>Look who finally came out of his cave
Look who finally came out of his cave
>"I must be hallucinating again."
Dad is that really you?
Dad looks so proud
Im just sleeping
At least you all have a family. :(
Underate tread
>Green text?
>Only because mom won't let me have a fridge in my room.
>*returns to 'cave'*
Jesus christ it's too real. I heard this shit every family gathering between the ages of 14 and 20
>always plan to go out for drinks and food with friends whenever there are guests coming
>mfw I actually have friends
They all died in the Great Meme War of 2016. Bless their souls.
me on the right
not the first guy the second one
Hey mum
i i h hate y you g guys
>pants fill up
w why y you a allways d do th this
>pockets are wet
c cant you g go outside a and bu buy some f food?
>meatballs drop on the floor
cman son let us feast on the spaghetti
>the meal is served
Mine knew it as "the dungeon."
that ginger looks like
>hurr durr i can smell the color seven
ROAR *waves*
fuck off you underage retard, kill yourself
Found the triggered ginger.
Did you parents not beat you enough to teach you not to back chat your betters, lad?