Would you watch?
Emily Blunt as Snake in Escape From New York reboot
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yeah wouldnt mind her desu
who would want this? you can say everyone loved ghostbusters, but the escape movies have always been for a male audience
I'd watch tb.h
Why can't it be in the spirit of Escape From New york and be its own thing? I get brand recognition but you could also use the celeb's status as well as anybody else working on it.
No I'm not going to go see Rose McGowan as Seline Plissken directed by who the fuck knows but if Emily blunt, actress from the critically acclaimed film sicario stars as Georgia "Gorgeous" Lamprey in an Christopher Mcquarrie Film I'm all for it!
If she were Kurt Russell's daughter, maybe.
What a stupid thing to say and think.
yah she is fun and takes the roles seriously in training.
Only if she really tries to do the voice. That would be hilarious. It's hard even imagining the female Snake Plissken on voice alone.
Also it would suck regardless because despite Deadpool's success, we'll see more watered down reboots. So FemSnake will not idly pass a woman being assaulted by thugs without a care. Sadly filmmakers have lost the touch for satirical violence such as in Robocop and Escape for NY. Instead of using horrific violence and how apathetic or even gleeful people are to it in the film, they'll turn Snake into an anti-hero who does the right thing. It will no longer be the man who dooms the world to war out of spite.
And no man or woman can stand up to Kurt.
I'd watch it. She's shown to be the best or second best female action movie star.
Plus nobody can beat the Original so the sequel/reboot would just be different.
They made an escape from NY and escape from LA so they should just make a third city that she escapes from rather than a reboots.
reboots in general seem to be boring, mostly because you've already seen the original.
That's why the latest star wars was boring. It was just a reboot of the blow-up-the-deathstar finish so the whole second half of the movie was boring.
this but title should be Escape from Detroit
Emily Blunt stepping niggers balls
This, not a full remake but a "soft reboot" or whatever you call it could work.
>Snake turning off the world at the end of L.A plunged the world into a new world war where everyone fought for energy.
>Blunt plays his daughter that lost an eye in that war.
>Things just started to get back to normal.
>She was on the losing side so she's now considered a war criminal.
>NY prison is an even bigger shithole after being without power for some years
>We have the same shit happening again, and she's sent in there to do what her father did before
>Second movie, she's sent for another mission and it ends with the government tricking her into starting another war, which is basically the US wanting more energy/power.
>Third movie is Escape from D.C, where she calls her father and they band together with a resistence group to attack D.C, which is basically a city-sized White House and overtake the entire system.
>In a move no one saw it coming, they get acclaimed video game producer Hideo Kojima to direct it
>In the trailers, we see slow-moving images of the horrors war, Old Man Snake yelling at the sky while covered in blood and a dramatic shot of BluntSnake removing a mask and looking absolutely pissed, as Sins of the Father by Donna Bourke plays.
>Anyone but David Hayter
I'd much rather see an Emily the Explorer feature film.
No, I am waiting for the remake of "Young Victoria" with Kurt Russell as the lead.
This sounds Sup Forums.
This sounds good.
nice try Kojima
i'd like to see a movie where Emily saves Kurt, she believes her dad is still alive and no one believes her (she playing his daughter) movie ends with both of them trying to Escape again...together
I'd say they should maybe make it an original movie idea as opposed to banking on a known IP. But if it means more badass Blunt and Carpenter getting a paycheck, I'm down.
If they did a straight up remake my ideal cast would be...
>Christian Bale as Snake
>Denzel Washington as Duke
>Stephen Merchant as Brain
>Ed Harris as Hauk
>Lena Heady as Maggie
>Bran Cranston as the President
But I'm cool with Blunt too
>Another fucking reboot
Then again after Sicario I'll watch anything with Blunt.
>>Christian Bale as Snake
As long as he doesn't use the Batman voice.
I like Blunt, and I like Escape from, but I don't want a fucking reboot.
I don't think the concept is remotely believable, why can't we have strong female characters who aren't doing stupid bullshit like beating up 200 pound guys and running across a whole city?
Fuck yeah I would. She was great in Edge of Tomorrow and as a pussy bitch in Sicario.
She'd be good, but whether I watch is contingent on the director.
I don't think she can pull a Kurt Russell, "call me snake"
I love her resting bitch face.
sure, emily blunt is a good actress, and escape from new york is a shallow enough movie to profit from a remake
>escape from new york is a shallow enough movie to profit from a remake
Kill yourself, faggot.
Most of the special effects in Escape from New York have aged pretty well and it's still an immensely entertaining film. Plus they'll never be able to top Kurt Russell and John Carpenter's synth score. If they want to remake an old dystopian movie they should do Logan's Run instead of Escape from New York.
who would you cast as Cabby?
Judd Hirsch
Shallow doesn't necessarily mean bad, even if that poster thinks the movie is bad
Mike, what are you doing on Sup Forums?
Logan's Run remake has been in development for years. Even some concept art online.
Last we heard of it Simon Kingberg (X-Men: DOFP, Apocalypse) was hired to develop a new script. He said this last year…
>We are talking to directors for that movie [right now]… It definitely is [a priority for the studio]. It’s something that potentially is their Hunger Games kind of franchise that is about a younger audience for a younger audience with a big idea. And Logan’s Run, as you know, is the granddaddy of Maze Runner and Hunger Games and so many of these books and movies now. So yeah, they’re seeing it as a potentially really big franchise.
Yeah, sure, she's a good action actress.
Probably won't be a good film but reboots rarely are.
I'll wait and see how the production goes before passing any judgements.
Superior female Snake coming through
>you will never have Emily Blunt step on your balls
Only if she took some inspiration from the Boss
Hell no.
Why would people want to ruin Carpenter's movies with this silly political agenda bullshit is beyond me, this will never have the spirit of the original movies and making a female protagonist in a fucking reboot of a Carpenter movie is already missing the point of the original ones to begin with.
Fuck at least give it a different title and character names and just say it's heavily inspired by those movies, leave my fucking childhood alone you fucking hacks.
What's next? A Big Trouble in Little China reboot without hookers, silly gore, discount machismo and stereotyped horny chinese magicians playing magic videogames because those things are offensive now? Fucking american movie industry should be burned down.
>Another reboot
>Another reboot changing main character's sex and/or race
I wonder if originality will ever return to hollywood
No. I want a third movie with Kurt Russell.
John Carpenter hasn't directed a movie in a while, I for one would welcome his comeback.
But it's 100% true
I am not gonna watch it.
Well maybe to see her Ass in snakes outfit.
She would be shit as Snake and get her ass kicked like in Sicario.
If you want to make a new and interesting Escape from NY cast Benico Del Toro as Snake.
Emily Blunt is thin white straight and attractive so I would pay money to watch it.
>Would you watch?
No. This genderswap bullshit needs to end.
Dredd sequel when?
>tfw Nicolas Winding Refn was going to direct it with Ryan Gosling as the lead but both of them dropped out
It could've been great.
>No MGS 3 movie with her as The Boss
This is awesome.
anyone have the webm where its all her breathing from her mouth.. Bitch looks like she was farting each time
that owuld be my favorite movie
Sure, as long as there was a valid point to it, and not just "Women can do action too".
thank you. To clarify, I did not mean shallow bad. perhaps a better word would be superficial, I enjoy the movie but a remake would be so vastly different that it would stand out as it's own. Not something like the robocop remake where its just taking a movie and repeating all the same story beats, themes, one-liners that you may as well just watch the better original. Escape has little in that way to copy from in the first place.
It could work because Snake was never a big strong guy. He's not Arnold in Commando. He always used evasion and stealth.
>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)
Literally anyone besides Kurt Russell would be equally bad. Casting a woman is the least significant problem in remaking something like Escape from New York.
But there's the other problem, Snake also gets his ass kicked in the movies. He's not indestructible. Feministas can't handle a heroine getting shot up and bruised in an action movie. They have to be untouchable like Seagal.
>Feministas can't handle a heroine getting shot up and bruised in an action movie
I think you're mistaken. That's not just feminists. It's a problem in movies in general. Oftentimes if a strong woman is introduced the have to toss in an evil woman to give her a real fight.
Amen, brother...
Why not a sequel of sorts set in another city?
Why remake a film and genderbend the main character? Are we really that out of ideas already?
Originality is for entitled pissbaby shitlords.
Emily Blunt actually can kick some serious ass, and has already established herself in the genre, so yes. I would definitely watch that.
I mean having her play Snake himself is kinda weird. She could play someone else that's in Snake's role.
I'm kinda tried of seeing her as the hard female action hero in movies. Not because she isn't good at the role but because she has those big doe eyes that make her look perpetually surprised and not very operator. I guess I'd be down if she squinted her unpatched eye for the entire movie.
kurt is still alive, put him in another fucking movie
I'm game for it as long as it's not a reboot but a direct sequel to EFNY with Blunt playing a different character that gets sent into the city.
With today's tech they could do some cool stuff inside the walls. And I really enjoyed Blunt in Sicario and Edge of Tomorrow.
I'd go to the theater.
>she has those big doe eyes that makeher look not very operator
If she plays snake then this problem is 50% gone right off the bat
Nah, probably not. There's absolutely no reason to reboot Escape.
I would watch this.
just make a new fucking movie stop rebooting shit
>replacing Kurt Russell with a woman
>not casting Kiefer Sutherland or Tom Hardy as Snake
You answered your own question. SJW genderswap controversy is a marketing tool now. Some people make nasty remarks about women playing men's roles in movies, news websites pick it up and tell everyone how horrible and sexist it is, then it hits theaters with free advertising.
I don't remember any sweety pits scenes in Escape from NY so I'm cautious about this
100% yes because they would probably also hire tom hardy to be the man that actually gets everything done. Get to see based blunt and bane in a movie, win win
Yes, but only because she has already proven herself to be a competent action movie actor and she isn't some pretty 18yo waif.
i like escape from new york but i don't think the concept is beyond remaking and i really like emily blunt
I got nothing against Emily Blunt... but goddammit, Hollywood. Stop remaking movies I like.
>i don't think the concept is beyond remaking
This, when Escape from New York was made NY was a crime ridden hellhole. NY has been cleaned up so the concept no longer works.
Escape from Detroit
I wouldn't watch an Escape from NY reboot, let alone one with a female-lead.
Literally who?
Just to fap
Am I the only one that thought escape from New York was a shitty movie in the first place? I like Kurt Russel but really?
>start a thread about Emily Blunt
>Barely post Emily Blunt
Hello Mike
I'd watch an action movie about badass girl shooting fools. just don't make it a remake, i'm not that nostalgic
I could go along with that.
Nigga I would watch her take a shit while doing a handstand I love this bitch.
fuck no, does everyone not realize how bland she is, goddamn
eg: sicario, fucking useless
>strong woman character who is a match for anyone
can we stop this meme already? No one eats this shit up
yes please
>Emily will never step on your face