Anyone willing buying me Dishonored 2 on Steam?

Anyone willing buying me Dishonored 2 on Steam?
I'm so fucking broke and desperate

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No fuck off


Trying to but still..this game is giving me a boner
soz m8



ahh you'r always so kind sir. Thank you

If you're so broke, shouldn't you be worrying about where your next meal is coming from?


Nah, you can get food everywhere. But games sir, you can get them on our beloved Steam



Just torrent that shit you idiot

Are you?

Food is bought with your country's currency and it cost accordingly. But games are sold in dollars or euros, and that may be a lot in other countries. 5$ can mean 20 bucks in a different country.

U can't. Denuvo
Before u say anything and act like a retard, pls get the info right

Denuvo has been cracked before jackfuck, just be patient I'm sure 3dm or fit girl are working on it as we speak

Thank you sir

about the pic you dumb fuck!!!

Just Cause 3 was released on 1st December and still hasn't been cracked. Actually it has been but it was fixed 1 week later

no shit dumbshit

If you can make me cum, I will.

Doom fifa 16 and rise of the tomb raider would like a word with you, also everyone was saying gta 5 and Diablo 3 would never be cracked, and well, they were

Never seen cracked Diab3

Well I probably would if I was horny little faggot like you

Dishonored 2 isn't that good anyway, just play the first one it was better

I literally completed 1st one like 10 times
That's why I really need number 2

taking offers
tf2 items
misc inventory items
other games

I can give you some tf2 items for Chivalry

mmm rust rust rust rust rust

strange or cosmetics only

Any user out there generous enough to gift me Skyrim DLC Dragonborn or Dawnguard , would really appreciate it .

Ok I know you can torrent that shit

Not desperate enough to get a job.

yea tru that lol
OP here and still waiting for my hero to buy me dishonored 2

wait for xmas sale
shit goes for 5 with game

Not to mention that MGS V was cracked in like a week, too.

It's garbage, it's half price on amazon cause nobody is buying it LOL

I can't work since I am pretty much busy with my school all the time. I have 2-3 hours of free time a day and u expect me to work? lol
PLUS I am working at weekend but need to spend all the money for school

Taking offers for Trading Cards, maybe other items, no TF2 though.

Taking offers for Trading Cards, maybe other items, no TF2 though. Good offers though, don't lowball the shit out me.

yea still no money, even for half price lol

private inventory
gj m8

Get a cheaper hobby or play cheap games. Or stop being poor.

It shouldn't be, i'll take a look.

Its not a hobby. Its school cost.
Plus I geeked alot of cheap games and even torrented million of them but rlly only wish was dishonored 2 thats why I asked m8

also no wishlist kek
that only makes it harder

"Taking offers for Trading Cards, maybe other items, no TF2 though." No point did i mention wanting stuff from a wishlist, don't need games, want cards.

i got 10 fam

How many cards for ESO?

why dont u pirate it then u dumb fuck

Hey, hiragana battle for 9 strading cards and 3 backgrounds? My inventory is public :)

Come on user your new is hanging out

Do me a favour please.

no fuck you and your favours u smelly piece of donkey shit

Get fucked motherfucker

Depends on what value they've got, trade for whatever the sale price was in cards.

wrong guy user

Congrats sir!
You just turned full retard

Shit I mistook the post
Hiragana battle, 9 trading cards and 3 backgrounds? :)

after i fuck ur mom and sister and dad and grandad, and make them eat uranium, u horse anus of shit fuc kface

Yeah I just woke up, sorry

lol k. Have fun with fucking everyone and getting aids lol

>I'm so fucking broke and desperate

>hey guys i've got internet and a pc capable of playing dishonored 2 i'm so desperate and broke

what are you that you think this is the definition of desperate? fucking 7?

I shouldn't, but fuck it, ok. Kek.


7 days to die
gocco of war


shit forgot trade link
fucking captcha

thisCPY will crack it . they cracked the doom just for 3 months.

Fitgirl does no cracking, only repacks, you dumb fuck

What are you like 7? Posting from elementary school? Get back to your work


Download pirated game

jesus christ dishonored is not up yet plus its not gonna be for a while

Not cracked yet

Then just wait a few days and you wont want it anymore

dude pls. close your browser, turn off computer, lay down and think about how dumb u are...

Im sorry please correct me

d e n u v o

yea its denuvo thats getting in the way of cracking

ill just throw my wishlist and beg for something