What does /int think about Donald Trump?


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great guy, truly the best jester in our european court.

Great guy. Love him. Fantastic. Ask anyone, they'll agree.

Best president

That he is president of the Divided Slaves of Amerikkka.

Amusing, intelligent and perfect president
Anyone who disagrees is fake

This, we will gladly pay and build that wall, we deserve it 2bh

Most of those posting under the US flag on Sup Forums, are self-hating whites and millennial progressives of the following type:


Every American aged 20-35, who lives in an urban area of population exceeding 50,000, is a progressive. There are a handful which claim not to be progressives, but they are so few in number as to be statistically irrelevant.

They are all multiculturalists, progressives, race mixers, supporters of homosexuality and trans rights, and Islamic apologists. Where they are found, they must be killed, mutilated or sexually assaulted

I dont like him nor hate him. But he's often right and we all know that exists a boycott to his gouvernment.

Actually thinks the leader of the free world is racist just because it's trendy

At least top 5 all time already.

Wish he was a leaf and our PM

Haha, fuck no, I'm a libertarian


I understand the reasons for which he got elected, and he's not any worse than Clinton, but he doesn't seem to be a good president.

Haha, fuck no, I'm a right winged-libertarian

Based memelord.

all threads about him arent fun.

Agree with his views to an extent but think he's fucking mad

Nah, we'll keep our right to free speech. Isn't canada penalizing those who misgender people?

Literally anything is better than a regressive leftist, so I'll take the madness

he pretended to be a mad man
but failed to hide that he is a opportunist inside

The greatest personality of the Western world since Hitler

I think he's being used.

In the end they will just make sure he fails hard (not too hard 2bh) and so in the minds of people everything he stood against will be vindicated.

Globalism is fated to win in the end.

Based leader of mankind

he is a great man

a joke

We actually got that idea from laws already in use in New York. Canada also still has more personal freedom than burgeristan.

But a good joke

He's alright... Nothing too special though

Source of autism

If he ensures the death of america I'll say he's a good guy, if unintentionally so.

I dont get what all the fuzz is about.
Safe space faggots freaking out and media clickbaiting.

nervous about the Russia thing desu. Why has he NEVER criticized Putin about anything publicly?

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes


Because Putin is his handler.

He's a Russian puppet, same way Gorbachev was a CIA puppet.

USA collapse imminent, mark my words.

pretty much
the jew media is wanting to create chaos

He's Putin in disguise

It's pretty cynical approach.

"You help us fight ISIS and I don't give a fuck what you do to your russian slaves."

>le spooky Russian hackers hacking the election
>le Putin is controlling trump

Why do you people believe this meme? Because he isn't war mongering like Hillary?

Terrific man, everybody agrees. Really great guy, believe me when I say this. Could be the best, I think so at least. Going to build a yuge wall, best that's ever been built. Builds the best walls, everyone knows.

>Putin is a tiny manlet
>Trump is a tall fatguy with small hands and feet

He could totally fit inside there. Seems legit.

You should build a wall on the Russian border

Who are the Russian slaves?

The administration is constantly lying about Russia. I don't know what's really happening but it's shady as fuck

It's a mech m8, tiny Putin is sat in Trump's stomach cockpit.

Hillary wasn't any better. Some deep Illuminati Fidelio shit.

Either way the US was fucked with this election. Shows how little control the people actually have over their fates.

P*tin = Hillary

We need man like Trump here.

We need man who will build a WALL around Caucasus and middle asia. We need a man who will DEPORT illegal immigrants.

I envy americans ;_;

we, workers, peasants, doctors, teachers, all of us who don't have a power


>thinking an egomaniac given the reigns of the world's foremost country is "taking orders" from a 2-bit dictator hailing from a failing state

You guys are the most dual minded morons I swear to God

Saying you'll destroy Iranian ships for mocking American sailors within their international waters but giving Russia a free pass on violating missile treaties is admittedly sketchy.

Smuggiest, funniest and bantzmaster president

Well maybe if Russia didn't fuck around in the Caucasus so much they wouldn't immigrate there, ever thought about that?


True they should've killed, razed and burned to the ground every settlement and living being in that area instead of letting them live.

Oh yes we pour shit in pants all those armenians, azeris, georgians who move here.

I forgot about this

Iran is much less dangerous than Russia you idiot

Sounds like you're the one who doesn't understand geopolitics


>you don't understand geopolitics
Is the crib sheet bend over every time Russia does anything? It's as stupid as it is inconsistent. The least he could do is make a condemnation of the act.

This sentence doesn't even make sense
should've happened to your totally real and absolutely not fake cunt Tbh

No, you can't make a "red line" unless you are literally ready to go to war with them. The kind of dumb shit Obama did in Syria that made the situation more fucked and did teeter us on the brink of invasion.

Lucky for him the media isn't so scathing of Democrat blunders.

Maybe only to the Western part.

seems a mite autistic 2bqh

>tfw less relevant than Moldova

>you can't make a red line
Of course you can. That's what sanctions and the closing off of ports is for.

Like George W. Bush, he is a great president to showcase the intelligence of American citizens.

typical american

We've already done that shit.

The truth is Russia isn't really "our" enemy anymore. They're the EU's problem and they're more than capable of handling them, they just won't because we've been shouldering the burden.

We have a bigger, direct problem, and that is China. They want our Pacific/Asian points of control. That's where we should be diverting resources, not playing endless cat and mouse with Russia.

The hilarity here is that Romney was lambasted for implying Russia was our biggest enemy 4 years ago and now I can't stop hearing about them from liberals. You aren't consistent and it's clear that is just the petty point you've decided to stick it to Trump from. You can do better.

>Reagan 1981-1989 to press Soviet
>Trump 2017-2025 to press China

All I'm hearing is a roundabout excuse that Russia can do whatever they want in the region because chyna. How would putting up sanctions each time international law and treaties are violated be a bad thing. It's a stick and carrot approach.


I never said it's a bad thing, we have standing sanctions on them. But taking a hard stance or assertion against them can be drawing a line that leads to war. Why the fuck should we go to war with Russia over Ukraine or Belashit? There is nothing in that for us.

It IS the EU's problem. They need to stop being a feckless bunch of welfare state cucks and take the tough stances against Russia themselves. This entire foray is a resource drain for us that merely exists due to bygone Soviet power threats that no longer exist, and it's time to recalibrate our foreign strategy.

To that end, I don't recall Obama doing shit when they were quite literally invading Crimea and Ukraine so until we even begin to see stuff like that consider your "criticism" of Trump not preoccupying himself with Russia constantly as falling on largely deaf ears here.

on these threads even shit like that can be happened. its always like some american posters and polacks getting butthurt being delusional, and others making fun of them or bitching.


But aren't we all slaves then?

Trump will be the worst neocon hawk ever. He has taken the Madman theory to the extreme.


Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour.

two russian children in a trenchcoat

No, Chinese government system doesn't work more. They will have a difficult time in 2020's.
They need to move to democracy and federation system. Then peace will come to the East Asia.

He seems legitimately autistic.

If he keeps Ivan's and mudslimes at bay and recognises the Republican government the only legal government of China, then he's a good guy and I don't give a flying fuck what he says or what kind of good fellows he keeps in his cabinet.

We all know that the US can bring weak Russian government to it's knees (look at what Reagan did), so why not do it? For good old (Great) times sake?

Autistic projection.

I really hope his presidency will lead to civil war and dissolution of USA
