Eternal /got/ general

Explain this shit to me bros


>Stannis - LACK OF HAIR

Other urls found in this thread:

Azor Jon

Stark faction: Fan service

Targaryen faction: Feminist/Normie service

Lannister faction: Kino service

because they got rid of half the characters what new characters are they going to introduce/reintroduce?



Why did Dany need Dorne as a landing spot? Just land at Dragonstone and cross that incredibly narrow sea.

thread claimed for darkstar

I miss Stannis, he was the best actor next to Davos and Melly.


How long until they SHUT US DOWN?

Looks like someone has forgotten Tommen was supposed to be a recluse who wasn't eating and barely sleeping the entire season, dumb cunt.

What was the worst scene from last episode?

I'm between Tommen sudoku, Dany talking with Tyrion and Arya killing Walder

I want my comfy Arya travel scenes back

None of this *UNSHEATHS KATANA* bullshit

By black they meant darker hair (brown/black/whatever that isnt blonde).

You stupid or something?

Also, I never understood this logic
>wife clearly has blonde hair
>kids have blonde hair and not brown like father

stupid fucking retarded shit. You can inherit the haircolor of your fucking grandparents for gods sake, why the fuck would anyone think anything was going on considering the mother was blonde.

Arya was clearly checking Jaime out, she has no clue about the shit he did against house Stark. Sh wants that kingslayer dick.


>Lannister faction: feminist fan service

fix'd user :)

tommen or Arya

I hope never

Remember, remember the 26th of June. Of wildfire treason and plot. I know of no reason why the wildfire treason should ever be forgot.

Hottest guys on GoT:

Young Ned

don't think there's enough time for new characters or reintroductions. what we have now is the end game

Only one man can defeat her



>they're probably not important to the bigger goings-on in the world.

And yet we have to watch Arya's pointless story, which has literally no effects on the world.

they didnt even take the mother's hair in account user

>Sam's face when he saw the library

This post is of the night.

What could've been


You are aware you are watching a fantasy show right?

Baratheons always have black hair in the setting. The black of hair is a genetical mark in the universe.

This bitch

>killed the queen.
>killed the prince of one of the most wealthy families that remain
>killed the father of that prince and queen.
>killed the equivalent of the pope
>killed the small council
>killed who knows how many important families

Yet she becomes queen without a single hint of revolt. And even if there is no direct evidence pointing to her, I guess there would be at least a shitstorm in kingslanding overall.

that was probably the most well done scene in the episode.

it's fucking hilarious, the known world is basically the size of uk

Azor Dany

Well that would probably be everyones face if you could study the secrets of the world and history that no other person can at that time.

>Inhabitants of King’s Landing, this is King Stannis. In case you people have forgotten, this city operates under the same rules as the rest of the realm. Cersei Lannister is not the law... I am the law. Cersei is a common criminal; guilty of murder, guilty of treason, guilty of adultery and incest, and as of now under sentence of death. Any who obstruct me in carrying out my duty will be treated as an accessory to her crimes... you have been warned. And as for you Cersei... judgement time.


Varys appearing on the ship wasn't a screw up, it was to show that by the time the Dorne scene occurred, Dani has already reached the tip of Westeros. The ship scene is either chronologically before the Dorne scene, or is a shot of them sailing from Dorne to KL already.

Also, all the comments about Euron not having time to build 1000 ships seem to be perfectly answered, seeing as how Theon and Yara have had time to sail to the other side of the world, make femfriends with the dragon Queen, and sail back, whilst Nuncle Euron's still building his navy.

forgot picture

>no stannis

fucking retard

>King Jon I Snow

>Azor fucking Jon
List redeemed

team edmure!

Olenna shouldn't be their leader. there is another. But show thinks an old grandma who wasn't even born Tyrell can lead their house, really interesting that there are no other claimant families and branches fighting for control of currently the strongest kingdom in 7k.

Until Tommen's death 11/10
From there to Tower 7/10
Tower to KING IN DA NORTH 10/10
Last part 8/10

Mad Queen Cersei is fucking terrifying.

thats a shame because there are no good actors left

>Iron Islands declares independence
>North declares independence
>Vale declares independence
>Other kingdoms will probably be emboldened by this

How small a kingdom does Dany intend to rule?

I only just watched episode 10 this morning.

How did /got/ like it?

Explain Shireen then

/stevron/ now and forever

He went out how he lived, confused and somewhat frightened

Still /Highgarden/

Ellaria speaking Doran's words.

Madness... had it's day...

was the library based on library of Alexandria?
if so, who will destroy it?

>I guess there would be at least a shitstorm in kingslanding overall.

This is my biggest problem with what happened, there should be fucking chaos everywhere but no, everyone seems ok with the sept exploding

she's going to control everything south of moat cailin, that's not small.

One of the better episodes of the season

It was a question of quantity.
All dozen of Bobbie's bastards inherited his black hair, even with blonde and red-haired mothers. His seed is strong.

Ned himself said that if Cersei fathered at least one true-born heir she might have gotten away with it too. But three blonde true borns in a row compared to a dozen black haired bastards was too suspicious.

Sand Snakes as usual

>Jaime strangles Cersei pretending to go to bed with her
>Rejoins his brother and trys to redeem himself to Dany for killing his dad

Or is that too hopeful? Is Jaime supposed to be the tragic character who looks like he could be redeemed then Arya ganks him


She has black hair in the books.

She is also Patchface's daughter, not Stannis.

>Jons only possible marriage canidates are his half-cousin Sansa, or his half-sister Dany

Either that or maybe getting brought back to life means his salmon don't swim upstream any more.

Let's end this once and for all.

So when they get to king's landing it will be a year after cersei took over, right? Unless High Sparrow kept the queens and the gays locked up for a year while no one cared.

A fleet in one (1) year means the ironborn are so far beyond modern manufacturing technology that they are probably beings of pure energy.

>Dany I'd confirmed to be the beautiful queen of prophecy

literally the illustration of the clueless autist.

It's less than half what her father and ancestors ruled over. The North is as big as the other six kingdoms combined.

they swim back into his cock?

>lyanna has black hair
>Robert + Lyanna = Jon BTFO

Someone needs to go back to middle school and learn about genetics again.

We hated it. We even made a pasta of shit that made no sense.


he will die protecting kings landing, he's not making it beyond the next season, and he will die tragically as king's landing goes up in flames

Dany is his aunt, she's Aerys' daughter not Rhaegars.

Lyanna Mormont

Probably dany
>"fucking white cis shit literature!"

They were fucking shitting themselves at the coronation.
The Sept of Baelor is fucking gone, along with everyone in it.
Would you stand up and start some shit after seeing that?

Don't forget her own Uncle and cousin.

No, but the lighthouse is based on lighthouse of Alexandria.
Is that lighthouse one of the wonders of the world?

The Wall
Pyramids of Meereen
Seven Forts (or how many)
Braavosian Titan


>mfw Arya and Melisandre adventures in the Riverlands season

>She is also Patchface's daughter, not Stannis.
Guys I found Cersei

Ik that, it was intended as a joke the showrunners completely forgot about the Baratheon hair shit.

>Patchfaces daughter
Top KEK, I love that chapter Cersei thinks it's an brilliant lie.

farewell user

Even hotter

>D&D completely ignore the flashback and Jon's parentage in the behind the scenes featurette

Those cheeky cunts. We still have faggots on the GoT wiki arguing that Jon isn't a targ and the flashback didn't confirm anything, lmao. Until someone actually says JON SNOW, YOU ARE ACTUALLY A TARGARYEN, SON OF LYANNA STARK AND RHAEGAR TARGARYEN, THE SONG OF ICE AND FIRE some fags will continue to deny R+L=J

no, it will be arya/the hound/mel/BwB

I wanna see that pasta

Planetos is like pokemon, if you've already done the full trip there once you can fly instantly

>Is that lighthouse one of the wonders of the world?
Worldwonders of antiquity that no longer exist.

i am confused is john snow the son of willa and liana


>mfw Arya, Hound and Brotherhood in the Riverlands season

So is the mountain raping her?

That's what was implied right?

Best episode in a long while. There's some questionable time skips but I'll set aside my autism for once


holy shit linda is going fucking insane. she is going to get an aneurysm

>mfw it was a b8 scene and the baby was actually Bran.