This building: discuss

This building: discuss.

what about it

I like it, nice building

>tip my fedora
>turn 360°
>walk away

Lego Penis

It's like they were building a building, and then they were like FUCK IT LET'S BUILD ANOTHER BUILDING ON TOP OF THIS ONE. 100% certain that is exactly what happened.

Brutalism works well in a dumpy industrial place like that shithole.

Looks unsafe as fuck for me

It's pretty safe

It's a pretty cool building, the rest of the city looks like shit

it looks weird, where is this?

It's a disaster waiting to happen.

i love the idea of skyscrapers that get wider up high, but this looks dumb

i don't think that's brutalism. not nearly ugly enough.


Look at you and your freshman year architecture studies

Floor 16: You know what would be hilarious?
Floor 17: What?
Floor 16: Well, what if our floor jettied out so that Floor 15 would be in perpetual darkness?

figured it was an italian city, is it earthquake resistant?


I don't get it. That means you walk towards it?

I wouldn't live there. Looks like a game of Jenga being played in the middle of a slum...

No idea about that, but Milan and adjacent areas are not terribly at risk of earthquakes.

Why the strange windows disposition?

It's not terrible.

Not great, but not terrible.

and then finished off with a communication outpost on top

could be worse

On hey that thing. I've been there it's pretty cool they have a lot of design studios and small projects going on that you can check out

Discuss it.


am i the only who like this building?


I would live/work at floor 15

nice meet
ing you

This is a college in a city close to mines


it looks like a render

you got mines near your college?


The French know how to build good shit. The Brits too.

We'll never build great building again.

Opprobrium. Abomination.


Milan is well safe from earthquakes, we from the center/south are in danger
speaking from the nearest city from the last earthquakes



Torre Velasca

Built that was from the start.

All those bending moments from the cantilever struts must have been hell to get right.

>We'll never build great building again.
As long as we have capitalism no

This look like benis xDDD

If you only saw the rest of that city.. Ooh poor maggot