REALLY makes me think

REALLY makes me think


Why is China in the middle of siberia?

We Japanese must protect South America and the Middle East from German threats.

Most of this map is just a meme - Germany had no intention of expanding into the US or South America

>Tierra del Fuego

My sides


Further victories would have inspired greater and greater visions of expansion, as well as more power to carry them out with.

Switzerland wouldn't exist.
Hitler hated them iirc.

I can abide german occupation of us but Japanese occupation of Australia?



Where has the Mediterranean sea gone?



Why would Tierra del Fuego be a fucking country, that's stupid

Why would the Falklands be a part of argentina? That's fucking stupid

sea is italian? how

Some crazy guy had a plan to drain the Mediterranean, turning it into farm land.

That would have been popular with medi fishermen

Jewish colony/gulag, kinda like israel, but even more inhospitable.

>Britain conquered
>Argentina still can't take the Falklands

>Conquered by Peru
Literally why

what the fuck happened to the mediterranean

they drained the water to create a new world.

Atlantropa, also referred to as Panropa,[1] was a gigantic engineering and colonisation idea devised by the German architect Herman Sörgel in the 1920s and promoted by him until his death in 1952. Its central feature was a hydroelectric dam to be built across the Strait of Gibraltar, which would have provided enormous amounts of hydroelectricity[2] and would have led to the lowering of the surface of the Mediterranean Sea by up to 200 metres (660 ft), opening up large new lands for settlement, for example in the Adriatic Sea. The project proposed four additional major dams as well:[3][4][5]

Across the Dardanelles to hold back the Black Sea
Between Sicily and Tunisia to provide a roadway and further lower the inner Mediterranean
On the Congo River below its Kwa River tributary to refill the Mega-Chad basin around Lake Chad providing fresh water to irrigate the Sahara and creating a shipping lane to the interior of Africa
Suez Canal extension and locks to maintain Red Sea connection

no - it's Japan that conquered Peru and all of west america

naval banner of imperial japan looks like peru flag

>had Germany won Spain would have had some literally WHY Ghana territories instead of French Morocco as wanted
Is this a joke?

the chances of this occurring without deliberate action are zero