it took me a week short of nine years but I wrote an 11 volume science fantasy space opera epic for the teen\YA crowd. It has a love story, a revenge story, a redemption story, time travel, a competent magic system, mecha, catgirls, A.I.'s, robots, space pirates, an intergalactic war, hover craft racing, plenty of twists and an INSANE ENDING, oh yeah.. and jetpacks.

The series kicked off in May with volume one, Volume two: just dropped in September. For the moment they're only in ebook form but Paperbacks should be coming soon. A new book will arrive EVERY THREE MONTHS through 2018. The first two books are available wherever ebooks are sold but it seems there's only reviews on Amazon and goodreads. I gave away FREE copies of the first TWO books to people on Sup Forums last week in hope I could get some reviews ion Amazon or goodreads in return. Some have delivered.
Shoot me an email at [email protected] with the words "give me free shit" and I'll do the same for you. Will send in both mobi.(kindle) and ePub formats

Pic related: The manuscripts in their respective boxes

Also, AMA

I don't have time to read all the regular books I have. I'm not going to bother with self-published crap.

It's free

u put that in order right now

OP you're probably scaring off otherwise interested readers by telling them they're getting into a fucking 11 volume epic.

Also we know next to nothing about it up to and including the name.

>I wrote an 11 volume science fantasy space opera epic for the teen\YA crowd.

Stopped reading at this point.

kys, faggot.

I don't care if it's free, I have zero interest in reading it.

Give us a one or two page sample.

Not only readers, but editors too. Nobody's going to commit to publishing a huge series by an unknown writer.

Especially if they self-publish. That just means they couldn't get a real publisher, ergo it sucks.

Stop making these threads, no one cares about your failed dreams

It's 125 pages bigger than Harry Potter but it's across more volumes. More episodic

>It's 125 pages bigger than Harry Potter but it's across more volumes. More episodic

hurr durr, there's a fucking salient selling point.

What made you want to write this and begin writing?

Google: Wiki heroes journey Joseph Campbell.

It's a 21st century rebelling of an epic adventure. Previous examples of this epic are LOTR, the original Star Wars trilogy, the matrix, Harry Potter, and the hunger games. Every new telling is a newer twist than the last. It's an old friend with a new face

It came out of a dream in 2004. My Brice was born in 2003 so I decided to make a character just for her. I know what her mom looks like so I knew what she'd look like. She's 13 this year and the character is 15. How cool would it be to have a sprawling space adventure created just for you without asking?

Niece not Brice

This is Sereth, a space pirates daughter who returns to her home world under a false name to join the war effort as alien armies lay siege to it. Lots of military sci fi

What is the name of the series?

Star Epic One.

Books 1 and 2 are available wherever EBOOKS are sold worldwide

I also make spray can pop art out of stencils which local people buy for 20-25 bucks a throw. It helps pay for editing and cover illustration costs

Others.. I have more time lately because he elevator company I worked for laid me off. Oh well, interview friday

you know what OP? why the fuck not, I do a shitload of reading, on the order of 900+ pages a week

just sent you a mail

yeah, it's a throwaway address, I'm not putting anything real anywhere remotely close to b

but assuming you reply in the next hour or so while I've still got that tab open, I can guarantee that I'll at least read your first book

if it somehow end up being good, I'll even drop a review for it on amazon or wherever

If it's that one someone just sent that was 80 characters long my mailer kicked it back.

46 characters, so yeah that was probably it

will gen one ~half the length and try again

if it still doesn't work, eh, too much effort to bother with

just upload all the files to mega in a zip and i'll read them.

Convince me that your book is better than, say, GoT. Give me an excerpt.

Anyone else see the family guy with space shire 7? How many adhd pills did it take?


Just go to Amazon, find Fusion Heart in the space opera section and download the free sample.

>I wrote an 11 volume science fantasy space opera epic for the teen\YA crowd.

You sound like Todd Chavez from BoJack Horseman.

Hey this doesn't actually sound that bad and I like free shit so

Oh and feel free to give these to whomever if you want.

Also. I'm an indie author so any reviews on Amazon and goodreads would be worth their weight in gold.
Since the market is flooded with everyone writing these days (nanowrimo resleases a deluge every year) agents and publishers are looking for someone who already has followers and doing work on their own. The sad truth is that most reviewers won't even look at your work if you don't have at least 100 reviews on Amazon.

They're on Pirate Bay.

Fusion heart
Flight of the Lazarus

Plot of book 1

by andrew cole?


It does seem like a lot at first glance but it's actually very manegable and easy to follow. There's lots of surprises, twists, and the ending is fucking dope. I spent a long time agonizing over the character arcs and finishing it on the proper note.

Still nothing.

Dude I'm sorry. Your s+fghjgfx+ email address doesn't work. Look I'm not a Nigerian prince just make an easily disposable and I'll squatevyou away

Good for you, OP.

dude id like some yoooooooo