And we're back~

and we're back~

evening Sup Forums
what's everybody drinkin' tonite?

Other urls found in this thread:

when is your liver due to die?

You've been posting the same shit on Sup Forums for a few years now.

it's my body, I'll pace it as hard as I choose, but yeah, must be bad.


must be so rude of me to just invite you!

Tea and with lemon and the slightest bit of sugar. Coming down with a cold

sailor jerrry rum. got about half of a handle down

Flat sprite, the only good kind of sprite.

The fairer liquid, good choice.
oof, hate when December chooses symptoms for a preamble to the holiday season

John C Riley and John Lennon fucked at a carnival and used a carnie to be the vessel of their offspring (You)

YA HAARRR! ..sorry.
sounds like a vicious start, brother
you just might be onto something there! but quick, warm, hot or cold?


I'd he honored, actually! Riley's capable of some broad talent and Lennon.. well, he was no Ringo, but he did alright.
however, I won't lie, there is carny in my blood.

The flat sprite is cold

Not to bad of a start. I can still see straight. goooooo rum

good call! hot, flat sprite also sounds good, can't figure out why.

heheheh, nothin' like waiting for all this to blow over.

anyways, the music tonite's gonna be peppered with DDR thanks to some 30-year-old bullshit that haunts me this season, so let's get to it, mm?

Steel Reserve

The breakfast, lunch, and dinner of champions

It just feels weord that this guy poses everytime before he posts.
He types something out and then has to think about a fucking pose.
Pretty cringey


Whoa, Les Claypool really let himself go

AGREED! although not when you got work in the morning, hangovers with 211 either don't happen or happen with a vengeance.
I'll try and get more ergonomic with my choices. How's this, cock sock?

It's sad, really. Like a post on Sup Forums every other night for years in search for relatable minds to chat with type of sad. Shades confirm the hidden look in eyes that can't be revealed due to distance from himself.

nice try!
hey, I'll admit it needs a shave, but it's not THAT long yet

who are you and why did you say my name

The DDR shit isn't cool. But otherwise I like your style as I'm drunk as fuck


hey nickel
remember me?

Thats much better

I haven't seen you for a while. new Ip address?
reported you like I always do.

You seem like such an awesome guy to be around dude I hope you're doing well

thought I recognized op for a hot second, I was incorrect

Not yet, but that pic's got me a bit concerned as to where this is headed.
isn't it? I'll cap the crap for now, but it's comin' back later~

fuck off faggot

it's a mystery, I guess
me too!
hm.. that's not good

i'm assuming you are from usa, where abouts?

You smoke weed op?

Texas, home of BBQ sauce, oil, porches, beer and smokes~
not yet, but I'ma probably gonna in a year or so.

Whatcha drinkin

I'm the guy with the cat and the bathtub
remember :(

Nice. where from. I have a friend in Arlington and houston

211 Steelies, two more forties and a tallboy to go! you?
waaaait a minute, did you rig up some kinda machine or something in there? had like, a plunger and stuff and tape..?

Mckinney and Dallas mainly, Plano currently. Got about a month to find a place of my own though.

that was me
it was a tower made of bleach bottles, toliet paper, tissue boxes, soap computer case and a plunger

I'll make another one if you want

Unleash the genuis! just don't get no one hurt.
what's that fuzzers name?

do any other drugs?

cat's name is lil nigger

MY MAN!! Good to see you again!! Drinking some cheap ass Lambrusco wine, CHEERS!

Teaspoon of kratom with lemon juice. Water. Also smoking some freshly harvested Strawberry Kush. Feeling really good.

Been drinking too much booze, me and my buddy's throw this party after Thanksgiving called "Scumfuc's Thanksgiving" the weekend after normal Thanksgiving every year, and u drank way too much that night and did speed, so I'm giving my body a break from that stuff for an indefinite period of time. Sticking to natural stuff.

Anyways, how's your night going so far?

god, I miss those first three seasons..
and Tyler..
and Muscles Glasses.

anyways, I'm gonna probably give the less destructive hallucinogenics a shot, mushrooms, LSD.. once I make sure my prodigious imagination won't go berserk and roast my mind. Suggestions? I won't do DMT, those are for death only.


Shrooms and LSD are fine just have some benzos around incase you start having a bad trip. they weill fix it in about 15 minutes

it begins!
that's a cute 'lil nigger.
YURGH! hard cheaping, I love it

don't do speed or meth or any other hard drugs you'll end up like this burnout

I ran out of building materials :^(

Nickel will you write
"bathtub nigger" on your palm?

benzos, alright, good to know.
I took a shitload of reefer from my friends' vaporizer since I smoke cigarettes only, it all slammed into me at once and I was given 15 minutes of awareness 'til I came down.. 5 coming, 5 happening, 5 going.
I vaguely remember sweating bullets on his bed and watching Venture Bros 'til it wore off that nite, and I was like
"I'm going to get beers and smokes and a shitstorm of gas station sandwiches."

next song, current theme song of mine for a couple years now.


hope that's shampoo, not rabies foam~
sorry, gotta be amongst family in the morning.. but I tried my damndest!

don't drink then smoke. either do one or the other. smoking after you drink willl fuck your day up

Smoking before drinking however is great