Have you ever noticed how most SWJs have the fagly hallows symbol tattooed on them?

Have you ever noticed how most SWJs have the fagly hallows symbol tattooed on them?

Am I the only one who notices that?

Ever noticed how most trump supporters have at least one confederate or swastika tattoo?

Am I the only one who notices that?

I've noticed as well. They all tend to have something related to books, anime or games tattooed on them. But they all love their harry potter.

Have you ever noticed that most people are cuntfaced fags?

Am I the only one who notices that?

They love their stupid movies. None of them actually ever read the books

SJW*** get it right, ignoramus

How do you know i mean SJWs? What about social warriors of justice?

Same shit different toilet? I think not

you spend too much time on the internet and might need some real friends, this type of sjw bullshit is not as rampant irl as you would like to believe.


get a fucking life.

Yeah, actually forgot that.

What are you on about? Why are you turning this political? Is it because you know deep-down that all dempcrats are faggy SJW's?


Yes it is. If you think it isn't then you're the one who needs to get out more.

nope it's not, that's why every pic posted of it is not oc, just the same few idiots irl being posted on Sup Forums, and not a single person itt can post oc of sjw/feminazi or any of the other bullshit that morons complain about here.


you're a fucking moron.

I bet you wanna drink your grandmather's dusty pussy juice you faggoth

My college is filled with this bullshit. Every girl I went to high school with posts the shit all over my facebook. I don't hang out with half of them anymore because all they would talk about is fucking equality and bullying and stupid shit. You're either living in a dream world or everyone you know is middle-aged men. Either way you're a fucking dumbass.

sound argument.

>likes SJWs
>advocates for them and censorship over Sup Forums

>muh college
>muh facebook

if you think that's real life bud you have a lot to learn and should be hitting the books instead of Sup Forums

>advocates for them and censorship over Sup Forums

you really can't be that dumb.

Tattoo artist here.

Around 2007 when deathly hallows the book came out came out, i never got a single request for one but after 2011 when the shitty film came out everybody wanted one

That's your argument? That I'm going to college and that the people I interact with there aren't real? That everything that goes on as soon as you walk on to a college campus is make believe and as soon as you leave it's like none of it ever fucking happened?

yes, pretty much that.

you either grow up in college or you don't.

No, you're the only one that cares. The rest of us have more important stuff to worry about than whatever faggy self-mutilation ritual some middle-class piece of shit is currently engaging in to feel validated in this crapsack world.

>this type of sjw bullshit is not as rampant irl as you would like to believe.
As someone who lives 30 min away from NYC I can tell you this it very much is.

Exactly you fucking twat, these sluts are refusing to grow up and then they're going out into your beautiful fucking "real world". Your stupid ass just doesn't see it.

>most trump supporters
wtf if there's at least 32 million swastika tattoos out there why havent I seen more?

anyone explain the symbol?

>7 billion people on the planet

>my unique experience of NYC is the ultimate study on percentages of people that give a flying fuck about a certain agenda.

just stop.

It's because most people who are SJW/SWJ are fat chicks.
SJW/fatchicks/no life/delves into fiction/ huge fat girl following/ Harry Potter/ only symbol cool enough to deem a tattoo.

Yeah let's talk about global population when sjw is a Western culture trend

>these sluts are refusing to grow up
and when you do you will learn to ignore it, or "your stupid ass just won't see it"

Represents the triangles they put on prisoners in concentration camps

Because everyone is a faggot

Dildo because were all faggots, arent we?

wow I didn't expect you to be that stupid.

>all SJWs are fat

No we arent


The end is the elder wand, most powerful wand in the Harry Potter universe.

Circle is resurrection stone, bring people back from dead

Triangle is an invisibility cloak so powerful you can hide from death.

You get all three you control death.



Real reasoning

Ignore it? Why would I need to if it wasn't "as rampant irl"?


These "adults" seem to have an infatuation with literature meant for children. Shit like Harry Potter and the Hunger Games. Come the fuck on, you're no better than those weebs who base their personality off of Sasuke from Naruto or some shit

Wtf is that?


>is fat
>No we arent

ayy lmao

>ignoring the minority agenda pushers means it's rampant


alright kid, i'm done. have a good day.

Fuck off OP, just because you didn't have a family who could read nigger
Harry Potter is great

It's beyond me how anyone could watch those faggy Harry Potter movies