What was she going to say before Olenna cut her off?

What was she going to say before Olenna cut her off?

>"Hello this is snek. HSSSSSS"

Probably something stupid, as sneks are wont to do


Fuck I thought we freed ourselves of those 4 shitty characters with student short film level of acting

What remotely gave that indication?

She was trying to keep the Sneks out of the battle and from fucking up Dorne's plans for vengeance, but Olenna interrupted her. Now Dany's plan isn't full proof.

Nice social media meme kiddo

that woman is savage, i laughed so fucking hard at that scene

>you look like an angry little boy

>"Your granddaughter had shit tits"

Olenna tells it like it is.

>Kill the leader of a nation and his son
>Expect a Civil war which would fuck up Dorne's military and society even if Sneks win

But we didn't get that since this season taught us with them killing their relatives, Ramsay killing his father, and Cersei killing her Uncle that people don't give a shit about kinslaying in the GOT world.

Must've been quite hurtful.
Your part has been universally criticized as the worst of season 5, both in speaking and action scenes.
Almost no part in the next season, literally no speaking and no actual action scenes.
Other Sand Snakes at least get a few lines, but your character gets cut off, as a joke and a wink to the audience.

Your only lasting legacy of joining the biggest and most popular current TV show is that people like your tits, but hate everything else you have to offer.

>implying they weren't better than any Dornish whore's

tunnel snakes rule

I really look up to you

Do you think they should have gotten Jennifer Lawrence for the part?

I liked her fine, terrible lines and all.

>not thinking bad p00si was the best line in GoT

God, she is really cute.

The Lannisters? The family who still call me a sandnigger... to my face! I'm 22 years old Olenna yet they still pinch my cheeks like I'm some fucking kid.


I hope the mountain doesn't smash my sisters head in while he rapes me.

Ah, yes, she was easily on par with what we've come to expect from GoT.
The acting, the line delivery, the incredible action scenes... All amazing.

>"Well if you let me speak I'll take off my top again"

Who are you?

thanks for nothing, Olenna

if you don't want to literally rape the television every time they hop on screen, your testosterone is probably .002 ng / dl

not really

anyone else find her hot?


Olenna is a fucking cunt. A CUNT!

the proud lord said

i, too, drive


delete this right fucking now

i would lick her musty, sweaty asshole user

>Ramsay killing his father, and Cersei killing her Uncle that people don't give a shit about kinslaying in the GOT world.
these actually make sense though

Only when we get more Send Snek Tits.
When this injustice has been made right again.

Why would anyone care?

yes, there are in fact other heterosexuals posting on the board

I would feel bad for them if they was actually good actors who just got fucked over by D&D's writing, but in a way D&D's shitty writing saved us from 4 terrible actors.


>Olenna BTFO'ing the sneks

That shit was great even though it did feel a bit fan service-y.

Think D&D Realise everyone dislikes the sneks even the normies.

I had to look up the actual average concentration of testosterone in blood for that joke to have it's full effect.
Med students please fuck off, and go back to preforming prostate exams for Doctors who dont want to and tell you it's giving you "experience"

I too like sideways pancakes

She's crazy hot. She's the one with one-in-a-million tits, after all.

get out

>not enjoying proper natural tits over unrealistic nonsense

what are you talking about, they appeared in like 2 episodes, thats it

she's like in the top 3 of hottest people in the show, I thought this was common knowledge

sansa, margeary, deanarys
top 250 maybe

Is she the most attractive a brown person can possibly be?

Would be hilarious if, in her next role, she somehow proves her acting is as amazing as her tits.

I'll always root for beautiful people.

I don't care if you're baiting, I actually fucking hate you.

Don't worry, she and the rest of the Sneks will be in pornos galore for the next 10-20 years.

The simple knowledge that this might one day be true makes me so happy.

So happy.

our kingdom should be blacked

She's actually white though

I would like to see her having a more serious role (outside GOT). She is definitely waifu material

Don't mess with snekfu, she is perfect.

Your pic doesn't support your case.

>We need to avenge Oberyn Martell he was so cool unlike you Doran in your wheel chair, fucking crippy
>To do this we need to kill off house Martell, that fucking crippy doran and his son teleport from dorne to king's landing in a mater of 5 minutes to kill them both
>Dorne will never have weak rulers again! Girl Power!
>We slaughtered and extinguished the entire Martell line because Dorne needs better leadership!!!
>Finally get into power
>All the noble houses of Dorne are totally cool with some bastards and a whore killing off the thousands year old house of their liege lord
>Fuck off for a month and do nothing
>Finally we come back to Dorne to see their master plan to radically change dorne for the better!
>The plan is exactly what Doran was doing already

What the fuck was the point in all of this?

Some plain shitskin or a divine beaty like sansa. I know how to pick yes thank you.

She's Italian, Italians aren't shitskins.

>What the fuck was the point in all of this?
You said it yourself. Girl Power!

Italian detected

Based Diana Rigg

I'm glad she wasn't at the courthouse explosion

at least she has great tits

there is literally nothing i like about the rest of the sneks

That's debatable.

It's a dang shame that she got tossed aside in this season. I hope there's a lot more of her in the next one.

I'm not sure how.
She's straight Caucasian American. It's the other two Snakes that aren't.

a lot more

It's a crime every second she's on screen without her tits out.

"You'll choke 3 pounds of sandnigger cock you old cunt."

>literally flawless round tits
>vs pancakes

why's she so cute?

We can all agree that she's much whiter than Alicia Vikander at least.


she is like a qt little boy with 10/10 boobs and pretty face.
i want to lick her bellybutton and tickle her clit

cute face, perfect tits, petite body
it's a great package

or off-screen, even

post the tiddies webm

to stop paying good actors

hell no, i got banned last time

You just KNOW


>mfw David Hayter, Kiefer Sutherland and Patric Zimmerman are recast as the Snakes

you just know

>No Kurt Russell
You had one job

you wanted a Sand Snake's tits, well here you go

Wrong ones`


so beautiful and cute.
would suckle her pancakes all day.
still best waifu. after Puffy Sansa.

is this what turned renly gay?

He is Old Snake now

Probably something about shit writing.

>black nipples



>you must be gay if you don't like tiny pancake tits