It's August 2016

>It's August 2016
>Playing warframe
>find some random player
>get bored in defense mission
>start talking through chat
>we get along talking about cancer and dead memes
>we get silent cause infested are swarming
>the wave ends

>then player speaks through mic

>"i'm a girl"
> k
>"i'm also bisexual"

>i remain silent for a second or two

>so... why are you telling me this?
>"i just wanted you to know ;3c"

>two guys join
>everyone is silent

>Game ends
>see our stats
>my shitty exca had 100% precision cause all i used was the glaive and exalted blade
>also 80% damage was done by me
>never died
>she had to be revived like 9 times and had a prime set
>she adds me so we can play again

>Go to tf2
>same but with a guy

>go to CS go
>same as warframe but with a kid

>Go to wildstar
>no y play solo for 2 hours and quit

why is everyone so eager to tell they are lgbtpq@23+?
Is this some kind of joke?
why are online games so plagued by gays and shit nowadays?

since then this happens to me almost every time i get into a game, any game,

i just want to have a nice day playing something and not hearing about shit like this

First of all, fuck you. You're homophobic. I'm gay so this offends me. Go kill yourself you homophobic peace of poop.


you really should come with your A game noob

>>we get along talking about cancer and dead memes
Wow you guys sound like insufferable losers

its been that way for a while. WoW had tons of gay guilds. fucking 6 years ago.

the fuck happened to this board?

>doesnt realize Sup Forums is 90% fags.

you think you would figure it out when dick rate, cum tribute, shota, gfur, trap, gay porn threads last for 6 hours minimum and stay on the front page all day long.

i know it was in anglo servers, but it wasn't like that in spanish/portuguese servers till this year.

what happened to loli threads?

turned into trap threads and boy butt.

and milf threads?

Wow you hit almost every single buzzword that I have filtered to hide, nice job.

>why are online games so plagued by gays and shit nowadays?
just online? go take a look outside.
the world is going to end, because by the end everyone will be gay.

still around but they get pushed to the last page quickly. camwhore threads never happen anymore because angry faggots dogpile them because they dont have a penis.


Huh. Strange, I've never met a person of another sexuality of the interwebz. But then again nobody speaks English on the European servers and the Russians have a 0% percent of LGBTQ since they are vodka-sexual.

Digits confirm.
Also, it's already getting to the point where being straight is seen as a "bad thing", where as being gay gives you a more valuable voice and opinion. They say being gay isn't a choice, and for the most part I would believe that if it wasn't for the hormonal teenagers up and deciding now that they like the same sex and constantly remind everyone how valuable that makes their voice.

I get bullied by gays in my guild :(. Its like I live in bizarro world.

I don't care if someone likes dick, honestly, but it shouldn't make them seem like superior humans with more valuable opinions. Media and celebrities alike use minorities and fags as poker chips at this point, and everyone wants the benefits of being social currency.

Kys faggot

this nigga is right


I'll play frame with you and not talk about that gay shit.

Sounds great

Let's run some shit some time

heres a perfect example of what it has become.



>plays as limbo
>tips fedora after every kill

>Plays Trinity
>helps people
>tips fedora #blessed

>falling for the support jew

>Mains nova
>Steals every fucking kill

I always get some kid in my clan to play Trinity so we can have an energy mule when running defence