>Film about a reality tv show where the star is a genuine every day not knowing its all fake
>doesn't beat up his wife
>doesn't act with casual racism
>doesn't show him spending hours in the office toilet whilst he jerks off to anime
I dont understand, I thought he was suppose to be 'real'
Film about a reality tv show where the star is a genuine every day not knowing its all fake
It was '98, a good portion of hentai was terrible back then
haha I get it the joke is that your life is pathetic and it isn't like that for most people in real life
reminds me of those videogame comics with the joke where videogame logic doesn't apply in real life
very nice dude
I would be so fucked if that happened to me. I get bored and sing shit like "Hitler did nothing wrong" or take my dick out and flop it around or I'll say "Oy vey Annie! Id's anudda shoah!" in my Watto from Star Wars voice.
>Sup Forums: Home for the dregs
His life was boring as fuck anyway.. who the fuck would actually watch that shit?
It's not like he was a celebrity.
through the looking glass
>Its a Truman call's his boss a nigger behind his back episode
Would they have shut down production?
>hahaha my life sux i have parent problems i mean everyone has parent problems and shit like that amirite hahaha yeah
I don't know about that other stuff, but yeah, the jerking off part, and no edgy talking or jokes always bothered me.
I had a Christian friend in college, and he was so over the top good, but even he told really edgy jokes every once in a while
learn a language, then come back and argue.
Everyone's life is different OP. You'd know that if you ever interacted with another human being instead of isolating yourself in a lightless room 24 hours a day
They have a camera in his bathroom. They never show him taking a gnarly shit? Every morning he's just perfectly entertaining in the mirror? He's never just looking at himself depressed, or fucking around with his dick? This is shit everyone does
They explain it by way of the "show" being completely controlled. Jim never gets a reason to become racist because all the blacks he knows are actors that don't hurt him.
When Jim does act out, an actor is sent in to diffuse it. Like went Jim was holding his wife at knifepoint and his friend walks in with a bunch of beers.
So he would have never uttered an insult under his breath to someone?
He must have had a bully in his high school days. You telling me he didn't try to shoot up the school at least once?
>doesn't show him spending hours in the office toilet whilst he jerks off to anime
The average Sup Forums user isn't the Average Joe, I'm sorry to say.
"Normies" is what you're looking for.
He was raised as a nice person by the director. And he might of been acting curt at some points, but that just makes for good tv.
They probably showed clips of him having sex with his fake wife.
do you think he developed any particular fetishes? and would her contract allow bonuses for anal or scat?
he was conditioned from birth to not do any one of that
Her contract was to be his wife everyday since high school. It's why she broke down. She was doing that act for decades with no downtime. She had it even worse than Jim because she knew she was trapped.
If his entire life was controlled he may have never even heard those words.
>truman didnt constantly mumble kill yourself you piece of shit kill yourself you piece of shit
Did they even try?
>ywn be forced to have sex for decades as an actress with someone you probably don't even like
Why fucking live?
it was quite clear he was sick of his mother.
He must have called her a complete twat at some point
>not a single scene depicting truman walking his feet up a wall and flinging his legs over his head repeatedly in a futile attempt to suck his own dick
>0 scenes where truman tastes his precum
>0 scenes where truman steals the hand lotion from the guest bathrooms and dumps it out onto a pillow and folds it like a taco and has sex with it
>truman literally never takes cake frosting and puts it on his willy then puts it in th dog's face so she'll lick it
>0 scenes where truman steals the hand lotion from the guest bathrooms and dumps it out onto a pillow and folds it like a taco and has sex with it
That one was just you, homie.
I can't help but wonder why an actress would agree to do something like that. You're throwing your entire life away for that.
>Truman didn't have a gay experience with his best friend in their teens
thought he was suppose to be real
>truman doesn't yell the N word in his car when someone cuts him off or doesn't drive fast enough
>truman doesn't google image search "[actress] feet" 20 mins into every movie he watches
>truman doesn't order 2 drinks at the drivethrough and also ask for a minute to make it seem as though he's reading a text from someone with their order when in reality he is just going to eat all the food himself and put the other drink in the fridge where he will eventually have a dozen extra sodas that he will dump out in the lawn
They had great control over his whole development and uprising and he turned out a decent person. Who would've thought?
>truman doesnt drink malt liquor and eat dominos breadsticks and dip them in canned chili then sit on his dogs head and fart and its so bad the dog throws up on the couch so he has to beat the dogs ass and put him out in the yard
> this fucking thread
too close to home tb.h
who's gonna mention to him about jacking off? like he wouldn't even know or event experiment.
Even based on the whole water fear, he'd probably have a traumatic experience about some kid touching his dick besides urinating/bathing and he died.
>it isn't like that for most people in real life
there's are even more pathetic, just in a different way
>the television company didn't continue buying unwanted children to slowly create a town of real people
I learned how to jack off by myself. I was just playing with my dick one night and it happened.
for me i had already been watching porn, so jacking off was just the natural progression
a person becomes who is based on his circumstances and the people around him. If no one around him ever been racist or violent (which they wouldn't) then he wouldn't be one either.
also, the entire movie is metaphors. he's really in prison and he's also Jesus and the director is god.
Some of us weren't lucky enough to have unrestricted access to the internet when we were really young.
Even so, he obviously had sex before, so he would have known what that's like, and would have learned that he can do it himself.
I like metaphors as much as the next guy, but are you sure it's that one? There are plenty of other allegories about a divine father and disobedient son, Jesus/God doesn't really fit
Your example doesn't amount to anything since christians are very repressed.
More like director is god and he is first human.
This has essentially been rendered obsolete by Black Mirror.
Was pretty entertaining at the time, though.
he literally walks on water at the end, of course he's Jesus
>a person becomes who is based on his circumstances
t. failed Biology student
I know that feel, sometimes I'll say "Fucking niggers" out loud when I'm alone.
joke's on you, i never went to school at all.
a person who never heard the word 'nigger' wouldn't just 'biologically' know it.
But that's not what the post I replied to said at all.
> If no one around him ever been racist or violent (which they wouldn't) then he wouldn't be one either.
This is false. Prejudice and violence are in every human being in varying degrees. Every culture has influences of prejudice and violence, no matter how distinct.
but since his entire world and everyone around him are directed by what i assume is a network show, they would mold him into a person that wouldn't be racist or violence. obviously if this was real, it would actually tell us more about such things than researches and stuff, but it isn't.
>There are entire episodes of the Truman show where he discovers jerking off.
pathetic NEET spotted
>truman doesn't google image search "[actress] feet" 20 mins into every movie he watches
what have i become?
>Doesn't show Truman taking a huge shit and then trying to stuff his feces back into his ass as a form of sexual pleasure
Hahaha nice try Peter Weir. You almost got me!! :)
>Truman doesn't pretend to be an underage girl on online chats and talk dirty with old pedophiles
Why ?
>it's a Truman continues to dig the grave in his basement and plan the murder of his cunt wife episode
Too bad he never had the balls to finish it
>truman doesn't cup his hand around his asshole to capture his fart
who exactly is the target audience
this, it'll just be replaced with shitty soap operas, class A drugs and other depression
i think, perhaps, both involved parties are old pedophiles there
She probably had an opt out after so many years where they would kill her off
Fucking kek.
The idea of the Truman show is nice but if they were to behave like real people they'd get into trouble fast. I've called people asshole countless times without them knowing or done tiny things that could compromise a relationship if they were known. But I guess a nice guy like Truman would be produced in a closed protected environment.
>it's a truman rawdogs his wife and cums on her ass episode
>it's a truman sticks a finger up his ass and smells it episode
I mean they show everything he does live, so that might slip through
>Truman is watching his local sports team on the television
>they lose
>Truman doesn't shout profanities, call the coach a fat nigger and puts a hole through the wall
he's been monitored and closely fed all his life
where would he get swearwords from
would he be a racist if he lived in a perfect utopia?
you telling me they wouldn't create drama nad Truman not build up anger? Im sure it would have come up in school in slang words and what not to call others
>grooming him to become a raging xenophobe
>let single niggers into the show
>he beats them up
>it's like hunger games for cheap
i like these posts
But everyone around him acted like they were in a 50's sitcom his entire life, so where would he even learn how to behave in a negative way like that? Plus the director would choose not to show anything too nsfw by playing footage of his neighborhood.
>at school
Every single person besides Truman was an actor, even kids.
how the fuck did not one of the kids let onto it