Ꭺsk a Ꭰark Ꭺngel's Veteran, III Company, Anything

Ꭺsk a Ꭰark Ꭺngel's Veteran, III Company, Anything.

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>inferior legion


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Why is Leman Russ such a fucking beast?

Our chapter's companies are all equal in the eternal mind of our Emperor. Your comment borders on Heresey. Repent or Die unforgiven unjust one.

Why are you such a weak closet heretic?

Kind regards
10th legion

Ahh, yes. I do remember him when our Primarch bested him in combat. He was a noble warrior for our great crusade, but a lapdog of the Emperor no less. And rather smelled of piss and cheese

How many Locusts have you killed?

Luther's the true loyalist. The Lion is a liar.

Iron Hands, you speak of out of line. If you knew our knowledge of the Inner Circle, you would be on your hands and Knees praying for forgiveness in front of the Golden Throne.

You are a conspirator of our fallen Brethren. You have been found wanting in the eyes of our chapter's doctrine. You have been found aiding the enemies of the most loathsome design. Your sentence is Death.

Oh, you mean when they fought to a stand still and El'Jonson decided to sucker punch Leman Russ who could do nothing but laugh after they were seperated? Yeah. How cool. That why your punk-ass primarch is taking a nap while Russ is still running around doin badass shit like the badass he is.

Come, whelp. Show me what passes for fury among your misbegotten kind.

Have you ever met Master Chief?


Such passion in your post, Son of Fenris. Our Primarch only did what Russ was waiting for. Your Primarch is lost within the Eye of Terror, for many a lost souls drift through that timeless dimension, Russ is no ordinary of Souls, As is our Primarch, Lion El'Jonson

From our Data Records, Master Chief was a Tempestus Soldier who died valiantly protecting Terra from the Tyranids.

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How much will your confessors pay for information regarding the location of Cypher? A rogue trader's gotta eat you know.


It all depends on the circumstances of knowledge. Compensation could range from a position in the higher commerce of a Dark Angel's Liberated Hive world in a warp storm free subsector protected by our chapter reserves or a summary execution by the hands of our Grand Master for association of a heretic.




Tell that to the thousand sons.





Abbadon's last Black Crusade took him through the sector of shitty conventions where he was found buying furry pornography in the women's bathroom