>Tyrell army stationed in King's Landing for ages
>Cersei blows up all tyrells except Olenna
Where's the army? Why didn't they rebel?
Tyrell army stationed in King's Landing for ages
Olenna left with the army, moron.
>Mace in a cardie
well that was fucking dumb
>kills off the best character's in King's Landing with a stupid Deus Ex Machina
Am I the only one who was pissed off about this?
Frogfu, Mace ''the Ace'', Bernie, all fucking dead like that
>Mace is dead
I didn't see his corpse
For you.
no this thread is
>Deus Ex Machina
is this bait or do you legit not know what this term means?
What was Margery's grand plan? Her secret message to grammy seemed to mean that she had a good plan.
They didn't expect Cersei to go all ALLAHU AKBAR
You mean smirkfu
She was letting her know that she was in control and trying to manipulate the GS. Didn't mean she had a master ruse plan, and even if she did I don't think anyone could foresee Cersei deciding to level half of KL with Wildfire.
I was incredibly aroused by that entire sequence. I can only indulge in a sliver of Cersei's satisfaction vicariously, but holy fuck, annihilating all of your enemies in emerald hellfire probably felt better than a lifetime of getting pounded by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. Standing there, watching the Great Sept of Baelor collapse utterly, chugging down top-tier wine in a dominatrix-meets-military-general outfit.
Just fucking kill me. I'll never reach such peaks.
You're not the only one, user
is this true - the entire tyrell army was destroyed ?
I've heard people say it here before whatever.
The only question is will she survive to season 8 or will Jaime ram his sword up her cunt before then?
>that """"chain"""" mail
>that silly helmet
>that shoulder armour
why do the later seasons suck so much?
She became my fav after that
i wish i was attracted to her, but im just not.
my power rankings begin with melisandre, but she's gone all soft.
hopefully dany domme's Cersei. i mean they might have sansa domme her but i'm not rly into her
Hes suppose to look pompous and ridiculous.
it just looks cheap, nothing pompous about it.
Post more based ace pls
Especially a version of this with his pic
I'd buy that except the Targaryen Kingsguard armor at the Tower of Joy looked equally fucking trashy.
Agreed. Gods save the Queen. Absolutely the most based.
when will this meme end?
It's more of a gambeson or aketon under the plate, which makes especially good sense if he's not used to wearing his armor anymore and it's ill-fitted.
Lena Hedley = the best actress in the show
Queen of Thrones is the best actress in the show.
She looked to a green wall the entire time. Can you get a mental orgasm by looking to a green wall?
Go home leddit fag
Fuck the fucking Queen of Thorns and her shit putdowns.
>'lol you look like a man, shut the fuck up!'
She's not funny or clever.
Billion times better than what Dorne ever was, to be fair.
more like they didn't expect GRRM himself to come up with such an incredibly retarded plot twist.
>high explosive
>left unattended for 15 years
>without blowing up or being discovered
>and everyone who knew about it died ;^)
I cringed a lot in all the cercei's scenes
Apart from setting up this since that time Jamie was naked with Brie-ann they've been driving the hype train on the wildfire at least three times this season.
Well.. I mean, the books established the wildfire-Cersei connection quite heavily. It's mentioned multiple times that the Mad King had enough wildfire caches to level all of King's Landing, and not all of them were found. Cersei's ferociousness and her eyes are referred to like "wildfire" numerous times.
There's even a fan theory that Cersei and Jaime aren't even the son and daughter of Tywin, but the Mad King, because he took "liberties" with Joanna.
GRRM very likely did come up with this plot twist and it very likely will go down the same way.
>throws out buzzword to sound smart
>uses it wrong
>gets called out for not knowing what it means
>"other people say it too whatever"
Embarrasing tbqh
>Even the belt isn't leather, it's just fucking canvas.
If they have more than one character discover they were actually born from Targs, all at the end of the series, my glands are gonna get some serious exercise
Well, we know Jon is. There are two separate (but incompatible) theories that Tyrion or Jaime/Cersei are Targs. The Imp because he's deformed, has blonde hair so pale it's almost white, and he has one dark purple eye. The other two because they're incestuous, the fact that Targ madness is a coinflip (Cersei's nuts, Jaime isn't) and that, in the original plot treatment, Jaime was going to kill his way to the Throne. Which would make a lot more sense if he figured out he was Targ and had a claim.
GRRM has hinted it both ways enough that either might be true, but given how much the story has diverged from his original plans, neither might be a hidden Targ.
it's tyrion who is the son of the mad king.
>Where's the army?
do you have an itch to burn fgt?
Show me his body.
They were all in the building that got exploded! Weren't you listening, silly?! :^)
I will touch myself tonight thinking about this.
>tfw loras was a complete pushover and demonstrated no actual swordsmanship
>turned him into a stereotypical feminine gayboy
wew d&d
>They were all in the building that got exploded! Weren't you listening, silly?! :^)
Why did Olenna say that Cersei robbed her of the future? She still has Willas and Garlan
>She still has Willas and Garlan
>killing every Tyrell but the smart one who could scheme you into an early grave
>and everyone who knew about it died ;^)
but that is why its so good user
>tfw beginning to fear that the next book will be as retarded as this season.
I mean, they had notes from GRRM, right?
I'm just glad the whole high sparrow plot line is over. That shit made no fucking sense at all.
Expect the same but with less retarded things like children sneaking up wildfire into the sept and no one noticing
Edgy as fuck xD
Yeah! Lol I thought I just told you that :)
Go to bed, Olenna.