Words of wisdom from our great dicta- I mean president-elect Domnald Drumpf

Words of wisdom from our great dicta- I mean president-elect Domnald Drumpf


Still butt hurt over Hillarys loss?

Nope, Im a lib that voted trump. I'm butthurt that THIS is the nominee the republicans chose

I don't know why, the guy is fat, racist, doesn't like immigrants, and loves spend money that he doesn't have. He is a living personification of the United States, never a president represented his country so well.

He's right you know.
We're infested with communists, anarchists, and other undesirables who literally hate this country and what it stands for.
They need to GTFO.

Everyone else was at least 2 of the following
>bought out by billionaires
>a Christian theocrat
>literally so retarded they couldn't vocalize complete thoughts on policy
>unlikeable in almost every way

>lib that voted trump
wtf is wrong with you. well, this is the future you chose.

Lol if anyone agrees that is a good idea. I voted for the chucklefuck but if you are going to strip citizenship maybe start with Idk mass murderers or people committing actual crimes.

I like how Americans believe they live in a Democracy. The more you realize that you live in a Republic, the better.

your flag is meaningless in a world run by banks and corporations

>1500 retweets and 3600 likes

That's a lot of people that support cruel and unusual punishment

soooo. The Average American? maybe there's a reason why he spoke wonders to those who voted for him

sounds an awefull like islam to me. Punishing those who don't abide by your ideology.

> I voted for the chucklefuck

this is the future you chose

>loss of citizenship
>cruel and unusual punishment
Seeing how they are burning the symbol of our country, I would say they they are getting what they are asking for. They clearly don't like america if they are burning our flag.

It's burning the American flag. The very symbol that gave you your middle class housing with carpeted stairs. Ungrateful prick

Master troll

>Seeing how they are burning the quran, I would say they are getting what they are asking for.

People with ideologies like yourself that remind the world of muslims are disgusting.

ITT: Americans act like muslims un-ironically

Fine people that burn flags, raise taxes on flags. Turn money earned from this on education systems that dont follow the insane leftist mindset.

Have anarchists and leftists pay for a better educational system that prevents thinvs like trogglypuff to appear.
Also have insane patriots pay for the same shit due to tax.

As a Swede, I actually think he is on the right track. Kill off the vermin who ruins your once glorious nation.

You anti-Trump heroes should burn all the American flags you can get your hands on

as the rest of the world, we generally dont listen to swedenstan when it comes to politics

>be billionaire
>be president elect
>still don't get twitter handle of choice

in front of his name screams fake account

i always see tweets from this twitter. is this really his account? surely the president wouldn't be tweeting the these kind of things.

how can it be fake if it says real?

Humans have proven time and time again that they cannot govern themselves properly. Order takes precedence, and fascism is the only way to accomplish this.

Words of the McCarthy era. Making America great, like it was in the 1950's.

A lib that voted trump?

Must be a shit lib. Since he's a fucking horrible person.

A more sane parallel would be "you burned our holy book? Well fuck you, you are kicked out of the religion"
If you start burning menus or national flags in a restaurant they would kick you out and probably call the cops, they wouldn't just open fire on you or blow up your table.

Hillary is a-okay though kek

>someone does something that hurts nobody
>let's take away their ability to do anything that requires citizenship, like working and owning property

Everyone needs to refer to

He's not talking on kicking them out and even than as a citizen and someone with rights,you should be able to do something like that. Burning a flag is no different than burning a quran or any of religious symbol.

Punishing someone for either is just bad. I get your point and I did use a more extreme version; but howlong before you can't tell the difference anymore ?

Right to free speech and expression. And the government can't revoke citenzinship, that's against the constitution. You conservatards should know that

>that's against the constitution
No it isn't.

It has to be a sufficiently severe offense to warrant someone's citizenship being revoked, otherwise it's cruel and unusual punishment. Which is against the constitution

lol wrong?
lol right

I came here to post this. I'm posting this all over FB. Stupid libs didn't know it existed.

Burning the flag is declaring that you hate the country. That's sufficiently severe in my opinion.
Keep in mind the flag doesn't represent the government, a politician, a social problem, it's a flag of our nation.
If you hate our nation on a fundamental level you deserve to have your citizenship revoked.

It's a good thing he can't actually do this. He's just a guy with wild ideas who's about to find out how little power the president actually has. Democrats will still ignore the fact he can't be a dictator in the same exact way Republicans feared an Obama dictatorship. Get ready for the bs to switch sides for four year, boys

A citizen may legally volunteer to give up their citizenship. But unless that has happened, or a citizen has joined an organization deemed to be terroisitic in nature, it's unconstitutional. University of Texas law professor Steven vladeck has already affirmed that

My point is that if someone hates a country enough to burn it's flag they should have their wishes granted and be removed from our society.
If they don't want to be a part, we won't let them.

Back is 2005, that was nothing compared to what republicans wanted to do.

aww, terminal butthurt of a twelve year old.

Define terroristic.

so you like the way the democrats do it?

Nation or organization that threatens the sovereignty of other nations or declares war on said nation. Why are you retarded? Burning the flag isn't terroristic, it's free speech and that's already been ruled by the Supreme Court in 1989 and 1990

So the libs are still trying to make drumpf a thing in the words of shadman "its not that funny"

No, because the problem here is not the speeach itself but the harm to the patriotic feeling of the people, which is a legally protected interest by the state, the person, in theory, would answer for this damage and not for the speeach.

Yep, these fags should kill themselves first

how much is Hillary paying you to post here everyday?I mean....the fucking writing style is always the same

Based mom said it best when she said it's wrong to burn the flag of the country that lets you burn its flag

Neither was "nobama", but that didn't stop you.

This is what happens when you mix nationalism in with your ethics

Hurting people's feelings cannot be a legal issue. In the same way that saying "I hate niggers" might actually hurt someone's feelings, it can't be legally ruled upon.

Wouldn't that make the United States and our military a terroristic organization? Try again.

America was pretty awsome in the fifty's

I agree with him. Fuck, it should be an act of treason when you burn the American flag.

And that is a bad thing how?

The dude's a troll on a level I don't even know how to express anymore. This is some higher dimensional trolling.

Less % mudslimes and niggers in Sweden than niggers in United States of Africa

To the view of people whose interests we've fucked up yes. Al qaeda thinks we are terrorists. You're dodging the point, which is the following: the government cannot revoke citizenship for exercising your right to free speech, which burning the flag has already been declared as by the Supreme Court, precisely because it would be unconstitutional

The funny thing is how liberals are reacting to him tweeting this, when HIllary literally proposed the same thing. It's almost like he's trying to point out just how delusional everyone is.

Globalists try to shame nationalists for loving their families, friends, and country. It's not going to work anymore, we're done. The people have spoken.

this is the fucking truth.
If you have to burn the flag for a fucking political message, you are basically declaring yourself an enemy of USA and should be treated as such.

now that you're headed back to the middle ages, please don't drag the rest of the world with you, if you can, please.

no, I think you're dodging the point. Burning a flag isn't free speech, it's a declaration of war and a symbolic threat to the nation, not the government. Thereby it's not protected by free speech, or at least it shouldn't be.

Too bad for the first amendment huh?

>Burn American flag
>yay freedom
>Burn LGBT rainbow flag
>homophobe cis white male die in peperonies

When is the next meteor going to wipe out earth?

What the fuck is nobama I've never fucking heard of that

Checked, and I agree

Symbolic speech is still covered by the right to free expression. Get the fuck over it mate.

Dubs confirm that it never existed

This, kek. Every day it the shit show clown ride gets better. Good luck with that, Mr president.

What's next? Can't wait to find out.

Whats with the vault-tec jump suit?

Only as applied to the government.
Freedom of speech doesn't apply to the nation and the people. aka I can't threaten to kill you without consequence I shouldn't be able to threaten everyone in the nation either.

Threats are not covered my the 1st m8 :^)

You are a fucking piece of shit. 1st amendment. You fucking fake ass constitutional hypocrite. You conservo-s sure talk a big constitution game when you feel like ur the victim, but then get a little power & you become the oppressors. Twat.

Up to this date, I still wonder the same.

if you hate the country enough to burn it's flag, then why are you here?

Also it can't be a declaration of war. Flying planes into buildings is a declaration of war. Bombing us is. Actually saying "I declare war on the United States!" Is, but not burning a flag.

>cruel and unusual

Whats cruel and unusual about jail time for fucking treason?

but let me give you my opinion about some thing I claim to be meaningless.

Right to free speech covers speech that will not affect anyone's personal well being. I.e: I will kill you - not covered because it is a declared threat of violence. Burning a flag - defined as protest

yawn. muh education

So I can burn an effigy of my neighbor's family while yelling into a microphone that they need to die and I will be protected be the 1st amendment? Cool.

Master troll.

Burning a flag is understood to be a declaration of war.
It's like slapping someone with a dueling glove.

If you subtract the part where you say they need to die then yes you can

yes, that was the joke.

That's the dumbest shit anyone could say on the subject. Ask any professor in constitutional law and they'll tell you the exact opposite

It's a form of protest protected under the first amendment, idiot. People who burn the flag don't want to leave. They want their problems solved. Use your brain. Maybe read the constitution you think you know about.

Can we just go holocaust 2.0 on all registered republicans already? They've made it pretty clear they have no intention of furthering humanity in any shape or form, they need to be culled

>muh education
Nobody says that, blacks in this country made it "cool" to be uneducated.

Not true, only covers shit you say about the government,not shit you say about people.
The flag represents the people, not the government.

I don't think this country stands for what you think it stands for.

>Burning the flag is declaring that you hate the country. That's sufficiently severe in my opinion.

This friend needs a history lesson in the origins of the United States of America.

Good luck.
We have the majority of the police and military as well as most of the government and armed militias.
You sure you want holocaust 2.0? you'll be the one in the gas chamber.