
>meeting weed dealer at noon
>picking up Wendys right after
>burgers fries and a drink
>going straight home after and going to close the blinds, strip nude, put on Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition Kino, smoke a fat bowl and then fest

what does Sup Forums do to fully immerse themselves in their films?

Damn that sounds comfy

Is BvS rips out yet? I may just do that today

what do u usually get at Wendys? i havent been there in a while but i used to get a chocolate frosty + baconator. supreme comfy fast food desu

>BvS is already out on BR
>meanwhile Civil War is STILL making money at the box office

It's on putlocker btw

Dumb frognigger

Which Wendy's user? I want to go there too and get some epic french fries, haha.

2 hamburgers, a large fries and a Diet Coke.

I like putting a row of fries on my burger, it makes it taste better.

Fuck off

I can't eat fast food without feeling guilty and I literally just had mcdonalds. I also can't immerse myself like OP without having it be a work day otherwise I feel restless and guilty for doing nothing all day.

Boogie2988 coming at us live through the POWER of autism?

>shit tier food
>shit tier movie
>shit tier drugs

It's the holy trinity for plebdom, OP. You absolute madman

>Wendys stopped serving the Jalapeno Fresco chicken sandwich

I just stopped going, bring it back

>not eating a huge fucking bowl of Velveeta shells and cheese with some Wallmart chicken strips and A&W rootbeer
>he doesn't let the house get freezing so he 1: saves money and 2: can get comfy as fuck in a big blanket and watch movies in bed

Fatfuck frogposting PLEBEIAN
>get some takeout sushi
>take a tab
>watch Blade Runner

>All these Amerifats smoking drugs like a degenerate and eating completely unhealthy food

You faggots are disgusting.

>Tfw I'd feel intensely uncomfortable eating half the deep fried shit mentioned in this thread

Pan grilled chicken breast w diced tomato, red onion, on a bed of fresh citrus coated lettuce is the best shit while watching films.

post tits

How did you get BvS: Ultimate Edition AND a weed dealer? What a madman.



retarded amphibian poster

Thanks g-d you get the Diet Coke, fammy

>I like putting a row of fries on my burger, it makes it taste better.
king comfy right there my patrician friend


My condolences to your anus.