Tfw you don't know what your favorite movie is

>tfw you don't know what your favorite movie is


Don't they have tumblr surveys for that?

I used to think it was Shame but it didn't hold up on 4th viewing so now I just default to saying Goodfellas.

Your favorite movie would probably turn out to be something gay like Conan the Destroyer or something. For me it's Amadeus, jealous much?

>laughs like Mozart and then rides out of thread on heelies

Give me your top 5 and I'll decide for you.

Man of Steel
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Fantastic Four (2015)
Hulk (2003)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)

If the metric used to measure "favorite movie" is rewatchability, then it is Terminator 2 (the director's cut). I can watch that movie infinitely, cause it's the greatest action movie of all time.

Not even a Cameronfag, Avatar is a piece of shit and had me annoyed in the theater

Man of Steel.


>An amazing emotional story

Raiders of the lost Ark
Groundhog Day
Conan the Barbarian
One Million Years BC (1966 one)

Curly Sue
The Professional
A Little Princess

Alien easily.

Due to my depression and loneliness, I am not able to enjoy movies as I used to anymore.

Help me to enjoy them again anons. I want to go back to happy times

>Conan the Barbarian
fucking called it

Wanna know how I know you're a pedo?

kys my man

Which one?

jeremy irons one

>Fantastic Four (2015)
wow looks like I am not the only one who enjoyed it


Start watching a comedy that has no relation to your life situation.

Fucking pleb.

Doom (2005)
The Amazing Spiderman 2
Predator 2
Alien V Predator Requiem

Predator 2 is severely underrated.

Go to therapy dumbass. We can't help you


Having a favourite movie is the mark of a pleb.
You're not a fucking pleb, are you?

this so fucking very much


It's Such A Beautiful Day

dan glov in the color purple is fucking brutal, its on nflix now.

>"you cut me bitch and ill kill ya"


the thing 1982
return of the living dead
fight club

the wood
dear white people
menace II society
how stella got her groove back

Apocalypse Now
Dr. Strangelove
Top Secret!
The Ring

>$0.50 has been deposited to your Disney account

Star Wars ANH
Full Metal Jacket
A Clockwork Orange
Team America World Police

It's because the original was a legit masterpiece and makes it look like a bad sequel by comparison even though it's actually pretty good and does some nice world-building.

Shitpost on /s4s/

Not even joking.

This is the worst list of flicks I've seen in my life.

I wish more people would appreciate this film

>Amazing first minute shot of the Universal Logo being Mars, zoom up to Mars' surface and the research facility

>Amazing fight scene with that African who falls down into that pit where he must try to battle a demon while also trying to get out safely

>An amazing kickass heavy soundtrack

>The Pinky demon having an identical design to the Doom 3 Pinky model

>That First Person Shooter sequence

>Sarge getting a hold of the BFG weapon

>That final Sarge and Doom Guy fight scene while Sarge is slowly turning

>"Like the kid said (unpins grenade)... "Go to hell"

>That end credits sequence

Fucking solid film!

The Thing

Dear White People

Dr. Strangelove

>Only cape films
What the hell user?



1/5 the amazing spiderman kino

1/5 fight club good shit

0/5 haven't seen any but they sound like shit


5/5 only patrician ITT

Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Raiders of the Lost Ark/Last Crusade
Hercules (97)
Pulp Fiction

Ferris Bueller

>tfw favorite kino is Austin Powers

There Will Be Blood
No Country for Old Men
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Hana-bi (Fireworks)
Punch Drunk Love

Ferris Bueller
In the Mood For Love
Waking Life

Speed Racer
TMNT 1990
Babar the movie
Yugioh the pyramid of light
Ironman 1


2001: A Space Odyssey
F for Fake
Blade Runner
