What is the worst fanbase?

and why is it Game of Thrones? GoT fags stay out, go defend your shitty show in one of the 60 other threads

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/username/My Spider-Man is Black/

Save us Sup Forums

Star Wars fans were much worse.

At least star wars was a pretty rare event. People had been waiting a long time for that. GoT is a Tumblr soap opera that comes on every year


So lemme get this straight.

Big Bang theory > GoT
Keeping up with the Kardasians > GoT

Correct? I'm genuinely curious as to what CURRENTLY AIRING shows you watch? Shows still in production. Because 95% of the shows on TV are shit and yet you choose to rage about a pretty average HBO show, why? Simply because it's popular? What current shows are you following? LGBT sense8? Bella and the Bulldogs? The talk? Please op, enlighten me.

Main-series Star Wars movies will come out every two years now, with a Rogue One type movie for the alternate year.

Star Wars didn't beg the mods for a general thread

And people complained about that as well.
Just because other spergs have spammed about their favorite shit doesn't give the GoT redditors a free pass.

There's no need for them to fill up half the catalog, dipshit

>Big Bang theory > GoT
>Keeping up with the Kardasians > GoT

GoT is worse than either of those shows.

/got/ is literally more than half of the threads on this board right now. Check the catalog.

Holy shit nuke them.

I was enjoying the Americans. Starting on ray Donavan, I'm still watching preacher but I'm skeptical. However, that has nothing to do with the fans of GoT spamming threads and in general being the worst fans I've ever come across

Amass to /qa/ to get rid of this faglord

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/username/My Spider-Man is Black/

You didn't answer my question, dipshit.

See, like this guy he watches the Big Bang theory.

Aww, babby needs more shitpost threads. I'd guarantee any shit you watch is more reddit you nu-Sup Forums cuckboi.

This thread will be deleted before that faggot actually enforces the general.

No it wont
people are posting who he is now in multiple threads so hes just hiding in the general

Breaking Bad

>wahh babby need more capeshit/celeb threads

Fuck off kid.

Reminder GoT fags, go defend your shitty show somewhere else. Not what this thread is for

I don't give a fuck either way about GoT just like I don't give a fuck about those threads either. It's half the fucking catalog and people are shitposting out of spite again. YOU fuck off.

Are you implying the game of thrones posters aren't the same kind of low IQ posters that spam capeshit?

Sup Forums needs to go back to discussing cunny. I hate when this board goes off-topic and starts talking about tv shows.

How is it that /who/ can stay exactly within their general, despite being just as autistic a fandom, yet GoT fans feel the need to make a thread for every question, every character, every scene, every rumour?

If you don't see this as an issue then I'm guessing you're either a part of this problem or not a regular Sup Forums poster. I mean seriously is that your best defense for being a game of thrones spammer? Bella Thorne threads invoke conversation too don't they princess, shall we start up some? Think before you post lest you embarrass yourself even more.

GoTfags OUT

Will they ban /got/ again now that the season is over? I hope so.

Video games

The true ones are the old ones.
Everyone now is a Star Wars fan. It's become normie shit.
Same goes for GoT because most people don't want to pick up a book.

But I'd go as far as to say Steven Universe fans are trash. The worst.
They feel like they own the show as trans whatevers and they bullied a fat girl for drawing typical fat bars tees as thin. Irony.

>nobody has mentioned Nolan fanbois

Star Wars, GoT, Marvel etc. etc. basically everything made for a manchild

There's nolan fanboys here?

They're a big crowd

That hasn't been a problem since 2012 and then interstellar making sure they never happen again

1 of Sup Forums's 2 mods became a mod to circlejerk in the /got/ general. I think that answers your question.

Capeshit fans are worse. This is the first season in a while that GoTfags haven't stuck to their general. Probably mostly because janitors and mods here are shit. the marvel dc console war is fucking painful to see everytime one of their movies comes out.

Do you really think threads like pic related are being created by people who genuinely want to discuss the show? Or do you think these type of threads are being created by shitposters who enjoy fanning the flames of hate, and piling onto the problem for shits and giggles?

The former, My Spider-man is Black.


give me a break

They're both equally bad. It's not about the content itself being shit (which it is), it's people spamming the board with it that is the problem and the lack of any decent moderation.

They didn't stay in it last year either

They are called fag/got/s


>don't watch got
>wiki some names and plot points to make shitloads of threads just to make Marvelfags angry

There was an user the other week who said he found a bot and he was going to spam GoT threads to get them banned again

Are you really that dumb or are you simply pretending to be retarded?

stick to your bussiness asshole, do you care how Godzilla fans or Mad Max fans discuss their franchises? Why do you have a problem with THIS show?

Don't bother
The tasteless cuck spammer has been at it for two years now defending this trash and his general

>implying the normies who watch GoT aren't the same retards who watch capeshit

Of course a frogposting retard would make such a stupid post.

Why are the game of thrones posters allowed to pedo post freely?

Sup Forums is being flooded by people who want to talk about /got/ and don't understand why there is a general. Or care for that matter. There's obviously people shitposting about it to get it banned too but the actual threads to discuss every inane plot point or character are still coming in droves.

there is a moral nuance in GoT which immediately brings it outside the mental reach of a capefag

uhh bump

>moral nuance

head on over to the GoT general friend

It's the sheer volume of threads that are the problem, most of which are for the sole purpose of shitposting. No one would give a shit if GoT threads stuck to the general. I watch the fucking show and it annoys me how many threads there are since it pushes other threads about varied topics to 404 faster. That is how Sup Forums works.

Like an user mentioned earlier the main problem is poor moderation. All of the threads outside of /got/ should be deleted and eventually the idiots will figure it out and the shitposters will get give up.

>Sup Forums is being flooded by people who want to talk about /got/
Does OPs thread and threads like it count as part of that flooding? Because it IS a GoT thread and he IS discussing GoT.

>he doesn't know anything about the subject but has opinions

you're right you fit Sup Forums much more

Threads asking about the worst fanbase? Do I have to keep reminding GoT fags to defend their show somewhere else? It's not what this thread is about

Ok then what's his opinion on the orgy of bastards episode?

You're a fucking moron

Obviously yes but I'm not going into the general or those threads to bitch about it because that only causes fag/got/s to shitpost harder to defend it.

Like another user said you don't see the /who/ fags flooding the board like this.

>Guys I just thought of something
>Better make another thread about it

Fucking GoT fags.

>stealth deleting threads so the got cancer can keep spamming

You're done jani
fucking done

>GoT spam starts
>janny is suddenly nowhere to be found

Either they told him to ignore it for a few days, or they need to fire him because he's never here.

GoT meta threads are part of the problem too retards.

/who/ fags are the ones flooding the board to seem like the better fanbase

No they aren't dumbass. They usually get deleted instantly bc GoT mod gets triggered

You're fucking deluded if you earnestly think that.

it is known

Because it's filling half the fucking catalog

nice try

I doubt any of them give enough of a shit to do that.

Nah hes been here deleting threads

Explain why you think so

So people posting threads like aren't part of the problem in your mind?

wew lad

All the more reason to ban GoT threads

>linking the archive

The season is over, just go away for a week then come back and there won't be anymore threads about it.

DCucks are the worst, followed by Sup Forumsfaggots. GoTfaggots are Homestuck-tier.

This thread is about the worst fanbase, not shitposting GoT, not even remotely the same thing

Every GoT fan thread AND every GoT hate thread outside of the general is part of the problem.

I hope everyone that watch GoT fucking dies. Please god

What about the threads calling for the mods to do something about the spam?

>fedora fan
What did he mean why this?

So you agree they are the worst fanbase?

Yes there will

>worst fanbase
>not Firefly turbodorks

It's not an excuse to fill half the board with threads about it.

objection, relevancy?


We get like one thread a month about that

stop prancing around and answer the man you fuck

>all those Roger Moore threads

my fucking sides

It's not an excuse to fill half the board with shitposting either, both are cancer.

I didn't say otherwise but "just let it die down!" isn't going to solve anything because it won't die down. GoT threads have been spamming Sup Forums for months now. It's mostly the mods fault for allowing it to happen.

It's not about the quantity of threads, it's about Firefly fans being vegan tier obnoxious when it comes to their show. The funny thing is people actually like the show but those retards act like it's some kind of reviled masterpiece.


Top 5 worst fanbases on Sup Forums

1. GoT
2. Breaking Bad
3. Capeshit
4. Big Brother
5. Blacked

GoT fans are retards, the same people who watch TWD those are the only shows they watch because they are popular so they have to try to fit in and force retarded memes, special snowflake theories etc.

Fans are by definition, illogical and somewhat obnoxious. The GoT fans are calling the last two episodes a masterpiece and the show is a Tumblrina's fanfiction. Yet only GoT fags feel the need to spam the board on top of having a general.

I agree there is probably a major overlap in those two fanbases