What was the point of this character?
What was the point of this character?
What was the point of this character?
He kept this one particularly obsessive pedo happy for a couple of seasons
>What ever happened to Rickonbro?
What was the point of this character?
I'm still waiting for that sex scene now that they're finally alone.
Worst GOT character. Worse than fucking Bran.
Target practice.
I hate this fat ugly annoying fuck, why couldn't they make him more likable and less of a cuck? I mean seriously would any self respecting man do this? Sam needs to be killed off its already been too long.
i haven't read all the books but i heard somewhere that he might be a greenseer like bran but even stronger. when all the kids were at winterfell they had dreams that ned was going to die. but rickon probably also sees that robb and catelyn die, too, because when they leave winterfell he's super pissed and sad. someone, maybe bran, tries to comfort him by saying, "they'll be back" to which rickon replies "no one ever comes back" which is kind of true. ned, catelyn, robb all die without returning and jon, sansa, and arya are spread out across the world for ages.
littlefinger is my favorite for the sole purpose of him being cia.
Honesly, what 'is' the point to Bran? Is he training to be Gandalf?
what makes it funniner is that in interviews he always had this ridiculous sense of self importance
in reality he's a mediocre actor playing a shitty character
He's a plot device for letting whitewalkers through the wall.
Walkers can't invade due to ancient magics, Bran's gonna fuck it up like he did at Bloodraven's crib.
What was the point of this character?
Author's self insert who magically gets laid and is in training to become a wizard.
Plot device for discovering Robb's will in which he legitimized Jon as a Stark.
In the books, each of the six direwolves represent the Stark kids and Jon.
Snow, being an albino and an outsider to the litter represents Jon.
Lady represents Sansa and her being killed represents her losing the northern part of her - becoming southern and less of a Stark.
Nymeria, being of the namesake of the warrior Queen Nymeria is a big contrast to Lady to represent how Arya is a warrior, not a lady, and heir role in the game will not be one of scheming, but war.
Bran's wolf Summer being killed represents the start of Winter.
Shaggydog, being named so because of Rickon being a classic Shaggydog story, a long-winded story with no real payoff. Irrelevant, and dissapointing. This is deliberate, and a joke by GRRM.
Normalize cuckolding to the masses
What was the point of this character?
Crash this show
His wolf was called Shaggydog
A shaggydog story is one where the character looks like they will be of importance but in the end contributes nothing
Khal Drogo was just meant to be so alpha that no man ever lives up to Dany's expectations after that allowing her to be a stronk indepundunt womyn
Nymeria is also leading a wolf superpack in the books. Martin says that this IS important and will come to fruition at some point
What was the point of this character?
Who? You mean the fat fuck who sold out hard on the people that have been reading this garbage since 1996?
You forgot Grey Wind too btw. Nothing is black or white to Robb and that leads him into stupid decisions that are fleeting like the wind. Most notable being his call to kill Karstark for treachery but not his mother, and breaking his oath to the Frey's and expecting Edmure to marry whichever Frey they choose for him
can you really blame me for hoping? I bought all the books he's published thus far and I kinda want to be able to own the complete collection at some point
What was the point of OP's character?
since your thread will inevitably die and contribute nothing to the overall Sup Forums story
No, i pity us.
Only a handfull do