Hey guys, I've got a sex question. Should an average guy be able to lift a 130 pound girl off the ground during sex?
Hey guys, I've got a sex question. Should an average guy be able to lift a 130 pound girl off the ground during sex?
Yes, horniness makes you stronger
What's an average guy? That's pretty fat for a girl.
depends if shes tall or short
Like a 6'3 160 pound guy, I know that's not quite average but I'm going with that.
Kel u must be absolute skelly user
No you wont be able too user, you will lift → fall → fail → sex ends
I don't know how strong the average guy is. I know me at 13, I literally could have done lifted a woman that size with no problem, pinned her to a wall, done whatever. Even with the bad leg I currently have, that should still be no problem.
not really lol.
But I'm the girl...
At 13 you could lift 130 pounds? Is that normal?
He should be able to.
I'm 5'5 and I've lifted a 128 pound girl
144 pound girl
A 160 pound girl
I weigh around 128, maybe less.
I can, but I do deadlifts like a bawss
Holy fuck dude
Then yes
Yes it is the ideal weight should be 90-110lbs max 130 is 20 over the max that's fat
Not likely. I was 5'2" and 200lbs at that age and I worked out.
need pic and timestamp to know if he sould be able to pick u up.....also tits
I'm pretty sure I have a normal BMI
I hit the gym, so I guess I'm strong but I honestly don't lift heavy weights. I just do A LOT of reps
I might do that I'm kind of in the mood thinking about sex and whatnot.
i don't think he was impressed lmao
That sounds really wrong to me...
130 pounds isnt light. so unless he works out probably not. also do you lay there like a sack of potatoes or grab on to him?
What's your height?
>Hey guys, I've got a sex question. Should an average guy be able to lift a 130 pound girl off the ground during sex?
Yes, with one arm.
now a days men are a bunch of pussies if he is 23 or younger its most likey that he didnt get out as a kid or did sports yea know kids shit he probaly just stays in his room and plays video games and eats chips
>130 pounds not that much
>could pick up prago wife ar 160 easy
>shes 5'7"
No there would be an effort to help out.
You'd have to be tremendously out of shape to not be able to lift that during sex. Do some push-ups.
Yes. Leverage and kinesthetics. You're not bench pressing her, you're moving her. Unless you're pretty jacked you're not going to be able to fuck her while standing for more than a minute without it being uncomfortable, but you should be able to carry her around the room if she wraps around you pretty easily.
If not, go help your dad with some lawn work until you're in a little better shape
But its 2 arms and your hips at once, easy as 130lbs is fuck all
Yeah that should be easy. I was doing that shit at 14.
Protip though: position her in a way where her weight is sitting toward your center of gravity. Which luckily should be right about where your dick is.
And have her hold on to you. Wrap her arms around your neck.
Don't go for the standing 69 or anything crazy if you're struggling to lift her.
it really is that light 130 is not that much to lift and pin agasnt a wall
do it
How? how does that depend? she will still weigh 130 pound????
You don't
then probably like a reverse piggy back.
nice give this man some oc tits
>i would if i had some
I'm pretty sure you're fat I know you don't want to hear it but if you're 130 you can only be a 5/10 max but my guess is you're a 2/10 maybe a 1/10 why don't you post a pic and prove me wrong. Preferabley full nude for better results.
Take heed wench
130 is not fat you fucking retard. It's chubby but not fat. Women are healthy with fat you raging retard. Ever read a biology book about bodies? You fucking amerifats can't be serious.
I was actually a pro boxer earning $130.000 a month at the age of 12
Well I'm getting a lot of mixed reviews here. Should I just turn this into a nudes thread guys?
Nah, it's the truth. I had most of my growth early in life and very little in my late teens. When the measured and weighed me in 9th grade for football, I was 5'5" and 278. I was approaching 15 then. Now, I'm 31, 5'8" and 300 and look younger than I am. It's weird.
do it now!!!!! me holding my duck waititng
Its the rules...
Yes. Do it
your bmi will depend on how tall u are so how tall are you
back to /fit/ with your beta ass
yes nudes are goooood for the soul
>dont know if troll or ligit
show tits and timestamp
always. dont listen to faggots calling you ugly and fat they are just fags that are mad this isnt a trap thread.
Everyone in this thread is retarded, and so are you. The average height of a girl is 5'5, so yeah, for a 4'11-5'1 girl 90 is a bit low but 90-110 is a healthy range, but 5'5-5'7 girls at 130, would not even be fat, it'd hardly be chubby.
130 is really not that bad tall or short hopfully if short she has a fat ass and nice tits thats waht matters
this is true
Yeah, fucking pussies amirite?
Back in YOUR days all the kids was pressing 400 Ibs. right? Oh, and i bet that you're a 7*3 Chad right?
MMM yes user, I want to see the curves on this 130lb body and see if I want to lift you up and fuck you all day.
WTF, that's not who that was meant for...
Manlet detected
wtf r u even talking about in 28 dumbass my gen was just as bad
Here's a start. I'll work my way out of my clothes.
My dad is dead, not cool bro
almost there. next one better show some nipple. the natives are restless.
Does anyone know what part of the body matters most when lifting the girl during sex? I have nicely developed shoulders and I'm prety big overall. 6"2 185.
Hi lard ass
shhhh. its titty time.
bro I don't know if you're trying to subtly troll or if this is bait, or maybe you're actually being serious.
It doesn't really matter which it is, but OP 130lbs on an average girl (5'5) is a perfectly healthy weight don't listen to these fuckin basement dwellers.
Call me a whiteknight if you want (probably the most creative thing you can come up with) but eating disorders affect so many young women in the modern world and a lot of it stems from this idea that if you're a little over a hundred pounds you aren't thin enough. I've dated 4 girls affected by this shit and its really heartbreaking and it affects their lives and self image in ways that most guys don't really understand. Please try to stop contributing to this culture.
I feel I should add that I don't think big=beautiful no matter what. I'm of the belief that healthy means healthy, and healthy means attractive, it's not really open to interpretation. If you're significantly overweight and it's affecting your health/performance then do something about it!
I usually never post this guy just got me by the jimmies
Yes. Fling them around even.
Yeah it's fat but keep telling yourself it's not chubby chaser. Even if she was 130 she would still be a cow kys low standard faggot.
I know you IRL. I'm texting Josh in a little bit about this
>a 130 pound girl
why would you even want to fuck a hog like that?
The penis
Spread your ass in the mirror and take a picture. Hurry and don't waste our time.
you should be able to do this with your cock alone
You haven't even seen her yet you fucking pathetic newfag virgin
see doesnt look fat to me. now shut up and enjoy the camwhore thread you autistic homo.
Hurry it up whore
go to your trap thread you homo.
damn, Im 6'5 and 190lbs, and thought I was skinny
I'm getting in the bath now, maybe if you boys are nice I'll keep going.
I'm not a big guy. 5'11, 145lb. I lift my gf during sex she's my height and curvy maybe 160ish. I don't work out and I sit all day at work. You can do it just power through.
Ok white knight answer me this question do you think any leading women in Hollywood are clocking in at 130? No it's 90-110 or you're cut. Even the cow Margot Robbie had to drop her fat ass down to 110 to get the role in wolf of Wall Street. The American standard for the hottest women is super models and actress. They must clock in at 90-110 you probably think the cow kardashian is hot. Kys
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get the fuck out with this shit god damnit you faggots are in every fucking camwhore thread.