Was this the greatest show to ever make it to TV?
Was this the greatest show to ever make it to TV?
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No, that would be
It was pretty shit.
Top 10 for sure
The best is True detective
It was exceptional. I hate that there's not another show like it. I haven't watched Bryan Fuller's other shows but I got the impression they are nothing like Hannibal.
It was up there
Boring and pretentious as fuck. Only fedora kinocucks like it.
Fucking contrarian faggots
>Boring and pretentious as fuck.
How the fuck is this pretentious?
Easily one of the best-- I like TP better though.
No, GoT is.
>“Every director who comes to the show gets the same lecture,” says Fuller. “We are not making television. We are making a pretentious art film from the 80s.”
It's deliberately slow paced to make you savor it but definitely not boring. Dancy and Mads were magical together.
Great style, nice camera, decent acting. Writing is stupid as fuck. These guys didn't even bother to check any potential suspects whereabouts, neverminding looking at the fucking camera tapes.
This. It tried way too hard.
Do you have Asperger's? You do realize he doesn't mean it literally, right?
No, but was probably the gayest.
>Writing is stupid as fuck.
What did you expect? This is basically fanfiction.
Breaking Bad and Twin Peaks.
Maybe Better Call Saul will be just as good.
i know you're just joking, but ive been upset over this post for almost 25 mins now
It was incredibly gay,but I don't know at what point it happend.
Maybe after Will got out of Prison
I thought they were going to fuck every time they were together in a room
Not him, but why would he be joking? It's literally the best and most popular TV show ever
>tips fedora
Yeah them mainstream sheep don't appreciate the splendor of this underrated masterpiece. Kudos to you and your patrician taste, sir.
>turn 360 degrees and walk away as cape flows majestically
I am shaking and really mad right now
It's good, but not on the same level as Twin Peaks, Carnivale or Rectify in my opinion.
>Most popular TV show ever
When will you fa/got/s stop trying to force that TWD DOUBLES GoT in ratings, and isn't too far behind in piracy viewing. TWD just doesn't have as obnoxious of a fanbase as GoT who claim it is some great show. Hint both shows are pretty bad now.