Brexit BTFO by John Oliver

Whoa, really makes you think.

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Who the fuck is he? I'm from the UK and never heard of him

I watched his show for the first time and it's even worse and cringy than I ever imagined
who the fuck watches this shit, let alone finds it clever

Failed leftshit propagandist.

People who just want others to reaffirm their beliefs and can't handle any neutral standpoints or criticism.

Why does it bother you?

mentally ill faggots and retards

it doesn't, I'm just curious

I voted out just to piss people off. I got what I wanted and currentyearman making a video crying about it only makes me more glad that I voted the way I did.

great video once again by Oliver.

Jon Oliver is a coward.

What was the biggest story this year about left wing politics in America? Bernie Sanders' campaign against Hillary Clinton. And how many episodes did Oliver do about that? Zero. Because while complaining about Trump or Brexit or whatever will get you nothing but praise from the American left, taking a stand between Clinton and Sanders might actually make parts of your audience mad.

Dude I don't like him cause he doesn't hold my edgy viewpoints that I learned from a website instead actual experience XD

>It's a "comedian fails on UK panel shows so runs off to America where he can get by on his accent" alone episode
Every time he's on Mock the Week or any other panel show, he just gets cucked relentlessly by the other panellists.

wow, a talk show produced by time warner, one of Hillary's top donators, is aggressively promoting leftist/globalist ideologies. Amazing.

He's like that news guy from V for Vendetta.

Human decency is the norm, and people like trump deserved to be mocked if he thinks for a second he can change that.

In some of his videos he discusses interesting topics and presents good arguments for both sides, but i just can't stick with watching this shit.

1) It's so obvious that the show is aimed at mouthbreathing americans with the attention span of lettuce. For every three sentences he just has to come with some shitty hashtag joke. The pacing is just fucked.

2) Whenever the topic is some leftist passion (refugees, blacks etc.) there is no discussion. It's a one sided propaganda-fest full of shitty jokes.

>decency is the norm

spot the teenager

I like how his points sound more hateful than anything said out loud by the right wing

Go watch Fox News then, fuckfaces. It's the country's mentality to ignore edgelords like you.

>"that fucking idiot cameron called for a vote"
>"the fucking cunt had the nerve to use democracy
>"in the current year."

Present counter argument.

I watch it to heckle him since I have HBO and his show is right between Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley and Veep.

Liberal clap-sign comedy is horrible and 20 years people will wonder what the hell everyone was thinking. (Not the liberalism but the slideshow-nojoke-applause sign bullshit)

>Human decency is the norm
Is that supposed to imply
1. You can't make an argument for (or against) Sanders without being decent?
2. Oliver doesn't constantly rely on personal attacks during his segements?

>and people like trump deserved to be mocked if he thinks for a second he can change that.
That just further proves my point.

1. His audience is liberals, he has far more influence over the Democratic Primary than the Republican
2. He has all the time before November to go after Trump now, but he stayed completely silent when it would have mattered WRT Clinton/Sanders.

>I watched his show for the first time and it's even worse and cringy than I ever imagined

Same but I had the opposite experience, wasn't as bad as I expected given how people post about it and he didn't even say 2016 once.

Jesus the irony of this statement.

>Go watch Fox News then, fuckfaces. It's the country's mentality to ignore edgelords like you.

Old Red Eye with Gutfeld was unironically the best of these type of shows.


1) Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn
2) Gutfeld era Red Eye
2) Bill Maher shows
3) Original old school Daily Show bush era


4) John Oliver
5) New Daily show Trevor Noah
6000) Larry Whitmore

>Oi vey the goy knows

Wait are there people who actually say that unironically? I thought that shit was all just for fun.

Assmad Remainer detected.

Never ever assume that anything Sup Forums does is just for fun. They are dead serious over there.


contrarianism is a disease and your post perfectly proves that

Thousands of years of human history


>human decensy is a norm
if that was true Killary wouldn't have a chance


How about the majority was basically forced by the federal government to treat blacks and other minorities equally?

Literally had a hundred years to improve race relations but states instead they chose to keep them with whites on top.


He's right, you know

Brexit is a disaster

Basically americans who think he's smart because he's british. They know nothing of the issues he's talking about so they just parrot everything they hear from him.

His main segments bring attention to some absolutely awful things that need fixing. In a sort of Vice Media way. Yet most go forgotten because of his fake outrage at the Right opening segments.

>B-Britain is l-leaving my precious EU? NOOOOOOOO IT'S 2016 IT'S 2016 IT'S 2016
>"What's happening to him? What is he doing?"
>"His Cuckdrive is getting corrupted, he's entering maximum Cuckdown"
>"HBO has spent a small fortune on this ultimate Cuckdroid....and now you're telling me he's broken?"
>"Worse than broken; in a few minutes he'll explode and take most of the white, straight CIS male world with him"
>"Well that sounds great actually but it's most of our viewership so what do we do?"
>2016 2016 2016 2016 OID BE DELOITED 2016 2016 MOOSLIMS ARE OUR FRIENDS 2016
>"I'm sorry John, I'm using the Rocket Cucker to finish you forever"
>W-Where am I??'s 2015 right right right right now
>"No John *sniff*, it's not....goodbye.

This. His whole reason for starting the show was that he wanted to do a 30 minute in-depth analysis of the Indian election

Old John Oliver was great, when he exposed Marketing to Doctors, Elected Judges, and Predatory Lending. Then after the Anita Sarkeesian gamergate episode his show became less about exposing Bipartisan Issues and instead became Leftist Propaganda.

>This guy making jokes about punchable faces
o i am laffin

he used to. now he usually uses that time to preach ], this time it was 20 fucking minutes on russian track and field

>how can X be happening in 2016?
>i mean come ON

Can I borrow your crystal ball sometime?

>no liberal faggot EU bureaucrats to force your nation to accept shit like endless immigration and partial birth abortions
>not having to dump billions into the globalist system and only receive half of that in benefits
>as soon as Republicans are in power in the USA they'll support an independent Britain

Things are looking fine.

>with the attention span of lettuce
most leftists suffer from this ailment. "i'll just do what is moral and that is defined by what everybody tells me is moral" because they lack the desire to have personal responsibility, constantly fall for the strawman and were not raised to be critical thinkers.


He and his show is only funny if you agree with it politically, if you disagree on even something small the illusion shatters and you see the show for what it really is: cringy, pandering intellectually dishonest trash.

Which is usually how it is for most programs like it.

as someone else in the thread stated, 1.32

also of course abruptly tearing up every trade deal you have is going to be bad for your economy. What the fuck did you think was going to happen?

And as hundreds of posters on Sup Forums have pointed out, exiting the EU is not going to make the shitskins leave. They're all coming from commonwealth nations. All you've lost is the poles who actually work in your country.

>the show is aimed at mouthbreathing americans with the attention span of lettuce.

you know damn well "Americans" and "lettuce" don't ever belong in the same sentence

2014 Jon Oliver: Tackled interesting subjects and straddled the line between the right and left upon raising answers to the questions

2015 Jon Oliver: Went full Leftist. Started asserting that there was an answer to very complex questions and calling people idiots if they didn't agree

2016 Jon Oliver: Essentially a joke. Only people that watch are on the far left or college aged children thinking they're politically savvy.

>its a "someone tries to make a profit off Sup Forums content outside of Sup Forums" episode
this shit has been cringe worthy ever since those rage faces comics

>won't make shitskins leave

It will put the UK in greater control about how many they let in now though. But please, continue to take in millions of economic migrants Europe. American can bomb your lands once they become Islamic shitholes too.

I agree with this, but you forgot Colbert on that list and I still watch John Oliver and Bill Maher because they are the best we have left

I don't disagree with what he is saying, but damn is he an insufferable twat to listen to. Is this the guy they got to replace John Stewart?

I dont want to watch, but did he mention cereal like an user predicted yesterday?

I love that the regions that voted Leave were the ones that got the most benefits from being in the EU. Also, lmao at anyone who thought this was ever going to stop immigration. Good job shooting your own country in the vote in an attempt to spite le SJW globalists. Even Americans aren't this fucking stupid :^)


Oh come on! It's the current year!

Post three times he said that on TV.

The Bush era put a few screws loose in the left.

The rise of Trump seems to have broken the whole fucken thing.

And I consider myself a lefty, or at least I still feel like I believe in the same principles the left used to push over a decade ago.

It is now the left that wants a secret list that denies due process.

>immigrants are bad

>Human decency
Tell it to the rest of the world

>having no control over your immigration flow is good

Are leftists aware of the reason they watch John Oliver?

>immigrants are the cause of all my problems!
>ignore the pound plummeting please

>mfw EU markets have gotten hit harder
>mfw the EU's sand vial is filling up more and more
>mfw USD coming out on top of this
>mfw American

>Britain didn't want him
>thinks anyone in Britain will care about his opinions

If Trump gets elected we'll be joining them in poverty though.

>Britain leaving the EU is r-r-racist!!!

I'm not a Europoor but I don't understand this

How is leaving or wanting to leave the EU racist?

>Mass-rape brought by immigrants is good

John Oliver is hilarious, fuck you faggots.

>rampant immigration of people who neither integrate into society or contributed anything should be left unchecked
>Ideology that encourages it's followers to lie to and kill non-believers or sinners is good

It's either sell your soul to Hillary or your dignity to Trump.

I want a do-over.

Also, no more Bernies.


It all checks out.

Welcome to adulthood

>imaginary scare tactics are good!

It's either sell your soul to Hillary or sell your soul, dignity, car, and house to Trump.

Bernie would've been the best option.

>thinks the exchange rate wasn't going to be affected by uncertainty
>thinks it will be a permanent decline
>has no idea of how a country with a strong economy and a trade deficit can easily bounce back from a low exchange rate
>has no concept of long term benefits
>uses his lack of basic economic knowledge to deflect from immigration issues

There is no reaction image worthy of my simultaneous contempt and amusement


>muh benefits
>muh socialism
>muh multiculturalism

Brexiters have ruined the UK forever in an effort to reclaim some romantic past of British hegemony that never existed. I'm ashamed of my country and I hope that it burns to the ground, I'd even assist in doing so.

>i-it'll get better!
>it will!
>even though no economists say so!

If you think supporting trump is selling your dignity then you don't have any in the first place. The only reason to support him is to get it back by not being the absolute pussies the rest of the suicidal western world has become.


>Bernie would've been the best option.
Fuck that woodstock commie faggot.

I'd like to hear your reasoning

I'm sure it can defeat the expectations of recorded economic history since the time of Adam Smith.
Not that you'd know the name without google, of course.

Good argument.
> The only reason to support him is to get it back
So you're saying to support Trump you have to have no dignity? We agree, then.

Truly, it beckons pause and cerebration...

The onus is on you, buddy. Show me some experts who say this is gonna be a net good decision.

>The German Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA)
Yeah they'd never cover up their leader's genocide.

>i-it's a conspiracy! IT HAS TO BE! I CAN'T BE WRONG! I CAN'T!

>UK dumped more money into the EU than they receive

Well what do you know, already it's a net gain for leaving!

Not an argument

I literally hope the new PM tells the 52% to fuck off.

The referendum IS NOT legally binding and there are literally zero experts saying it's a good thing. I don't care if its seen as non democratic and I don't care if those morons protest, they have literally sold out our country on fucking ignorance.

The very next fucking day, google records a massive increase in searches for "what is the EU?" Implies that the electorate were by and large fucking morons.

Did I trigger you Ahmed?

>Hillary Clinton is arguably the most corrupt presidential candidate in history
>Bernie Sanders didn't have his first job until he was 40, and doesn't have any leadership experience. He literally just delivers what people want to hear with no way of delivering on it

When you grow up you'll realise why Trump is the right guy for America, and Farage for UK.

>inb4 I get called a nazi/racist/misogynist /islamaphobe/homophobe/bigot, ...