Jozea is going girrr
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wake up /bb/
I missed the first 2 episodes so I'm watching them now. what's up on the streaming
me in the middle
Brontey was using her little girl voice to flirt with Paulie, it was pathetic.
>flirting with a gay guy
Now she is shit talking him.
don't mind me just posting the cutest
hi jason
the most fashionable
the cuddliest
I'd agree if she wasn't Vanessa 2.0, and that crater faced crazy bizniatch made my penis soft.
Who do you hate more, Jozea or Paul?
I can't wait for Thursday's eviction
If only she was on bb ten years ago, she was super hot then.
How is Jossie gonna continue bein the glue when they all trying to back stab?
I want to see a crazy blindside where Jozea stays this week and see his ego grow 50x
Paul shops at Whole Foods and virtue signals at least once an hour.
when he gets really fired up and moves his hands a lot when he talks you can hear his rings hitting each other
imagine how ugly his kids will be if he has them with bronte
i feel bad for paul
>including glenn in the intro
whats even the point?
they gonna fug
Glenn's life matters
Why feel bad for someone dumb enough to get that body tattoo?
this took too long to get right enough
thats precisely why
>gets bullied and has a rough life as a kid
>grows up to be a total try hard and doing everything he can to fit in and get attention even pretending to be drunk and talking about weed like a 12 year old
Jace or Devin?
Why do they do all the competitions in bathing suits now
still virtue signalling consistently is annoying and fake as fuck
this is the /fit/ season
Jace isn't even on the Bomb Squad.
What was Paulie doing at the end?
kys devinposter
kiss him
What are you talking about, bro? Dude, I think it's time you and I had an adult conversation in private, bro?
crib walk
kisses back at you
Did Jace kill himself? What is he doing now?
Jason was my favourite last season, most underrated houseguest, I just want to hang out with him
Who /Frank,Caleb,Devin/ here?
He is a hitman in Mexico
Be quiet Jason, you're only here to make new threads
Frank the Tank!
Glance at his twitter it was DUDE WEED and him giving advice to our boy Glenn
Smoking weed and making music. He's just living the life.
His periscope sessions are dope. He's a cool dude.
I hate when people are in the pool and talk without a mic
i too like caleb and wish he had been brought back
thats hot
Remember when Victoria passed out last year in the bathrooms and Nicole pretty much ignored it, didn't know wtf to do, asked Derrick for help.
Is Corey gay?
Isn't she a nurse?
>Three adjectives that describe you: Small, big, and great.
No wonder you're gone Glenn you're an idiot
I like Paul ironically. Same way I liked Austin. But I think most people like Austin now that they seen Paul.
probably just a gofer and a blood taker
Paul and Jozea are great. I remember when people wanted Devin out of the house, the fools.
Austin was great until he started to hook up with Liz. I think he could go far if he played again.
Did you sleep, ok?
fuck hayden for turning her into a stick
I want a girl with Bridgette's hair. Face is meh
delete this, hhhhh, don't saay his naaaaame...
>Paul to Bronte- Has anyone ever cheated on you?
>Paulie- If they have, they are definitely not alive
Is Bronte really a killer, /bb/?
>Buzz Lightyear
How dare he.
Has she mentioned what happened to them on feeds?
>No Bronte boob shot from 10:49 pm BBT posted.
It's like you guys aren't really fans of the show.
no he ruined her..
Bronte is straight up the ugliest chick (not counting black women) in the show's history. I'm confident she had some kind of connections to get on.
>straight up the ugliest chick (not counting black women) in the show's history
have you only watched like..2 seasons or something?
someone webm'd it yesterday
Yea /r/BigBrother got it go check it out
probably is related to someone
Who is uglier that isnt black or old? She is supposed to be the hot cali girl, but she isn't.
How many waifus will Frank kill this season?
theres at least one on literally every season that is hideous
WE ARE ALL GAY that is why
all of them
This is the ugliest one easily and she stuck around so long
she related to Viktor?
Where's Tiff??
half black
Rapping with Jace
Nat is the hot one.
Bronte is supposed to be the female derrick.