Why did they cast a white guy for this? What were they thinking?

Why did they cast a white guy for this? What were they thinking?

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what year was this?



It would be considered quite racist if they didn't. tbqh senpai

The biggest dick on record is a white guys.

ooo you were thinking of anecdotes memes and porn pictures...

hokay white boy

I am glad you could see things my way.

Jonah Falcon is Jewish

he also refuses to show pictures of his hard dick

no way he's lying though

And jews can be white m8 lol

If Jonah falcon told you he voted for trump you would call him a white racist.
anything else?

Cool that its recorded by a third party and we are not taking his word for it like the muh dick meme

>inb4 you want us to take your word for it

>guy is literally only known for his dick
>refuses to show it
>will wear extremely tight shorts so you can see the 'outline' but wont get naked

how fucking gullible are you, dicklet?

He has been recorded by a third party m8 he is not considered to have the biggest dike on record because of pictures he posted online or because his own word m8 that only works for lesser races who need to be artificially boasted .


who's the third party?

women testimonies and of course Howard Stern and George Takei

wow a jew saying a jew has the world's biggest penis!

>And jews can be white m8 lol


they were touching his dick on camera

Rollings stones for one

was it hard? could you see it?


Yes m8 this is the deflection you get when your in a corner.

I am enjoying this.

it would take on a different meaning

it's completely flaccid

Rolling's stones confirmed it

For you

they have a reputation of taking things from black people though

Cool story m8

>black '''''men'''''

>rolling stone
real credible source there

>many doctors have offered to medically measure it and he has always refused
>he is actually measured with a semi on camera and it is smaller than his reported flaccid mesasurement
the guy is full of shit

Sorry m8 Rolling stones measured it and confirmed it our opining does not change this.

>It's your burden now, nigga

Never seen the show nor would I. I guess some dude with a big dick and girls like him or something. Anyway. Whites can have huge dicks too.

doesn't count then

Also. I'd bet my life some random nigge rin congo or africa has a bigger dick then that Jew who doesn't show it

Cool thanks god we have rolling stones to measure it and confirm it
>inb4 your opinion while you try to get us to believe niggers have big dicks off of your word and anecdotes

that nigger is really good looking.

no homo.


Blacks have small dicks

Cool story m8

I bet niggers are so stupide they cant fuck for shit and women lie about it because they feel bad for them same with welfare and affirmative actions and don't want to be made fun of for their stupid decisions

see how easy that was when all you have is stereotypes

I just realized that this retard is talking about rollingstone magazine, not the band

must be why my taking things from black people joke fell flat

>nigga you fucked up

>I just realized
we are talking about sources that others got first post and I am retarded...got it

spankwire com /Documentary-The-World-s-Biggest-Penis/video62429./

go to 21 mins.

the guy isn't even 8 inches (looks like 6) when he claims he is 9.5 inches flaccid

Hokay here's the earth

Cool good thing we Rolling Stones measure it and confirmed it.
and not "spank wire"

his other sources were an actor and a radio host

I want ana foxxx to ahve my babies

quiet cuck

No m8 this was before.

see how desperate we are to discredit this but offer no real evidence niggers are bigger lol this is because you are all living on a artificial meme

I like how niggers still don't realize they are muh dicking a article myth the same one that if were real would mean Asian women would be the most mixed with blacks simply by the fact their women vote liberal in higher numbers and their men are known to have the smallest of all races.

yet we don't......

kill yourself



rollingstone also published an article about a gangrape that never happened

Name's John Holmes,google him.

Cool story m8 until they retract like that story this is still the facts.

>implying rape ever happens

they retracted that story because of the legal ramifications, lying about some kike's dick isn't going to have those.

>It's a Sup Forums bait thread

Check em

Sorry m8 that's your burden of proof.

And the Jews have conspiratorial reasons to placate niggers and artificially elevate them as desirable in western countries these are things we both know are possibly true but neither will accept the proof.

jonah claims he's 9.5 soft


if that's 9.5 inches then i have a 10 inch dick

Actually, the largest dick on record is a mexican with a 19 inch dick.

black people dont pay for hbo

Sorry they took that away because it turned out to be excess skin hence Guinness told him to fuck off

keep jelqing and you can be like him...a poser

except he's right


Seriously? So you imagined like Mick Jagger putting a tape measure to this guys wang? That is hilarious and I'm happy this miscommunication occurred.

to whom do those feet belong? they are quite lovely.

probably some nameless model