10 minutes of show =/= 10 minutes of time in Westeros
He's a faceless man
You're a literal submental
What are ships?
You are also not aware of the time that passed.
How do you think he has connections everywhere?
I'll give you one tip
so was him being in dorne a flash forward or a flash back
varys is the dragons
someone will find out because one of them still has cock
I'm more confused about how the camera man gets around everywhere so fast. Like he's in Kings Landing one minute and at Winterfell the next? WTF
He came back with the dornish (and perhaps martel ?) fleet.
The whole fleet set sail much after Cersei becomes queen.
What i would like to see: they will not arrive before mid-season 7.
Explain why blacks are inferior low iq specimens.
Not everything has to be in order. Maybe the sailing to westeros was before the sept was blown up.
no cuz old lady said her grand-daughter was dead.
He flew a dragon.
He went to Dorne and went back with martell ships, which you can see among the other ships in the final scene.
Yeah this doesnt make any sense. It takes them 4 years to acually show some proper white walkers.
Meanwhile literal faggot travels months worth of times in days.
He cloned himself.
Is sonic.
>Olenna already knew Cersei blew up her family when we see her in Dorne
>20 minutes later in the episode, Jaime reaches KL, there's still smoke in town and he doesn't know shit.
fucking timelines, i tellz ya
ok so the response to this is always that scenes could have weeks or even months between them, my question is if that were true why did it take fucking six seasons of "winter is coming" for winter to actually come?
"winter" isn't actually the season