How is it possible to literally get raped to death?
How is it possible to literally get raped to death?
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You got a big giant undead dude who does not tire and was known for being a brutal rapist who killed his victims when he was alive.
>implying there will be rape
Gregor is a big guy.
There's no way I am reading this again
are SJWs triggered by that scene? or is it alright to rape conservative people?
SJWs enjoyed it because they project themselves onto Cersei
He was standing besides her. He wasn't raping, more like slowly crushing all her bones with his hands
Watch the scene again, the Mountain takes off all his armor.
The most terrifying thing is that this guy is one of the smallest among his friends.
She looks like she just came.
No he dosent he only removes his helmet to reveal his ugly ass face.
Wow Lena is pretty but very unphotogenic unlike the other actresses(excluding Maisie). She just doing smile well in pics.
He was removing his armour - we couldn't see it properly since the camera was facing his back but if you look at how his arm movements, it looks like he's unhooking the armour straps.
it's like he's from a different species
Your reading way to far into this. The bottom line is we have no idea what he was actually doing but it most likely wasent zombie rape.
Dumbass, you've never had a photo taken of you while you're talking?
That's because he is, here's from a bloodline of almost completely pure Atlantoids
He only got a litte caucasoid Homo Sapiens blood in him
>or is it alright to rape conservative people
Have you ever see feminists criticizing Alexandra Kollontai because she endorsed Cheka rapes during the Russian Civil War?
Feminism is ok with rape as long it's directed against religious or non-leftist women.
I've never seen anyone criticize Alexandra Kollontai to be completely honest
Clive James did it.
But even he is lenient. "Yes she was a feminist serving a regime that used rape and murder as state tools but that's not so bad because good intentions so she wasn't evil".
The mountain? More like the hill.
Jesus christ
At least it wasn't Scaphism
He's a big guy
you just know
>Not finishing the Japs off by nuking them to infinity and beyond
Ask the USA soldiers that went to My Lais
T.Sup Forums geneticist
rape? he was just tickling her. that shit gets brutal after a while.
Fuck, she was cute
>implying that stuff only happens on Japan
Dude, even in your country, whichever it is, psychos are everywhere
trauma to the genitals until they are ceaselessly bleeding and infected, there are some real world cases you could read up on.
Pretty hot
Shame lady looked pretty hot before her BRUTAL RAPE.
Shame shame shame shame
I wonder how big this dudes irl peepee is? It's kind of a lose lose situation when you're that tall though, because no matter how big it is, it's always going to look smaller in comparison to your abnormal height.
love that hover hand
you are currently doing it to this board so you tell me
Ask the US Marines that went to Okinawa.
Jesus fucking Christ. I can't comprehend what would lead people to do that to someone. Fuck, I can't think of an appropriate punishment, either.
This hits too fucking close to home.
>Kamisaku has since been released again
Of course
>Bring freedom to all these 3rd wold countries
>Reclaim your rightfully earned prize
>3rd world fags complain
I swear to God, you all deserve some nuking
How did they not get death sentence, or at least life? Yakuza connections?
This is what the actor looked like before he left humanity behind
In Lord of the Rings... Elves cannot be raped. If you try, they die. I mean, you can then fuck the corpse, but that's not the same thing.
Ask the nips who went to Nanking.
my sense of scale is so fucked thanks to Sup Forums
I wish somebody would study that question with your ass just for liking this piece of shit show
>first woman in Russian history to hold an office as high as Minister/People's Commissar
>last woman in Russian history to hold an officer as high as Minister/People's Commissar
you just KNOW
is this a shoop? if not how fucking tall is that guy on the left
You got to be kidding me.
That nuns name? I need to beat off
They aren't alive, that was more than 70 years ago
Hannah Waddingham
>mom, can I sleep with you?
what did he mean by this?
>Removing plate armor by yourself
Damn. Day 1~10 was hot. After the 11th it became a little bit too much.
Have you seen her scantily clad? She's nothing but sticks and skin. He was probably afraid he'd break her arm if he grabbed it.
For you
I seriously don't understand why they would torture a stranger like that, I don't think very many things are sick, but that really is. I get torturing someone that did something to you, but why a stranger? I also in principle understand horny young men kidnapping and raping a girl, it's fucked up but i understand the motivation at least. I even get why people often kill the victim to cover up their crime, who wants to go to jail right. But why the torture?
I don't usually support the death penalty but they really should have just put those fuckers down, they were broken beyond repair.
Remember kids, don't believe everything you see in movies.
>The two then repeatedly watched the film Magnum Force, in which a prostitute (played by Margaret Avery) is forced to drink Drano and is then shown immediately dropping dead.[6][7] Pierre and Andrews decided that this would be an efficient method of murder and decided to use it in their crime.
>Pierre and Andrews then propped each of the victims into sitting positions and forced them to drink the liquid, telling them it was vodka laced with sleeping pills. Rather, it was liquid Drano. The moment it touched the hostages' lips, enormous blisters rose, and it began to burn their tongues and throats and peel away the flesh around their mouths.
that looks fake as shit what are they even pouring on them?
Ill ham in her wadding if ya know what i mean. N thx
Why not just shoot them? I mean come on, buy a gun and end it quickly.
>reduced brain size
How does this happen? Jesus.
Thanks for reminding me to never feel bad for staying home.
I want to die
never happened
Because they were meat heads "protecting America from all enemies foreign and domestic."
Do you really think of them as smart?
>Andrews and Pierre noted that Orren was still alive, so Pierre mounted him, wrapped a wire around his throat, and tried to strangle him. When this failed, Pierre and Andrews inserted a ballpoint pen into Orren's ear, and Pierre stomped it until it punctured his eardrum, broke, and exited the side of his throat. Pierre and Andrews then went upstairs, finished loading equipment into their van, and departed.
And Mr. Orren still survived.
it's not even bad. it actually sucks. just watch it you stupid pussy
Not long ago some Imigrant raped some Swedish girl to death on a hotel parking. So ask muslims, they are experts.
>Have a job at the military
>Try to rob a store and fuck up the whole process
>Death sentence at the ripe age of 19
how about 5-10 years in prison? pretty sure thats what they got
in fact i reckon, if they're still alive, they are all probably free right now
>yfw space marines actually existed
It was just a prank bro
The most disgusting parts are that they truly believe there were three other guys that took part.
And that the NAACP tried to commute their death sentences.
She didnt get raped to death. He removed her eyes. Cersei even told her she wasnt going to die
JUST FUCKING SHOOT HIM WHAT THE FUCK. What kind of fucking idiot decides to strangle a man with fucking wire and when that fails jam a pen into his ear? At least kill someone in a somewhat humane way.
She didnt get raped to death. He pulled off her toes. Cersei even told her she wasnt going to die
Probably worried he'd accidentally crush her to death.
He's Icelandic. Iceland is the real life land of giants. He's barely pushing 25 right now.
is when he was in 4 in kindergarten.
it's pretty casual wherever niggers/muslims dwell
You can hear him take off his armor.
Holy fuck, it's just like in hentai
it's quiet simple
JUST live in brexitland.
>Following the handing down of death sentences to the defendants, the NAACP and Amnesty International campaigned to commute Pierre and Andrews' death sentences.
You know what, fuck Amnesty International. I'm sure there are some unfortunate political activists in jail somewhere that could use some help, but this shit has nothing to do with human rights.
>this will never happen to you but in a gender swapped version