what do you think about this?
What do you think about this?
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She dun goofed.
I was thinking Tommen would gut her when she walked into his room to gloat, but he completely broke her at this point. Props on him literally becoming an hero.
It would be pottery for Jaime to kill her just as Daenerys' army arrives, and it would be cool for him to get sent to the Night's Watch, but she's more likely to get killed off early-ish in season 7.
wont last long
I think its bullshit. Cersei blows up the Sept of Baelor, a monument of the Seven and nobody cares even though it was previously established that outright killing the High Sparrow would spark major civil unrest since many people in Kings Landing are followers of the Faith. Try blowing up a church in the middle ages and seeing how long you live afterwards once everyone finds out you did it.
Kevan was also in the sept - Cersei kinslays and nobody cares. Cersei killed Queen Margaery, who was loved by the common people, and still nobody cares. There should be riots in the streets and everyone should be calling for Cersei's head right now.
I want her to dom me
>nobody cares
They didn't bum rush her in the keep and you think that means nobody cares?
> nobody cares
> olenna makes a pact with a sworn enemy, the martells, just to get back at cersei
> lots of soldiers during coronation to stop any commoner from protesing
is Sup Forums really this retarded?
her children are dead and she is now ultimate evil form and they dressed her accordingly.
Jaime kills her because
- le epic ending to forbidden love
- le epic because he's again the kingslayer, killing the mad king (queen) again
>church blows up
>nobody knows what happened
>"It's a punishment by the 7. The high sparrow was obviously a false prophet."
You really don't understand how politics works, do you?
Stupid costume.
>Cersei blows up the sept of baelor
Who exactly, aside from Qyburn and his sparrows, knows this?
I thought "HYPE" because now Cleganebowl shall rise from the ashes, more HYPE than ever before.
I'm confused by the lines. What's stupid about the costume?
nice jarjar neck u got there
the show has always done a terrible job of establishing how the peasants and common people feel about their rulers. even in season 2 when the famine was causing a massive unrest in King's Landing they devoted one scene to a riot and never touched on it again.
honestly I'm just glad the faith militant plotline is dead since they were never able to make their existence and eventual rise to power remotely logical or interesting
She's hot as fuck. My fascistfu
How does nobody care? The entire realm is against her. She controls one city through fear since everyone of importance has been killed off.
She is the Mad Queen.
She has no one to stand up against her, the common folk won't challenge her she has the royal army and the Lannister army to defend her.
What do you think I was implying? I don't see what you're getting at.
Was just calling this user dumb for thinking no instant riots means nobody cares it blew up.
Stupid. Without Tommen and Tyrells she should no longer be a threat to anybody. Olenna could literally walk into King's Landing and have her executed.
OP's thumbnail made her look like she has tiny shoulders and a really long neck.
>many rivals to Lannister power are killed by massive wildfire explosion
>no lannisters are present to get killed
>Lannisters have previously used wildfire against their enemies
sure Kings Landing is filled with dumb peasants but c'mon, no one can figure this out?
the "costume" is actually pretty neat. Fits her dark psychopath character
Jaime kills her not in his arms, but by blowing up the Red Keep so people will stop fighting over the throne. Daenarys already saw this in s2e10. Jaime's dialogue with Frey was foreshadowing to him becoming King in the Rock and putting Edmure back in charge of Riverrun
Lancel was there he may not be a lannister in name but he is in blood so that counts for something
>cersie, queen of westeros
>khaleesi, queen of mireen
>yara, future queen of iron islands
>whatshername, queen of drone
If we got sansa to be queen of the north, it would be complete
>>no lannisters are present to get killed
Kevan and Lancel both died in the explosion.
Ayy lmao
Utterly retarded and shits on the social structue GRRM has built.
The throne would go to the next Baratheon heir, not to a Lannister, let alone a woman.
D&D have gone full SJW retard.
So no, I don't think anybody would figure this out. She has remarkably plausible deniability. She was on her way to her own trial, presumably.
Kevan Lannister was killed.
Tommen killed himself in grief.
She doesn't exactly seem thrilled when she wears the crown.
No, I don't think many people would piece together exactly what happened. This is pre-information age and people believe what they hear.
Which opens up the second alternative. Let's grant that a few people do figure out who done it.
Well all they know now is that Cercei's enemies die in massive wildfire explosions. Not exactly someone you want to fuck with.
I want yara to sit on my face and insult me.
>Those highheel boots
>That power stance when she's on the ship
What reason would Jamie kill her over though?
Who exactly is the current Baratheon heir?
AFAIK the lineage of Robert (presumed lineage) simultaneously claimed the storm lands and crown lands.
Yara is definitely dying in the big battle next season. The Ironborn will pretty much go extinct but if they don't, Theon will obviously be the ruler.
He could blame her for Tommens suicide and the rest of their children dying. It's pretty much her fault for all of them being dead.
Daenarys is literally the Baratheon heir
>Baratheon heir
And who is that exactly? Pretty sure we are supposed to assume they're all dead at this point.
Also Cersi was there already with the power to put herself on the throne, did you expect someone to stop her and all her armed men?
>hey I know you have all these soldiers and loyal kingsguard plus an armored zombie that could probably kill all these peasants with his bare hands but could you just wait outside while we track down a distant male relative of Robert who may or may not exist for all we know? K thanks
Most complex character in GoT, much better than lazy ass written Sansa and Danny.
9/10, she will probably end up being eaten by a dragon.
Also Sansa will fuck up Jon Snow.
How is Daenarys the Baratheon heir?
All men must die.
The phrophecy is that she gets strangled by "The little brother".
Could be Jaime (he was born after her), Tyrion, The Hound... who knows, exactly.
Some of you are cool.
Don't go to the Sept of Baelor tonight.
He killed the mad king for trying to do what she actually did. He has no love for her anymore.
He's obviously talking about people WITHIN the kingdom you fucking retard. Of course people from other kingdoms care that Cersei just accidentally the whole political system.
>royal army
if you mean the city guard the gold cloaks theres a couple thousand of them vs the 500 000 people that live in KL
Would bend the knee and protect her honor
I love how based Cersei became in 2 fucking scenes.
I expected her to give into despair, cry her eyes put upon seeing her son dead, but it looked like she didn't care.
Her love for her children was literally her only redeeming quality.
Fuck prophecies, Stannis was to be the ruler, look at him now.
> He has no love for her anymore
pretty sure the only he came back to kings landing was to be with his sister
I would commit.... youtube.com
Robert's grandmother was a Targaryen, I'm not in the mood to discuss this though as it's pointless. It doesn't matter who the heir is anymore, Cersei is the last person to sit on the Iron Throne.
Stannis was never going to rule. Only autistic moralists wanted Stannis to rule.
I for one, appreciate OC.
I think we'll see that in the first few episodes of season 7, along with some angry citizens trying to assassinate her, martyr style.
Seriously, even if Daenerys weren't coming across the sea within less than a month, she'd have no fucking chance what with the hatred and paranoia the wildfire incident would instill in King's Landing, and the collapse of the Lannister-loyalist houses in both the south and the north. At least three provinces are entirely out to kill her, and the Riverlands are now basically open season for the Starks now that Arya is in their bases, killing their dudes.
To be honest I thought that armor dress looked fucking badass on her. I like that she did what had to be done.
Mel read the signs wrong. Whenever she asked about Azor Ahai, she received visions of snow and Jon Snow. She interpreted this as "Take Stannis to go meet Jon Snow" when in reality it was telling her that Jon was Azor Ahai
why this boring character is still alive?
>And who is that exactly?
The books make clear that all the houses are intermarried so some family can claim to be next in line.
There is just no way Cersei can have any legitimate claim to the throne. If the Lannisters had a claim it would be Jaimie.
It's complete bullshit. GRRM has never been subtle but at least his writings are mostly consistent.
The shit the makers of the show have been pulling off for the last 4 seasons is unbeliebably dumb however. All characters have become one-dimensional caricatures and stereotypes.
>I'm not in the mood to discuss this
That's code for you know what will happen if you do discuss it.
You realize that the line of succession doesn't work that, way, right?
She should be full on mad queen now, don't know why they haven't already done the paranoia stuff, it would be fun af to watch
It was a naked coup. She's only there because she has a crazy magician and a mind-controlled zombie giant ready to blow up the entire city if she dies or is dethroned.
Cersei has always and will always look best in an evil dom fetish robot costume
That would be actually great.
Yeah, this has a "the North remembers" feel to it. People will care when the plot requires them to do so
Cersei's coronation was little more than a coup. Just look at Jaime's facial expression.
Bitch just blew up half the fucking city and has a monster man and a necromancer accompanying her
The commoners understand that she would have no qualms blowing them up
I don't like how she proclaimed herself The Queen in Tommen's place. She doesn't even have a drop of Baratheon Blood in her - even if they eventually show the peasants defying her, they didn't need to leave it as the penultimate shot of the season.
I was personally hoping for a "weekend at Bernie's"/Mrs. Woodrow Wilson type of deal where nobody knows Tommen is dead, they just think he's in mourning. She'd rule in his stead, but it's a lie that can't hold up forever. Would've been a great ticking-timebomb to set up for next season, but this feels somehow gratuitous.
top kek mate
he's literally been absent for 4 seasons, cersei is definetly the next in line.
I'm pretty happy about it. I've always liked Cersei as a character. I want to see her total and complete meltdown when Dany's army shows up and things get out of hand. Unstable women are my fetish.
At which point he saw she blew up the fucking sept which went over the line even for him
No one knows about Roberts bastards though, well I'm sure they assume he had some but they don't know who/where they are and the inheritance rights of bastards are pretty iffy.
And honestly we see people breaking feudal rules all the time and people go along with it. Look what just happened with John he's a snow and they don't care. People supported Renly over Stannis, hell supporting anyone over Stannis was breaking feudal rules but lots of people did it.
I think there's lots of rules and shit but at the end of the day the king/queen is whoever has the power to make themselves king/queen.
And Who was gonna stop her while they track down an heir?
I'm sure the people are pissed about it but I don't see what they could have done at that moment.
yeah, before he found a massive hole where the Sept used to be and a grave instead of his last living son. Cercei was always kinda crazy and Jaime put up with it but I'm pretty sure that he'll have to reconsider SOME things now that she's gone full-on Aerys.
>Cersei was a villian all along
Look at the family tree.
The nearest living relatives of King Robert are House Lannister. She was always next in the line of succession after Joffrey, Tommen, Myrcella, Tywin, Jaime and Tyrion. Jaime and Tyrion are ineligible to inherit, and everyone else is dead.
When you've only got one shot at the tail end of a packed episode, it's hard to put in a lot of detail. Needed to feel desperate, but it somehow feels more celebratory than it should've.
>not liking her Darth costume
She is now fully consumed by the dark side.
>All characters have become one-dimensional caricatures and stereotypes.
They were like that from the start, compared to their book counterparts, because we obviously don't get to see their internal monologues.
The only characters that are markedly decreased in quality compared to their book equivalents are Daenerys and those who've been rewritten for the TV show, like those Dornish cunts, Asha the lezzer, and whatsisface.
Except the prophecy (which has been fulfilled in every other respect now that Tommen's dead) will require her to be killed by the "Valonquar", which means "little brother". I thought it might be Tommen, other theories were Tyrion and Sandor.
Jaime is her twin, not her little brother (unless a few seconds or minutes count).
The script was in the sept when it got blown up.
Speaking of which, I thought "wildfire" was similar to 40k's "phosphex" in being super-napalm that didn't stop burning until everything had been burned, not a literally explosive force that can destroy stone.
I bow to my queen and devote my life to defend her, her honor, and her QUEENDOM.
You faggots show some fucking respect
I kinda got that "i hope know you know what the fuck you're doing" feeling from that look.
So how did Olenna find out that Cersei was behind the explosion? Did Cersei even try to pin the attack on the Starks or Dorne?
>no one knows about robert's bastards though
That's not true, in Season 2 Cersei (possibly Joff) dispatches the Knight's Watch to find black haired bastard boys, and kill them. Just like how she orders a bounty for a dwarf resembling tyrion in season 4 (5?).
Also, Stannis, Davos and Melisandre knew about Gendry who was 100% Robert's bastard even if he himself didn't know.
It's no mystery that Robert was a whoremonger. There are little potential successors all over the place, but it doesn't matter because nobody gives a fuck about Robert because he was #1 Cuck.
also he's her little brother by couple minutes
prophecy said shed be killed by little brother, she always thought this would be tyrion
Also it was a fucking coup. She took the throne by force idk why people can't see that.
The faith militant were the only other organized armed group and they're all dead. Peasants can and possibly will rise up against her at some point but its gonna take time/planning and gathering resources.
>Knows she's fucked up win she was too busy trying to BTFO Margaery to notice the High Sparrow was taking over
>Knows she fucked now that she killed multiple political powers
>Doesn't flee King's Landing or offing herself like her son
>Instead decides to spend her last moments of pure bliss claiming the Iron Throne as it was the only feasible opportunity that she can in a thousand years
This is why I lowkey love Cersei. This insane bitch never once thinks about the consequences.
All she cares is her and her children could live a perfect life where no one looks down on her.
mich auch
>not a literally explosive force that can destroy stone.
Ever see a gas tank explode?
why is Jaime ineligible? It just seems like he wasn't there so they couldn't make him king
Also, do you have any more show family trees?
her outfit is sexy as fuck desu
>Pin it on the Starks
Why would anyone believe that?
I am incredibly glad I dropped the show.
because she survived
She benefited most by it, wasn't even at the Sept when she should've been. Not hard to connect the dots.
So is Jaime technically still King's Guard? I thought Tommen took that away.
did Margaery survive? Is there ANY credible chance?
ja meine herrin
Burn the coal, pay the toll.