So where the fuck is he!?

Is he hiding and waiting for the right moment to attack? Is Sir Davos in on the plan? Did the two secretly meet in the woods prior the the battle of Winterfell? Was the argument with the Red Witch just stages so she can leave an meet the true Azor Ahai?

p-please don't remind me of him :(:(:(

>i fucking fapped to stannis

No user, he's dead. He's dead because D&D hated him from the get go because they're faggots. He died an off-screen death just like the Blackfish, because a bunch of jews hate him.

Ramsey took the body back to the Dreadfort.

fed it to his dogs.

He's going to reappear start of Season 7 and execute Melisandre to temper his sword.

Melisandre rode south to search for him

Brienne didn't kill him but left him there like the Hound and Arya

Stannis ate the corpses of his dead men to survive and Melisandre gave him an HP potion to heal

nope, he is alive, we didn't see the body
but maybe he will have a comeback. Also, what happened to that cool castle he had? with the dragonglass mine or some shit?

Fuck. Stannis became literally a demon.

Truly Nuclear.

>but maybe he will have a comeback. Also, what happened to that cool castle he had? with the dragonglass mine or some shit?

He won't. In the books he's still alive and still doing shit, granted GRRM said it was always his intent to burn Shireen (which is fucking stupid).

As for Dragonstone, it's still there.



user, I have something to tell you...

>As for Dragonstone, it's still there.
yes, but who's governing it?
you have literally no proof that he is dead

dude, Brienne slayed him.

your delusion isn't proof he's alive either.

read the OP, it's a very plausible theory.

>yes, but who's governing it?

Baratheons still hold it.
>you have literally no proof that he is dead

Also Brienne killed him, I doubt she'd say she did and not do it. You know how she is.

In a show that loves to not only kill people off, but shows them being killed off, the fact that they never showed Stannis dying is proof enough that he isn't dead.

If it wasn't for the books, after the Hound and Brienne fight you fags would have thought the Hound was dead as well.

>Hound dead
No we didn't

Meet your one true king or drink bleach, fuckface

Are you illiterate? Or did you just ignore the beginning of the sentence you're quoting?

They didn't show Stannis dying because they don't like Stannis. To them he wasn't even worthy to be shown, that's how much they hate Stannis for whatever reason.

Also nobody thought the Hound was dead, my own mother didn't even think the Hound was dead and she hasn't read a single page of the books.

this is the only reason really. It's so weird that they did his "death" scene in such a bullshit cheesy way. Far more noble and heroic characters have suffered horrible, drawn-out deaths on this show, there's no reason why we couldn't see Stannis get beheaded or his throat opened if that's what really happened

The actor has done an interview where he said he never liked the show.
He's not coming back.

>the shot was left open ended
The got creators do stupid shit constantly

This is Girl Power - the TV series.

There is no room for him.

>he said he never liked the show.
now I like him even more

>So where the fuck is he!?


Poor deluded fag. Here's your consolation prize, ok maybe he will return and go full Uncle Benjen mode. Maybe one or two episodes meeting Jon and giving him some advice in the war to come.

I've been a Stannisfag since I read the books years and years ago...he's dead user, let him rest.

but I'ts not fair!

A shining light to our brothers in arms, even in death.

Stannis will be never dead.