As a Muslim I am literally shaking right now. Trump is going to depot us all

As a Muslim I am literally shaking right now. Trump is going to depot us all.

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and nothing of value will be lost

The only ones to blame are yourselves. If you guys would stop the terrorist shit, then we would literally not have any issue with you.

Delusional as muslims always are.

This. You can thank your shitty religionpals or convert. ez. /thread

why do u believe in stupid medeval shit?

Just move to Canada

Nah. It'll take an act of Congress and they'll never back that shit. Same with the wall. Which is now a fence or some shit.

Also, apologies to the Mexican fags out there. Most of us whiteys like you fuckers and know you are an important part of our nation and culture.

Idgaf that he was elected. Idc, just a lot of the shit that was coming out of his mouth was not only bullshit, but offensive.

Sorry mexifags, we like you. Most of us do anyway. Your food is delicious, your women are beautiful, and you have a rich and storied history and culture. We like you guys.

Muslims, yeah you guys are on thinner ice than the mexifags, but shit, can you blame us? You're cutting people's heads off ffs. Still though, a mass deportation is a logistical nightmare, would be too expensive, and what are we gonna do? Put em all on a few barges and shove them out into the atlantic? Sheeiit nigga pls. Let's keep it real

Have you tried not being the scum of the Earth?

Put a mattress in the pool they'll need a crane to get it out

This also applies to Israel.

"show me what you got"

Im all for the barge plan

>Trump is going to depot us all.
Holy shit, if he's taking your pot from you can I have it?

And Ill be there to wave goodbye.

Its too bad our political system was designed to have inirtia and we cant change more shit.

Gtfo fucking savages

You're misreading it, he's gonna put them all in a depot

You fucking antisemitic cunt, go fuck yourself

You deserve to be deported if you genuinely believe it will actually happen.

Do people believe Trump will literally burst into their homes himself and grab you by the dirty ass beards and throw you out of the country? And even then, do you honestly believe they would put that much effort into booting out fucking aliens who are here right now rather than focus on preventing MORE from coming in?

Don't be such a goat-gobbling faggot.

So they just wash back ashore a week later? Gonna need a better plan than that.

Inb4 genocide

Is it a Home Depot?

muslims dont have computers nice try baiting faggot

And I'll laugh and happily say goodbye. Go back to the middle east where you creatures belong.

good. fuck all muslims. They are nothing but trouble for everyone else.

no, you're thinking of the amish

He's not going to do that. People need to wake up and realize that these are families that go to work, raise kids, and just want to happy lives like everyone else. Muslims in the US definitely need some PR help,

respect america god dammit, adopt some western cultures, stop pushing gays off buildings. fuck im annoyed by fags but these people arent bothering you, your country sucks and its literally violent as hell. its total bullshit that women want to cover themselves up believe me they're uncomfortable and its hot. dont get mad at us, you're fucking cavemen and now we're assholes because we pulled out of syria cause its not a very good deal for us. maybe you guys need to go through a few civil wars and genocides before you realize it isnt getting you anywhere. we still have 'in god we trust' on our money, but gay marriage was enacted; we forge onward in spite of whats right. we can hold the values of a bigoted piece of literature and subtract the not so good values because we're smart, you guys have a little trouble with that


He's gonna home depot all you ragheads

We like Mexicans only because we like our grass cut and our pools clean and where else will we go to get the windows in our cars tinted?

No PR is going to help when the so-called "moderate muslims" shrug when their not-so-moderate cousins blow up a magazine company or threaten to behead people and say "well there's consequences for your actions, it wouldnt happen if you didn't instigate them"


Here's your PR. They give themselves a bad name while preaching muh jihad

You don't like tacos huh? I don't fucking believe you.

Why do I always forget the fucking picture

Yeah sorry forgot that, but keep the women, they are not pretty. They all secretly want white women just like everyone else.

in spite of whats wrong*

He's gonna Home Depot your ass


>t. CAIR

you fucked up alt right wannabes, get back to being sjws now! don't get caught by the ratcatchers.

No he's not, stop acting like a liberal crybaby

Your religion sucks though, it has brought nothing but blood and tears to this world. Islam is straight from the devils anus.

Even peaceful Muslims don't generally condemn terrorist attacks when they happen, and many would like Sharia law to be instated in the West.

Back you go Shlomo


thats not true

instead trump is going to pay off the us debt by nuking mecca on pay per view

itll be $1k to order, but every american household will order it or pay a $25k fine (thanks obamacare for the idea)

we'll all get to watch as mecca turns into a nuclear waste site, burning forever, and all the little sandniggers run around screaming alahualahualahu

dis gon b good

No. He won't do anything he said he would. He backpedals like a scared teenager. You're fine.


Good. Shitskins like you are a plague on society.


Why is Eddie Murphy in Mexico?

>then we would literally not have any issue with you.

Liar. Whites hate others for not being white or white enough. What did the Irish do to deserve the treatment the British did to them? What were the big African terrorist attacks that justified slavery in America?

ok ok we get it, you're scared.
blow it out your ass


I feel you, OP.
I'd be tripping too if I knew someone was about to take all my weed.


>leave 3rd world shithole
>try to make new country same as third world shithole
>wonder why people hate you and your way of life

trump can write an executive order so the corruption of congress won't mean shit. spics don't mean anything to the planet whatsoever, or benefit it. spics are only good for spraying every standing thing with graffiti, drive their stolen vans & SUVs that hold their 8-12 wetback kids, murdering and raping people, spreading gang violence and also spreading their worthless piece of shit 3rd world culture. spics have no regards for american culture and only intend to spread their own filthy practices, there's no assimilation with any of these scum. if their heritage is so rich, why are they here for? what is rich about having slum buildings with rats & roaches in every city? i think you're exaggerating the "richness" of their shit-tier culture, you can't be rich and wash your clothes in the same waters you shit and piss in at the same time. if wetbacks benefit humanity, how come they never work? how come 90% of wetbacks are on welfare, and when they do work they work cheap labor jobs for 2-4 bucks an hour, is this supposed to be the "jobs that only mexicans can do" ? everything job-wise spics can do, whites can do better tenfold, after all who has been doing it before their arrival here? spics are given a chance to live better life, and instead of working they decide to spread their spic culture & gang violence everywhere, not caring for their education or careers whatsoever, hence why spics are so fucking stupid. our school curriculums are 75% more idiotic because of the spic inflow. wetbacks ruin everything they touch, including all businesses and houses they get their dirty spic hands on, and a month later the building/house they've purchased is a run-down moldy bug infested slum. it would be best if we had concentration camps for these scum, that way if we wipe out the spic race then not only the country, but the WORLD's IQ will rise significantly.



can i get a tldr?


>kill a few whites
he did nothing wrong

Fucking moron. I can't believe people really think like this. Slavery existed long before America ever existed, the founding fathers took ideals from Europe, where slavery was a big deal. Im a white dude, in America, I give everyone a chance; but if you're a piece of shit im going to treat you like a piece of shit.


>We suck blacks
fixed his shirt

Obama has deported more people under his administration than any other, and you're worried about Trump? You're delusional.

"I like very girly, retro inspired, feminine, floral things. I'm not very edgy."
Ariana Grande

no he won't. his jewish overlord's won't allow it

>Put em all on a few barges and shove them out into the atlantic?
thinking outside the box i like it... i was just going deport them to canada

God i hope so you fucking animal.

This. All you need to do is tell (most of) your leaders to publicly and privately denounce all terrorist acts, saying they are counterproductive and do not align with Allah's wishes.

Trips speaks truth

you wanna blame a trump supporter of being black cock sucker?

canada wants to send them to a subhuman nation like usa

as a muslim, gtfo Sup Forums


i just want him to be honest with himself.


Don't see Israeli dudes slaughtering westeners.

Fuck you, you idiot. Do you know your enemy?


.maybe you should stop being Muslim then

you can join your well trained jihad bros

If this isn't trollbait then you are sadly mistaken.
Slavery was started by black people. It was then advanced and propelled by the democrat party you lefties hold so near and dear.

>inb4 party swap
They swapped back just before white republicans passed civil rights act in 1964. Republicans had 80% of the house and it only passed with 80% of votes.

>every great accomplishment was done using slavery

>great wall of china
>gold mines
>diamond mines
>coal mines

List goes on. Slavery happens in other states too.
Look up the law of "Prima Nocta" Irish were poor farmers and the brits literally cucked them. Go watch braveheart.

I swear democrats and lefties are so brainwashed it's crazy I can't wait for your leaders to die off so you fucks can peter out and wage cuck for republican businessmen. We're capitalists, a black persons money is worth just as much as a white persons money. Fuck yourself.


lol triggered

tldr, spics are as bad as niggers.

won't get him off that watch list


The importation of Moslems is reaching the point at which they can become the grave and irremediable problem that they are everywhere else.


How do you think white colonists got those slaves? We didn't sail through Africa and abduct them. We bought them from the indigenous niggers who enslaved other tribes.

he could kill him self

As a Muslim I'm thankful he won. Hillary Clinton is a really nasty piece of work... Just ask my Yemeni friends. Never understood why so many Muslims supported her. SMH.

Tldr: I love and support mexicans

Fyck you sandnigger

Hillary would have continued fucking up the middle east.

>Look up the law of "Prima Nocta" Irish were poor farmers and the brits literally cucked them. Go watch braveheart.
fuck your dumb

My point exactly. I'm not denying that Trump's imperfect, but with American presidents and Middle East policy, less is more, I say. Hillary seemed very keen on helping the Saudis in every way possible, whilst Trump just wants to leave people alone. If you've seen the pictures coming out of Yemen, you'll hopefully agree with me (unless you have no soul).

I guess if Christians were cutting people's heads off, they would be getting shit too. But that's not the fucking case.
Your religion is cancer.
You and all of your people are cancer.
The US should turn the midden east into a Walmart parking lot.
Thanks for having an opinion. But your opinion is shit. Kys.

>Liar. Whites hate others for not being white or white enough. What did the Irish do to deserve the treatment the British did to them? What were the big African terrorist attacks that justified slavery in America?
>What did the Irish do to deserve the treatment the British did to them?
> Irish do to deserve the treatment the British did to them?
> Irish do to deserve the treatment
>Whites hate others for not being white or white enough.
99.9% white sunshine is rare as a peaceful mudnigger fuck you sandnigger dont lump irish with you cunts there cool

Trump isn't a jew u stupid faggot