Harvey Weinstein Loses EU Quota Requirements for 'War and Peace' Miniseries

>Harvey Weinstein was in Cannes today for the Cannes Lions Creativity Festival. The exec who has business dealings in the UK told me that he was “shocked” over Britain’s vote to leave the EU and predicted “discrimination” against some productions going forward. His War And Peace miniseries, made with the BBC, qualified as European and thus was able to meet Europe’s quota requirements. “It could be very costly in the movie and TV industry in terms of content branding,” he said.
>Further, Weinstein added, “This is not about economics, this is about immigration. They don’t want Muslims in the country. These guys who voted, voted out of fear. It’s a huge mistake.”
>“I’m hoping in 60 days the country wakes up and says ‘Can we have a do-over?’ You know, watching the stock market and Cameron coming back and saying, ‘These are the things that are happening; it will get worse. Let’s do it again.’”

Welp, at least he'll lose more money.


It was Poles

You know our system is fucked when someone who looks like that can rise to any position of importance

When you know someone who looks like that is banging someone who looks like her

gee, i wonder how a man like this got in such a position of power, its almost like there's a group of people just like him that control hollywood and prey on young starlets that are not part of that group

>having anything to do with power

>young starlets
They prey on boys. Hollywood is run by gay pedophiles

What about Roman Polanski, Woody Allen and Dan Schneider?

there is alot of that as well, i wonder if it will ever come to light

this douchebag is seen with a new girl every year wtf


But Weinstein is like, a super Jewish name, why would he be speaking favorably about Muslim immigration? I thought Muslims and Jews hated eachother...

It doesn't matter he'll always live in a gated community far away from the brown people.

Because he'll never have to fucking deal with it. Him and the other rich leftists stay up in their ivory towers while condemning people for not letting refugees flood the country.

have you ever visited the ADL ? or jewish periodical ?

they are massively in favor of extraordinary immigration in countries other than israel

Is this adaption of War & Peace actually good?

How shallow are you?

I thought it would after the whole Elijah Wood thing but he immediately backpedaled

of course, he doesnt want to be a martyr.

they would destroy his career and life, and also, its not like he has evidence he could provide the public other than his own testimony

But why? So he'll never experience the negative repercussions of immigration, but what are the positive outcomes he's looking for?

He looks like a hideous monster


what quota? To shove in as many muslims and black characters in a show where they didn't exist?

wow lorde is so fcking hot (in a weird alien way)

UK still part of the EU

Yeah, she's weird. In like 90% of the time she's strange and then in some others she looks hot.

>Sleazy fat kike pedophile
>Enables pedoprophet-worshipping Rapefugees

Kikes and Mudslimes may be blood enemies but they bond on raping kids.

Massive immigration of muslims to Europe leads to the unique national cultures of Europe becoming less important so that It'll be easier for the elites to pass through some multinational undemocratic travesty like the EU. Plus third-worlders always vote as the elites want them to.
Also culture and identity will diseappear in the the gray multiculti wasteland, as people have nothing but their jobs and their consuming to care about anymore, this will allow for greater gain for easier monetary gain through a consumer culture, and easier political control of people.
Third world immigration will also lead to an extreme amount of crime and terrorism, which will make it easier for the elites to push through the measures that will bring about an orwellian surveillance state.
The elites want to push millions of savages into europe, and watch the regular people burn just for their own gain.

>Another Semite has the desire to violate quintessential Russian works of art

It seems that they still haven't forgiven the Russians for destroying the Khazar Empire in the 10th century.

>But Weinstein is like, a super Jewish name, why would he be speaking favorably about Muslim immigration?

Because Jews will do anything to dilute and weaken the majority of the population of the countries they infect in order to give themselves a greater advantage.

By supporting minorities, they support themselves, because THEY are a fucking minority in every country they infect, except Israel.

Look at how the U.S. media regularly demonizes the white majority, and has infiltrated "higher education" and literally brainwashed THOUSANDS of dumb ass white kids to hate themselves and their own culture. Who do you think is responsible for that, and why do you think they did it?

Jews are a plague on western cultures. Always have been, and always will be, and that's why they've been rightfully demonized, eventually, by every western culture that's been infected by them.

Don't forget Lena Dunham

>tfw i'm no longer able to NOT masturbate to that dress



You sound like a white trash loser. Jews essentially created western civilization. White societies with a ruling jewish elite are the most prosperous. Yes jews have ruled you for centuries and they have civilized you as well

Rare red dress pic

>Jews essentially created western civilization
Bullshit. All they did was run the business forbidden by Christianity like banking

My guess is she never took that coat off the whole evening just like the time he paraded Watson around.

he's a big kike


Maybe he can make American movies again

Fucking jews man

Do you just sit on Sup Forums all day and post these? How big is your folder thus far?

bretty much this

He's an integral part of Sup Forums culture.

>Vote my way or you goyims wont get your shows

Lorde actually looks kinda hot here wtf

scholomo detected

>why would you criticize Jewish power goy?

>Dan Schneider
Can we stop this meme already?

To make the white race extinct.

All jews are sick in the head.


its the little statements. i wouldnt have noticed due to my poor socialization

I worked in close quarters to harvey AMA

is he as creepy and disgusting as he seems in all these pics

Wonder how feminist she was when harvey pissed in her mouth while she had to shout IM A FILTHY SLAG WHORE GOY SCHICKSE

muslims will destroy western civilization, the biggest enemy to Jewish occupation of America and Europe.

Jews don't see that far ahead. They're fantastic at adapting to situations on the fly but ask one to plan even a year in advance and you'll get blank stares.
The way multiculti socialist Jews see it, if they import thirdworlders that's more people who would get removed instead of them because let's be honest, would you genocide jews if muslims are *right there*?
The idea that muslims could conquer or even irreversibly change western society in the long term doesn't occur to them.

During WW2 Germans, Italians and Japanese migrated to Brazil and we didn't lose our culture (after-portuguese colonization) nor identity (Our true culture was wiped by the portugueses). Those ethnicities (Italians, germans, etc) suffered the same problems that muslims are suffering now, many of the brazilians thought that these groups were nazis or fascists and our president at the time closed the borders. Some nazis even built some concentration camps here, that doesn't mean all germans, italians, japanese were nazis/fascists. There's nothing to prove that 3rd-worlders vote for what the elites want them to, they lived in dictatorships for a long time and they're trying to have their democracies but it's really hard when you live in a stratificated society. Terrorism only happens due to USA's and Europe's intervention in Middle East and Imperialism Neo-Colonialism. And btw, my dad got his PhD in England and he always said that there were a lot of Middle-Easterns/Indians in colleges.
Your bias towards middle-easterns is stupid, it means you know nothing about history

Hot desu

Germans , Italians, and Japanese do not have the birth rate of Muslim "immigrants".

He is, he is a HUGE jerk to almost everybody, he almost slapped a guy because his coffee was cold once, and he has a conviniently big couch in his office that always needs cleaning

did he bang emma

Most of the time it was random sluts that were in town or that were looking for a role , caught him in the screening room watching 50 shades of gray with 3 escorts once

figured since they are littered around hollywood

Poor Mr Weinsteinberg.

>This is not about economics, this is about immigration. They don’t want Muslims in the country. These guys who voted, voted out of fear. It’s a huge mistake.

for you

>not wanting huge amounts of poor shits in your country that refuse to adapt and blend in and want laws changed for them

Multiculturalism is not the problem. It's the people's coming in refusal to be multicultural that is the problem.

Scarlett in that red dress will never not make me hhhhnnnnnnnnggggggggg


Ancient Greece, and the Romans pretty much created western civ, not Jews.
Jews simply move from one secure culture to another, exploiting it for their own personal gain. They're a lot like gypsies, beholden to their own while thumbing their Jew noses at everyone else.

Multiculturalism is a problem with separate distinct ethnic groups are involved.

Multiculturalism is just an excuse to demonize the majority culture.

I don't give a fuck about this thread but what was scarjo's last movie before breast reduction tnx

>Jews essentially created western civilization
lol try to be more subtle next time.