Ask an autist anything, Sup Forums

Ask an autist anything, Sup Forums

Where on the spectrum are you?
Are you a contributing member of society?

Well I guess this thread's a bust

show dick
I want to see if autistic dicks looks same as non-autistic


Go suck your authustic dick dumb motherfucker.

> I'm billy
What's your name

He's not gonna reply

But I want him to reply :(


I just want to know his name

Well at least we tried :/

Show us you're dick

Post random shit?

Gais wee shudnt b meen gais

Of course the guy's not going to respond. He's autistic.

itt: 5 posters, 15 replies
OP isn't obviously a samefag


Fuck yeah
Fuck op
>this is random and gett thread
Also op's mom will die in her sleep tonight

Of course something like this happens

Oh shit I've actually been looking for this image


My kids watch this I'll never see it the same again

Kek riparoni

You don't look like an Artist to me, where's your Beret, and Brushes?

When did u realize you were autistic?

I feel bad for your kid, having to grow up in the days of feminazism

Nice dubs
I got off google images
I have no real sauce for it witch fucking sucks
I've searched like a nigger but nothing
>next time you can just reverse Image search

Top right a

2 much effort m8


>My new desktop background

I'm 36 I'm all grown up mate
>it's men like you that has create the "feminist culture "



>why I'm not puttin no effort in ?

Next thing you're going to tell me is that you're a Jew

Not in my country HAHAHAHA

Np user

wtf is going on here


No I'm a vegan and a equal rights activist
I had spell of blm but it got a little too hardcore for me
I also have a cross gender wifu


Op's summer camp


If it was, it would look like this

I member 9/11
I were high and wanted to watch passenger 57
>hu re scheduled for another time

Or maybe this

Lost so fucking hard
>thanks man sides gone high on weed and you post this



Np m8 these used to get circulated a lot more a couple years back but I don't see em anymore




Autism is a made up term. Its definition is too broad anyone can be considered autistic. Real autism is just madness. People who can walk two feet without making incomprehensible noises and flailing their aarms around is autistic, not the guy who has trouble socializing.

OP said "ask an autist anything" so we're going to say he's autistic

>how do you prepare your asshole to take the full length of your mine craft sword
During a severe autism attack ?
>also roblox and mine craft elder scrolls both PC/console format are 100% Austism

>when you prestige master






Do you haven any cool autistic hobbies/obsessions?

>been here all summer