it. She acts like a kid who has had her forefathers rhetoric fed into her brain since the time of her birth.
ur a faggot, don't talk about my daughter like that
Still best female charachter
>I need attention so I best go against popular consent
Thread = abandoned, faggot
>being that much in denial
all u want is some bad poossy, admit it
You seem angry that someone doesn't have the same opinion as you on your shit character.
How childish
Maybe also grandma tyrell and the sneks beeing strong independent women.
I agree.
It's Disney-tier.
I cringe every time she shows up.
We are expected to believe CIA has powers over all of the Vale as Robin's ward, including the power to declare war and side with the Starks, but somehow this little girl, younger than Robin, is making decisions for Bear Island without a ward putting her in check?
Rest in peace, sweet prince. They even gave his "Fire and Blood" line to Varys. Never got any credit. Just got to be the ineffective fop that everyone thought he was.
And then the fucking snakes take him out like a ponce even though he's supposed to be a varys-tier chess/cyvassemaster. Fucking tragic. Plus, much as I love Indira Varma, the snakes in the show are so forced and hateable. Based Oleanna telling them to shut the fuck up for once really warmed my heart last night.
>also RIP Areo Hotah, the Camera that Walks, who was black in this show for some reason
>RIP Trystane the one son that they remembered to include
>RIP Myrcella, whose claim on the throne would make things right now a lot more interesting
>don't forget to pour one out for Arianne, Quentyn, & the entire fucking city of Sunspear for not even getting included
Fuck Darkstar desu ne
>because everybody everywhere must have the same customs
In the books she barely appears at all you fucking faggot. Her reply to Stannis is the only time she's mentioned.
She's an unrealistic SJW meme character and one of the many changes ruining the show.
Cute little girl being badass =/= mary sue feminazi stronk womyn
Learn to the fucking difference
nah she's awesome, but you are a fag
g8 b8 m8
Read the thread losers. You've been BTFO already.
That's the benefit of books over the show, GRRM is a noted feminist but in the books you aren't repeatedly beaten over the head with it but it's still there.
In the show, everything is condensed so to hit the major plot points this shit feels as if it's forced down your throat repeatedly. Doesn't help that the writers are hacks either.
>being intimidated by a little girl
just lmao
We never see anyone that young in the North making such important decisions.
Even Bran as acting Lord of Winterfell was limited to making decisions about paying masons, repairing towers and other inane bullshit.
Her presence in the show is a major departure from the books.
That's the thing. She's NOT intimidating. It's like an autist trying to fight you with moves he learned from his chinese cartoons. It's comical.
yeah they're both kids so their situation is exactly the same and it's contradictory that their characters don't act in exactly the same way
she fought with jon while no one else would, and the fact she's a gril only amplifies the lack of honour shown by those who declined. what are they going to say, "yeah i might have been a bigger pussy than you, a child, but fuck you"?
Well she's been the Lady of Bear Island for some time now, at the very least ruling in place of her mother Maege since the middle of season 1. The Mormonts are a strong willed bunch in the books, especially the women, who are renowned as fearsome warriors.
You don't get it.
She being able to make war decisions and proclaim Jon King in the North is NOT REALISTIC. Nobody would take her seriously. She's a little girl that has NO idea about how the world works, NO experience, nothing.
Compare S1 Arya or Bran (realistic child acting), with her leading armies, making impassioned speeches and making Lords fall in line.
What made GOT stand apart was the gritty realism in a fantasy setting, which was a unique combination.
Now the Medieval-realism is dying and being replaced by some Disney SJW shit.
>especially the women, who are renowned as fearsome warriors.
ahahahahhahaahha. nothing quite does the job of bringing you right out of the story then strong women warriors. There's a better chance of dragons being real then that.
>White Walkers
You really are retarded, aren't you?
To be honest, with the Umbers, Karstarks, and Boltons effectively reduced to nothing it makes a certain sense in the context of that scene. I agree that DnD force her too much, but there I think it was a pretty solid political move.
The only houses left are the ones who were such pussies that they escaped losses by not joining any of Robb's or Roose/Ramsay's engagements. They're shitheels who just wanted to wait out the war.
Can't help but feel that Mormont's greatest use to Jon in that scene is being a fiesty little dipshit who has more stones than the handful of banners who have been dodging the whole war in that scene.
>asked by your Lord & Lady to raise the banners
>don't want to, have avoided getting raped and murdered the whole war by not committing
>fucking child ruins it by calling you a coward
>have to bend the knee to save face
RIP House Umber
RIP House Karstark
You may have been traitors, but you were MY traitors
>I don't understand what made GOT unique in a fantasy setting
>What made GOT stand apart was the gritty realism in a fantasy setting
why are you even bothering to reply to him if you aren't going to read his post you fucktard
So? Then Mormonts handle it differently from Starks, you faggot.
Arya and Bran were never expected to become lords of Winterfell. Lyanna is being trained to be a leader. She might be playing a part, but the real reason they listen to her is because Bear Isle stands behind her.
kys right now
Realism, as soon as it is pointed out, in any work of fiction is a mark of a plebian who cannot immerse himself to a world, despite its perceived flaws that do not reflect """reality""".
And how does having a strong child leader seem less "gritty" """realistic"""? Are you aware of her hardships or do you just cast people aside because of """realistic""" standards of age/gender?
>I'm a pedo and I will go to any length to justify my neckbeard fanservice character
That's all I got from your post.
Isn't the one on the right a Karstark?
>some fucking 12 year old little girls talks shit about "honor"
Dumb as fuck.
This season just completely buried this show.
shes literally a figurehead mouthpiece for the maester that runs bear island through her.
Nope. Smalljon Umber.
He does look a lot like the old Karstark patriarch Rickard though. Big bearded Gandalf looking guy.
There were a lot of Karstark shields at the Battle of the Bastards though, so I'm guessing they didn't make out very well either.
ITT feminist cunts who don't give a shit about the novels and want Game of Thrornes to be their personal sociopolitical hugbox.
Ah, you're right
>This little cunt is so forced
She's not forced, she's tight.
You don't salute the loli, you salute the rank.
Varys does as he pleases.
He has has teleportation powers that are stronger than CIA.
He has no cock. Don't lump him into this.